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Everything posted by Kor

  1. Kor

    which monster do you hate the most?

    Lost souls are my least favorite, mainly when there are a lot of them. But I really don't have much problem with any doom enemy.
  2. Kor

    Is using SAVES in Doom bad?

    I save my game plenty. And I dont think it really matters. You feel you should? Go for it. No? Then don't. But either way it is built into the game to easily do.
  3. Maybe you caught this, but when I defeat the bosses in E4M8, nothing happens. I checked it in DoomBuilder, and you have sectors tagged 666/667, but they aren't opening. I checked in RC2, and got the same thing. This was a good set of levels. I'll have to play it again sometime.
  4. Kor

    How is your control (keys+mouse) setup?

    W - Walk forward S - Walk backward A - Left strafe D - Right strage E - Jump (GZDoom) C - Crouch (GZDoom) Left mouse button - Shoot Right mouse button - Activate switches and doors Mouse - turn/look around. I got into the habit of using these controls because back in 2002 I purchased Morrowind, and it was the first game I had played that the WSAD keys set that way as default. Before then I used the old set up of arrow keys and the control and space keys. I don't know how I managed.
  5. I'm on E4M2 now. Episode 2 I remember a fair amount of, but only one level of episode 3 (E3M4) do I recognize. Were it and E4M2 it in ADO? I didn't realize you were a part of that.
  6. Kor

    what was the firsrt doom game you played

    Shareware Doom in 1995. I was in awe of it. I thought it looked so incredibly real. Now? Not so much. Then I played The Ultimate Doom at the end of that year, then Doom 2 in 96 and Final Doom, also in 96. Played Doom 3 in 05, but only once. It's just not that great of a game to me. Haven't even tried Doom 2016 or Doom Eternal. I'm old school like that.
  7. I've played all of Episode 1 so far. Pretty good. I like how your stuff isn't insanely difficult like so much of what is out there these days. I played CH Retro Episode long before I returned to the Doom community and liked it, and replay it from time to time. So I liked that at least some of those levels are in this. Though other levels I don't recognize, like E1M1, E1M2 and E1M8. Anyway I shall continue playing, and I imagine I'll see more levels I'll recognize. And so far, I don't see any problems with this.
  8. Kor

    Xenobase (Doom 2 Limit Removing)

    Good map.. fast-paced but not overly hard.
  9. Kor

    Tnt: evilution vs Icarus: alien vanguard?

    I looked up the date in the archives after I posted that. I was a teenager, and my family wasn't even on the Internet when it was released. I was into making Doom levels at that point, but, no Internet and thus no knowledge of TeamTNT.
  10. Kor

    Tnt: evilution vs Icarus: alien vanguard?

    I voted for Icarus (in fact I'm currently playing it again). But the truth is I enjoy them both about equally. I was really impressed with TNT when I first played it, but Icarus was one of the first full megawads I played that wasn't commercial (first played it in the fall of '96, if I recall correctly), so I'm partial to it. As a side note, back when I was on TeamTNT, Ty Halderman once told me that they weren't made in the order they were released, though I don't remember which came out first.
  11. Kor

    Stronghold [single map, vanilla]

    Replayed the new version. Looks better. And I like how you moved the shotgun. First time I played it I didn't see it down there in the very corner until I returned to the area after combating every enemy I came across with the chainsaw. I guess it kind of blended in with the texturing.
  12. Kor

    Stronghold [single map, vanilla]

    Pretty good level. Sounds like you meant for it to be monotextured, but I think it could use some more variety in the textures used.
  13. Just finished playing it. I played the first 20 levels a while ago and was looking forward to the full megawad. Pretty good recreation of TNT. As a plus, I enjoyed the recreations of what I consider to be the worst levels in the game.
  14. I'd say aesthetics are fairly important. It's the reason that Central Processing, Administration Center and Mount Pain are my least favorite levels in Final Doom. But there are other things, like the flow of a level, how easy it is to navigate and how they play. So I can usually forgive a level if it has those three things going for it but poor aesthetics.
  15. Kor

    What were the first Pwads you've ever played amd completed?

    I don't recall the first pwads I completed. I got D!Zone a couple weeks after getting Ultimate Doom. I loaded up the wads via the launcher program that was on the D!Zone CD. It was my first time playing pwads but I never paid attention to the names of the files I was loading. In fact I didn't even realize they were made by players of the game and not Id.
  16. I've changed gears and have been working on a new project. When I announced my return to the community, someone suggested I remaster Invasion. I entertained the idea for some time. Now since some of Invasion's levels were modified for an earlier version Vengeance 2 and I decided to take them out of that project, I decided to finally take those updated levels and start working on a remaster of Invasion. The story still has to do with Aldorian species, but the forces of hell are involved, which was something I didn't do for the original.


    Levels from the first two episodes have been combined. As for the levels from the third episode, many of them will be included as well, along with levels from Vengeance 2. The original episode 4 will probably be scrapped, as it is probably the most uninteresting of all the levels. When I was working on Ultimate Invasion, I recreated episode 4. I'll probably put those unreleased levels in there.


    The resource wad I'm using is Vengeance 2's. I'd use Ultimate Invasion's, but Vengeance 2 textures have a much more consistent quality. Plus UI's texture wad doesn't work in GZDoom because of how some of the textures and flats are named (a lot of them have the same names, and I don't want to sift through finding all of them. This wasn't a problem until ZDoom allowed for flats to be used on walls and wall textures to be used as flats). This also means that the new enemies I put in for Vengeance 2 will be in this remaster.


    Invasion was my pet project for four years back in the 90s. It feels good working on it again. Ive been doing this for three or four months, but have kept quiet about it because I don't know if I'll get it done.

  17. Kor

    I C H I N I C H I (32-map megawad)

    Finished playing it today. Was pretty good. And it's the first recent 32-map megawad I've completed in sometime. So extra points there.
  18. Kor

    TNT or Plutonia?

    I voted TNT, but it's actually hard to say. I find that TNT has more interesting level design, even if it is a bit uglier than Plutonia. Gameplay wise, I pretty much enjoy them both equally.
  19. Kor

    TNT or Plutonia?

    I may be remembering incorrectly, but back when I was a member of TeamTNT, Ty Halderman told me that Id wanted to publish with them because they needed money while they were working on Quake.
  20. Kor

    How did people map in the 90s

    Yeah, that's how DETH worked. Insert the vertices, then linedefs, then a sector. I think it had a way to automatically make sectors with a certain shape, but first inserting the vertices in the shape you wanted was the primary way to do it. It was tedious at first, but I got used to it and eventually made just about all new sectors that way. The first reason I switched to it because DoomEd, even the later version, didn't like it when a level got too big and would assign an unknown texture to one of the sidedefs, thus causing Doom to crash upon loading the level. That's why most of the maps in the first Invasion are small, compared to what a lot are in Invasion 2. I don't recall having a lot of problems with editors crashing, though on a couple of occasions my wad file would get completely screwed up and I"d lose a ton of work. One time a wad file containing six or seven maps got corrupted by DoomEd, and I lost months of work. After that I learned the importance of making each wad file have only one map, and then combine them into a new wad file when finished. I also did a Heretic level once that got screwed up and I couldn't even open it in an editor anymore. And building nodes on a map. I remember how long that could take if the level was big. Now Doombuilder does it in like a second. These kids today, they don't know how easy they have it. :D
  21. Kor

    How did people map in the 90s

    I used DoomEd, starting at the end of 1995, which came on a shovelware CD (D!Zone). The version was pretty early, and it kept finding problems with my maps that I didn't know how to fix and didn't even know I was making. Then we got another shovelware CD, which came with a thick book on Doom editing (Tricks of the Doom Gurus) and it came with a later version of DoomEd. With that, I was able to make levels with out that problem showing up. Over the years, as my eiditing skills advanced, I came to see DoomEd as limited in what it could do, so I switched to DETH (Doom Editor for Total Headcases) in like 97. It was a lot more complicated, but it gave me a lot more control. But as Chris Hansen said, no editors had the 3d editing feature. Hell, the first version of DoomEd I used didn't even let you see what the textures you were selecting in the sidedef editing window looked like. You had to see what the textures looked like in another part of the program, and then remember their names. Other editors were DCK (Doom Construction Kit), DEU (Doom Editing Utility) EdMap, WadEd (which I used one time), WadAuthor. Most of these editors were for DOS. WadAuthor and DoomEd were for Windows.
  22. Kor

    How Do You Name Your Game Saves?

    I name them by the file name of the wad/pk3/zip I'm playing. That way I don't forget them and can easily associate file names and the screenshots.
  23. Kor

    Crosswalk (1 level)

    Ah okay. I activated them as I got each key instead of one right after the other and I happened to do it in just the right order, so I didn't even think of that.
  24. Kor

    Crosswalk (1 level)

    Good level for a beginner. My only problem is the switches that raise the walkway to the exit can be activated more than once. There doesn't seem to be any reason for this. While it doesn't really matter in this particular level, it's a good idea to not make switches able to be activated more than once if it's not necessary. If the level is large and complex, it can confuse the player if the level is complex. It can make them wonder, did I already flip that switch? What did it do? I used to do this in my old levels (from the 90s) but no longer do.
  25. Pretty good stuff. I don't really have any major complaints about it. Keep it up.