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Everything posted by Phade102

  1. I think its stupid. Master represents the primary, and slave represents the secondary/tertiary and beyond. Theres nothing wrong with it, they arent living things.
  2. Phade102

    Share Your Jokes

    Thats not funny. Not funny at all, and extremely bad taste. dont disrespect the dead.
  3. Phade102


    Yes. I hold nothing against joel, but a contest like this should not be held again unless there is a team of people ready to commit to it.
  4. It sounds like to me that you're trying to make a wolfenstein 3d map in doom. why dont you stick to wolfenstein 3d? you have talent in those sort of levels.
  5. Phade102


    This is sadly true, and false at the same time. Joel is very capable of keeping to this commitment, but the problem is that if somone starts a contest, there shouldn't be 'breaks' in between. Dont stream other stuff, because ultimately the contest should come first. thats my major issue with vinesauce, its the fact that joel only streams it when he feels like it. Also, a lot of maps are being left to last because of their filesize, and thats just silly. it sounds like people are playing favourites, like 'if i played your map first, it has no chance' I just dont get it really. all in all the contest has been handled very poorly, though if Joel is dealing with RL stuff then theres no way anyone has a right to judge him for that.
  6. Phade102

    Doom Slayer Chronicles

    I dont think you really understand the implications here. You really dont. At this point, you would almost need to completely restart the project in order to recover it from this mess. You shouldn't even think about a new project before you address the obvious concerns on this one. Your project is full of bugs, glitches and for some people is completely unplayable. If this is a 'satisfactory' result to you then your future projects will suffer just as much, if not more than this one because you'll get more ambitious and make more mistakes.
  7. Phade102

    Doom Slayer Chronicles

    I was going to download it. but after seeing Jimmys review, i've realized that this is a case of a new mapper, thinking he can make something nice because hes probably mapped for doom 2016 and snapmap. Fact is, if you put all the effort into graphics, then make a wave based shooter that is frankly so full of bugs its unplayable, its clear you dont konw how to map for doom.
  8. I support him. I dont support you, you're a scammer, and your trying to kill us with kindness pretending to be interested when you're secretly laughing your ass off because you managed to get poeple to fall for your con.
  9. Im just gonna be blunt here. @Pan your mapping skills are quite frankly atrocious. You make terrible maps, with no real skill or thought put into item placement, difficulty, or balance. You know for a fact the map is incredibly laggy, and thats one of the reasons you do all these terrible design quirks. The thing is, you KNOW this. That is why you do these stupid 'competitions' where you offer people money to beat your map, because you know that they probably cant under any sort of reasonable rules. And THEN when someone BEATS your map, you cop out on the reward. Because quite frankly, you're a scammer. you never intended on giving the reward out, you made the map so insanely hard because you were confident nobody could beat it, because I doubt even YOU could have beaten it. You sir are a scammer, and an all around terrible person. Either give the 150 to the winner, or change your thread title, because by now everyone knows what type of person you are, and they dont trust you anymore and never will. I also know there wont be another blighted moonbase, especially because now you've proven that through this thread, you want nothing more than attention for your maps. People now know you wont give money to the winner, which means that your map isn't worth playing. Which means your map is just another one of the piece of crap maps that people make for attention, that dont get a second glance. I'm sorry about the harshness of this post, but Pan needs to realize that bribing people for attention isn't the way to go. make a decent map. If you like wolfensteins style of mapping, go map for wolfenstein.
  10. its an extra step that a lot of people simply wont listen to sadly. People will put the textures into their projects, especially pk3's because they sort of need to be in there. Its a sad situation, but if that is the decision you are making Ukiro, its 100% your choice
  11. Phade102

    Doom Slayer Chronicles

    Sadly this is a case of someone who went for amazing looking graphics without thinking about the actual gameplay. If I wanted to play doom 2016 i'd go play it (It still looks better than this due to the engine) and if I wanted an arena based game, i'd stick to serious sam. As a mapper, you may want graphics to be everything, but for the people that play your 'artistic masterpiece' they want more gameplay. Sadly, yours is repetitive with the only benefit being to look at the detailed levels, which isn't what I play doom for.
  12. These textures are definitely going to be a major resource for me. I cant wait.
  13. Phade102

    Beyond Hell

    I've never seen a more pathetic, yet successful attempt to garner attention and views. OP you're abolutely pitiful.
  14. Phade102

    DOOM Eternal Gameplay Reveal Impressions

    I thought it was fantastic. one thing I hated about doom 2016 was how it felt like every battle was in an arena. you couldn't escape until all the monsters died, and it felt like the entire map was built around it. In this one, you walk into the area, the monsters are there, in the middle of a firefight, waging their own little war and you interupt. the demons aren't WAITING for you, they have their own things to do. To me, it felt so much like the original doom. The levels felt alive, not empty until you crossed a certain line to trigger the next encounter. in this, you have to be ready around every corner. It doesnt look like rooms will be empty, there will always be something there. And the enviroments! Earth looks fantastic, including the hellish areas. The gothic realm looked absolutely absurd in a marvelous way. it looked so unique, nothing like we'd ever seen in doom. and PHOBOS. The fact they're doing phobos proves that they know what people want. People want to be able to play this game, and have memories of the original doom. this game looks like its going to do that. 10/10
  15. Just wanted to add this screenshot quickly to let you all know this is still very actively being worked on. this is a screenshot from one of the maps i'm making.
  16. Phade102

    Your pet peeves for what people do in doom

    No, you're just shitting on people in general, thinking that because you can post here that you are infinitely more superior. Its....a bit funny and a bit pathetic. Do you actually come to doomworld to contribute? Or is this just an alt account that you're using to hide the fact that you're arrogant as hell?
  17. Phade102

    Repeatable walk triggers

    Hey, its alright! The fact you figured it out without any help proves that you're learning. we all make oops mistakes like this haha, let people know if you need more help.
  18. Phade102

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    This is like....like...the spirit world....on crack.....I'm in love.
  19. Phade102

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Definitely getting some really good vanilia doom vibes from this! nice job!
  20. I'm surprised at just how....disrespectful your post is. its absolutely disgusting. a man died, and your response is 'whatever'? Have a freaking heart.
  21. Phade102

    Mappers who also make their own textures

    BigBrik games, who made the adventures of square make their own textures i'd say.
  22. I'm surprised nobody has recommended skulldash.
  23. Phade102

    DOOM: Annihilation - the new Doom movie

    Lets face facts there. Theres no way it can be worse than the first one.
  24. this isn't 'quality' sadly, its a bunch of slaughter maps where you literally just get the strongest weapon and mindlessly blast through enemies. Plus, the fact the author put blatant hentai in one of his maps shows that this wasnt really a serious project of his.