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About marianor31

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    New Member
  1. marianor31

    more than 4 LAN players with doom95???

    Perdon pero me exprece mal, las 5 personas pertencemos a la misma LAN, conectados por un hub, lo que pasa que el unico que tiene acceso a Internet soy yo... Como hago para configurar el zdaemon?? IN ENGLISH: We are all in the same LAN, connected througth a HUB, the only diference between me and them is that I have access to Internet. How can I do to configure zdaemon??
  2. Hi!, my name is Mariano and I'm having a problem tryinng to play multiplayer game in my LAN. My problem is that I want to play with 4 other guys in my LAN, but DOOM95 launcher has a limit of 4 players...:-( Since my PCs are windows2000 the only way to play a NET game is using TCP/IP, I don't know why, but IPX seems to have problems with the OS. I've been looking in the web and I found ZDOOM, but in the help files says it must be installed in c:\doom2, and in my case that's not possible, because I am at work... Althouth this I tried to use zserv and zlauncher, for me it worked fine, but the other guys I want to play with don't have Internet access, so they can't see zdoom server... I hope you can give a hand with this problem.... Thanks!! Mariano