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About DiaBomb

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  1. Haven't heard of it. But looks like what I'm looking for, thanks
  2. I have a substantial set up for doom on both my phone and steam deck. But I never really found anything good to play on them. So here I'm asking for recommendations that fit these criteria: Easy to normal difficulty (I may be good when playing with M&KB but certainly not with a game pad let alone a touch screen. So with maps like Slaughter maps, I'd probably have a bad time.) Easy on the hardware (Mostly to conserve battery on longer trips, but also my phone ain't that powerful anyway) Small maps (Big maps may take a long time to beat. Not really suitable for short trips) Required source port doesn't matter (My phone and steam deck set up can run pretty much all the major source ports) Doesn't have to just be doom (Technically, I can also run mods for quake and build engine games) Thanks in advance for your recommendations!
  3. DiaBomb

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    I finally got internet again so I looked through Icarus's videos and found it. It was Disjunction
  4. DiaBomb

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    I recently remembered a map I played some time ago. Despite me keeping most of the stuff I download, I did not find it again. Here are something I remember about it: It was for Doom 2, but I'm not sure if it's vanilla, boom, etc. The color pallet of the map was mostly brown and orange It first was a warehouse and later going around a big cliff I don't remember if it was a single map or a mega wad I think I've seen Mr Icarus play it for a mod showcase at some point It used a mixture of Doom textures and custom textures, at least I think Judging by Icarus playing it, it was probably a popular map Shouldn't be too hard to identify, right?
  5. DiaBomb

    Doom Pictures Thread 2021

    Nice! Don't see a lot of Doom3 content here
  6. DiaBomb

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    2005 internet in a nutshell
  7. DiaBomb

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    A pony, but someone turned the edginess grayscale to 11
  8. DiaBomb

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Those are some killing grooves
  9. DiaBomb

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Generic arcade fighter character portrait #0451
  10. DiaBomb

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Would you please stop licking your lips for one second? The outer part of the background is the Asexual flag and the inner one is my old background. I made the background myself.
  11. DiaBomb

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    For a second there I thought this was that scene from The Shining.
  12. DiaBomb

    Doom Pictures Thread 2020

    Been working on something the last couple of days.
  13. DiaBomb

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    You probably could be the Santa from that popular Christmas Wad that I didn't forget the name of