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About lil'devil

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  1. On Steam both mission packs are sold separately.
  2. I, personally, enjoyed Dissolution of Eternity as much as Scourge of Armagon, so i think it's worth getting.
  3. lil'devil

    Doomworld Mega Project 2016 (v2 is on /idgames)

    Thank you, i'll watch that as soon as i get home. Well, i've decided that i will update the map again. I think i should make a more climactic ending to the map (some sort of epic arena battle), and rework certain areas a bit lot (SSG secret in particular) and, of course, implement skill levels. I hope you people are not tired of playtesting my map over and over again (i, honestly, am tired a bit). :)
  4. lil'devil

    Doomworld Mega Project 2016 (v2 is on /idgames)

    Thanks for testing! I've fixed the door bug and marked SSG entrance lines 1-sided. Here's the bugfixed version (i also updated the original post so that people won't download the bugged version): https://www.dropbox.com/s/axvuhoqt5r1lodr/lildevil2.wad?dl=0 As for the rest, maybe i'll have enough time to fix the balance and improve the map further, we'll see..
  5. lil'devil

    Doomworld Mega Project 2016 (v2 is on /idgames)

    Here's an updated version of my map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/axvuhoqt5r1lodr/lildevil2.wad?dl=0 (the map is still Vanilla, and the total building time is now 21 days, if that's important). Here's a sort of changelog: 1) The map is now more difficult: the amount of monsters increased, concentration of sergeants and chaingunners is now higher, more traps were added. 2) I also expanded the map a bit, added more locations, as well as more secrets. 3) SSG introduced to the map, but it's very well hidden. (Un)fortunately, once you find it, the rest of the map will be much easier, so it can be a game breaker. Berserk pack is also a secret-only weapon now. 4) Fixed minor bugs from previous version, removed useless monsters, changed keycard/switch puzzles a little bit. One 'bug' remained: you still can't get 100% kills in this map (if you make it to the end you'll see why:) ). There's one drawback though: in this version all skill levels are the same. I just didn't bother balancing them all, too difficult and boring for me. Maybe i will release another update to the map in future, with skill levels implement and stuff, but unfortunately, this is unlikely, because i'm afraid soon i will be removed from the Internet (real life stuff really gets in the way), so this maybe is the last version. Also it would be cool if someone recorded a FDA or something, i just want to see how others play it. :)
  6. lil'devil

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    I really like that sky, FragMan!
  7. lil'devil

    What's your favourite texture?

    Why do you like green so much, bzzrak? Green is not a creative color!
  8. lil'devil

    Site and/or forum bugs or things not working

    It seems that i can only create one new thread per day. Does this limit apply to everyone or only to new members?
  9. (note: this thread is meant to be serious, so don't just mindlessly say "FIREBLU! FIREBLU!") My favourite texture is TEKGREN2 and it's varieties. It's quite cool-looking, clean and isn't as dark as most other metal textures. Ideal for a cool futuristic lab or something like that.
  10. lil'devil

    Did you see the new MS Paint?

    I don't think i'll ever start using something other than paint.net for image editing. I just got used to it so much. Though, i do rarely use Gimp 2 for stuff that paint.net can't do.
  11. lil'devil

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Just realised that lost soul's thing size is 32x56, same as player's. Why couldn't the devs give it smaller, more appropriate size? The problem is that you can't put it in a small alcove (with 32x32x32 size, for example) without it getting stuck. :(
  12. lil'devil

    favorite movie monster?

    Monsters from The Thing look really scary snd cool. Never watched it, but i'm tempted to.
  13. lil'devil

    Favorite DOOM II map?

    You mean Map 33: Betray from the Xbox version? I haven't played it, but i've heard this map, along with another Xbox exclusive E1M10: Sewers, are not really good, but i dunno..
  14. lil'devil

    Things that bother you about Doom

    It always bothered me that monsters don't get hurt by damaging floors.. It's ok that demons don't get hurt by lava, because they're hellspawn after all, but then why zombies don't get hurt by lava? They're still humans, just possessed. And why do no monsters get hurt by the toxic slime? I mean they're made of flesh, c'mon, even doomguy, who's in armor, gets hurt by it.