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About Kor

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  1. I use the Run app that comes with Windows. Been doing it for decades. Before that I used the command line, of course. Back in those days I used batch files for the process of building nodes/running a level I was working on.
  2. My lowest quality wad, at least as I feel, is The Invasion. That's not to say it's horrible, but my skills in level making did improve. Anyway, ironically, that's the one that has gotten the most attention (On Doomworld's beta download area, it has like three times as many downloads as anything else I've done). When I released it in the 90s, I got all kinds of positive feedback on it. But as my work improved in quality, I got less feedback. The article on Invasion on Doomwiki says it has a unique atmosphere, which may be why it got so much attention compared to my other stuff. While I appreciate that, I wish my later work got more attention.
  3. It certainly has replay value so I'll play through rc2 when it's ready. And pay no attention to the nitpicky comment I made about aesthetics.
  4. Ah okay. I kind of suspected that when I made my post. I"m thinking maybe there should be something up there for lower level players? Like a power-up or a weapon? Just so the player knows there was a reason to go up there. I got up there and saw there was nothing and was like, okay, did I miss something? EDIT: I just searched for it in DoomBuilder. Hah. It's on the way to the platform. I missed it completely.
  5. I"m on map 30 now. Maybe some one already mentioned this, but there's a problem. The red skull is only available on the Hard skill levels. I'm impressed with how epic the scenery in the last several levels is. Good job:)
  6. I remember your Curse of Blood project from back when we talked on ICQ. I've played up to level 5. Good stuff. I've played the earlier version of COB, that was good too. And I remember the texture wad I sent you which contained some Vengeance 2 textures. Good to see them being used, especially the ones I made :).
  7. Kor

    The Doom movie wasn't bad

    I thought the movie was okay, though I watched in back in like 2006. My problem with it was that it didn't stick to what Doom is. Doom is about stopping an invasion from hell. As I remember, instead they made up some drug or something that activates a person's psychopathic gene and turns them into demons. And it didn't even have all the demons. I remember The Rock said it'd have all the demons in the game.
  8. Some Doom 2 wads I replay Anomaly Report Bloodrust Bloodstain Coffee Break Darkening Episode 1 Darkening Episode 2 Doomcore Endpoint Flashback to Hell Hadephobia Hellbound Icarus Jenesis Momento Mori 2 Requiem Reverie Revolution! And more that I can't remember off the top of my head because I typed this on my cell phone, not my computer.
  9. I'm with you, E3 is the worst episode of the game. It's okay up to E3M4, but after that I think the levels just aren't that great. I play through it every time I play Ultimate Doom (which is currently, and ironically I just started Inferno) because I'm somewhat of a completionist when it comes to these games, but I don't like it nearly as much as the other three episodes. And I can't think of any redeeming qualities it has over the other episodes, though I do like E3M3. And I know people are giving kudos to E3M6, but I think it's one of the worst levels in the game. As you say, it's obtuse. I used to dislike episode 2 as well. Like Inferno, it's just so ugly (except for E2M7), but I've developed an appreciation for it over the years.
  10. Kor

    What are you listening to?

    The main things I listen to are music from the Mass Effect trilogy and the Elder Scrolls games, Mark Klem stuff from the 90s (he released CDs back in the day on Mp3.com, and I bought them, though they've been ruined over the years. Thankfully most of his stuff has been on various of my computers), and the band Metric and other various artists.
  11. While there are no specific media that influence my maps overall, I will say that Invasion 1 episode 4 is heavily influenced by Star Trek, as it takes place on a starship. There are transporter rooms and sickbays. The command center seen in E4M8 is heavily influenced by Trek. And an area of E4M1 was inspired by the Stellar Cartography room seen in Star Trek Generations. E4M2 got its theme from the Jeffries tubes on any Star Trek starship.
  12. Like many seem to be saying, yes, Doom 1 wads are still enjoyable. I play Doom 2 megawads more often, but I have plenty if Doom 1 megawads, and smaller wads, that I still play.
  13. I remember when Quake came out, I thought Doom would be forgotten. And I certainly didn't think people would be playing Doom 30 years after its release. I didn't even think I'd be doing that. I underestimated the game's appeal. And here's another misconception I had. I thought that aliens were taking over the Phobos base when I first played Doom. I was a naive 13 year old when I really got into it (starting with shareware), and without a religious background, I had very little knowledge of the mythology represented in Doom. As I got to know the game better, I figured out it was the forces of hell invading, not space aliens. And yet another one comes to mind. When I first played Doom as a 12 year old, the episode 1 sky made me think the game took place in South America, not a moon of Mars.
  14. Wolf3d was the first violent video game I played. I believe it was 1992. I was 10 and I played it on the family computer, a 386. But it was just the shareware version (wasn't until 96 that I got the full version). My mom got it from one of her coworkers. We didn't know what kind if game it was. We didn't even know it was 3d. When I saw that it was, I was really impressed by it and got really into it. I had never seen a 3d game before. And I remember this kid next door would come over just to play it.
  15. Kor

    Door Design Discussion

    My doors these days are eight units in, 16 units thick. Since I use GZDoom, sometimes I make each side of the door frame have sloped ceilings, making them look kinda arched. The texture I use in tekbase levels is always doortrak, in hell/midieval levels I try to use a rustic metal texture. For the underside, the texture varies based on the texture of the door. And the textures at the sides of the door frames tends to vary. Sometimes I use a transition texture, other times the texture matches that of the wall the door is in. On a side note, walls between close rooms are almost always 32 units thick, no matter the environment. I do this because it looks nice on the automap. I've been doing it for decades.