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Everything posted by MinerOfWorlds

  1. MinerOfWorlds

    Is Boom good?

    I hear allot of people use boom but whats good about it?
  2. Here's a new Version of Terror Core: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7u5z7kdmmr0emdi/MinerOfWorlds-TerrorCore-v4.zip
  3. MinerOfWorlds

    [v1.5] Doom 64: Retribution

    In map01 the door that opens when you get the chainsaw has a moving floor. (i don't know if it was in the original so if it was i guess you could leave it)
  4. MinerOfWorlds

    Free map requests!

    I want a ed hunter map.
  5. MinerOfWorlds

    [v1.5] Doom 64: Retribution

    Is the running speed faster than what it is in doom 64? it feels odd.
  6. MinerOfWorlds

    [v1.5] Doom 64: Retribution

    If MaxED didn't make gzdoom builder then someone else would have (and whoever made gzdoom should of added doom 64 lighting a long time ago).
  7. MinerOfWorlds

    How do I make a map with 3 different skyboxes?

    Just make three skybox areas or if you want all skies to change you can use change texture or (i think zdoom can do this) change the tags of the sectors you want the sky.
  8. Small update: i fixed a few stuff. http://www.mediafire.com/file/jycdyrh8tk01t8h/MAP11.zip
  9. MinerOfWorlds

    Nukage Splash Trims

    The only one that i know of that looks good is number 2.
  10. MinerOfWorlds

    [v1.5] Doom 64: Retribution

    Gzdoom64/zdoom64 and brutal doom 64 changed a lot of the game (like the end of the last tech base level) so doom 64 retribution is much more accurate and the new stuff can be turned off.
  11. MinerOfWorlds

    [v1.5] Doom 64: Retribution

    Gzdoom 64 and brutal doom 64 are very inaccurate and he has said that doom 64 ex doesn't run well on his computer. What doom 64 retribution does is allow people to mod doom 64. It will be more accurate later on.
  12. MinerOfWorlds

    GZDB plugin: 3D floor mode

    Is this sill active?
  13. MinerOfWorlds

    Is freedoom still being worked on?

    It was last updated in 2015 are they still working on it?
  14. MinerOfWorlds

    Look up to the skies and see...

    Gzdoom does have that but you have to turn it on.
  15. MinerOfWorlds

    Look up to the skies and see...

    In a way heretic and hexen had free look and (i think) were on the same engine as doom. I play doom with free look in gzdoom.
  16. MinerOfWorlds

    GZDB Selecting issue

    Do you mean shift + lmb? it should work i don't know.
  17. I updated terror core:http://www.mediafire.com/file/n44qiwhkrwxxwax/MAP11.zip it works in vanilla doom now.
  18. I found a problem in terror core in chocorenderlimits it crashes with the error " P_AddActivePlat: no more plats!" but all platforms are needed so i can't delete any.
  19. MinerOfWorlds

    ChocoRenderLimits Thread

    I guess i got the wrong file then because there was no .exe to run anyway i got it working thanks.
  20. MinerOfWorlds

    ChocoRenderLimits Thread

    Sorry for the bump but how do i setup ChocoRenderLimits?
  21. MinerOfWorlds

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    You can use ANIMDEFS or ANIMATED.
  22. MinerOfWorlds

    When will windowed borderless come to GZDoom/QZDoom?

    How would it be useful?
  23. MinerOfWorlds

    Post your Doom textures!

    Two gate flats:
  24. MinerOfWorlds

    4:3 or 16:9? With or without the status bar?

    I play gzdoom in 16:9 with no status bar and in prboom-plus i use 4:3 (for both the screen and status bar) with the status bar.