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Summer Deep

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Everything posted by Summer Deep

  1. Summer Deep


    I've given this an 80% rating, which I think is fair enough considering the era in which it was made. You have to break into a large fortress and collect three keys to get to the rather bizarre exit room. It's largely routine stuff, but the stakes are raised towards the end with the appearance of a Mastermind, a Cyberdemon and a few Archviles. As another reviewer has said, there are plenty of powerups, so you shouldn't have too many problems with this, and there don't seem to be any skill levels implemented.
  2. Summer Deep

    Thirty Years with Doom - now on idgames

    Just about to start this. Will it work properly with ZDoom? Showing a lot of 'script errors' on the loading screen.
  3. Summer Deep

    VALIS (32-Map Singleplayer Megawad)

    Interesting change of direction from a graphics and visual point of view in the final episode! I've killed all the baddies in MAP28, and can't for the life of me figure out how to reach the exit.
  4. Summer Deep

    VALIS (32-Map Singleplayer Megawad)

    Thanks again, it looks 'obvious' after the event, but I'd probably never have worked it out. In my view it's made unnecessarily cryptic by the presence of those columns on the right hand side - I assumed I was supposed to zigzag between them, which may well be impossible. I do like my Doom to be largely straightforward, and for it to be clear what the player is supposed to be doing, as you might have guessed by now!
  5. Summer Deep

    VALIS (32-Map Singleplayer Megawad)

    Been enjoying this so far, but will probably have to call a halt at MAP18. I'm finding the platforming section with the rising and falling columns here to be impossible, unless the player possesses superhuman reactions and timing abilities. Maybe there's a short cut or trick that I'm missing, but there probably isn't..
  6. Summer Deep

    VALIS (32-Map Singleplayer Megawad)

    ^ Thanks for the assistance there! I hadn't encountered any difficulty getting into the main building or dealing with the opposition in there, it was just the bit after the player gets onto the lift. I had tried strafe jumping to that window ledge, but that doesn't work of course. What defeated me was the placing of those columns of water, which obscured the view of the correct path to take. I'm not a great fan of such cryptic and obscure progression, and think that the gameplay needs to be rattling along at a decent pace, especially at this early stage of the wad. It's all too easy to become bored and alienated from the game in these situations, though of course there are no doubt players who love this sort of thing as well!
  7. Summer Deep

    six-word reviews (you can join)

    Scythe: That's a proper Romero head ending.
  8. Summer Deep

    six-word reviews (you can join)

    Sunlust: Map 29 ruins an excellent wad.
  9. Summer Deep

    VALIS (32-Map Singleplayer Megawad)

    LOL, I'm at my wits' end trying to make progress in MAP02. The issue is the red key. At first I assumed there would be a switch somewhere to lower the column on which it's mounted, but can't find one anywhere. In desperation I tried jumping into the watery area and exploring but.....(drum roll).....there seems to be no way of getting back out of there. I took a look round with idclip and it seems more likely that the player is supposed to jump from the room behind the red key in order to pick it up, but I can't find any way of legitimately getting into that room or the one behind it. I'm playing with the latest download of the wad, and have tried setting GZ Doom's compatibility to ZDoom as you suggested, but it made no difference....
  10. Summer Deep

    Volcanic Fortress

    This was a pretty challenging affair on UV, and I died about four or five times before completing it, but I did manage to get 100% kills and 9/12 secrets (including the megasphere).The large area with the two Mancubuses on the distant ledge, as well as numerous Arachnotrons, Revenants and Hell Knights was fun to play as well. I wasn't too keen at all on the use of lava which kills the player instantly - felt I should have been given a sporting chance to survive in such circumstances, and I'm not sure how well the opening area works, as one can simply run through the various monsters to get inside the main building. The monsters in that outdoor area didn't seem to count in the total of kills either!
  11. I managed to play through these maps on UV without a death, and think they'd definitely be better as introductory levels to tougher ones in a full episode. Like the previous poster, I felt that MAP03 was the best in terms of action and scenery (loved the outdoor area at the start). For some reason the map had two yellow keys, neither of which I could find a use for, though I got 100% kills and there were apparently no secrets.
  12. Summer Deep

    MEAT MACHINE - Boom - 4 maps [IDgames]

    I've completed this (on HMP difficulty) and it's not bad at all. I feared the worst during the early stages of the first map, as I traversed cavernous, almost empty rooms with just token opposition, but the wad soon got into its stride after that. Great finale, but eminently doable! In MAP04 I did notice that if you go in the wrong direction after the final teleport and end up in the first fight room (the one with the Hell Knights and the Cyberdemon), then there's no way back out. Not such a big deal, as most players will probably have saved a few times within the level, but maybe just about worth a mention.
  13. Not entirely sure what you mean, but the video below shows what I was referring to. Maybe the pillar isn't involved in it? Otherwise, it's maybe because I was playing in ZDoom?
  14. Just discovered this mapset and have played the first 14 levels in UV continuous - great fun so far! It's presumably a bit late to point out issues after the final release, but I did discover that in MAP14 it's possible to bypass the red key section completely and gain access to the exit area by sliding over the pillar on this staircase. I would imagine that the player is not supposed to do this!
  15. Summer Deep

    TNT: The Way We Remember It (RELEASE)

    Where's the switch? I don't think one was visible.
  16. Summer Deep

    TNT: The Way We Remember It (RELEASE)

    I've been playing this wad on UV difficulty in continuous format. It's the second consecutive TNT megawad I've played, and has just served to emphasize that for me TNT maps are more enjoyable than Plutonia ones, though the latter seem to be more critically acclaimed. MAP16 was interesting, in that I'm not sure whether it has a bug - it seemed impossible to acquire the red skull key from its pedestal, but for some reason if the player goes to and fro in the blood pit in that room for long enough, they can sometimes accidentally pick up a randomly placed red key, though it's never actually visible. Is this a workaround to ensure that the player can finish the level, or is it just an inexplicable anomaly?
  17. Summer Deep

    The Lost Magic - A Boom Mapset

    I've just completed this wad, and would have no hesitation in recommending it as a very worthwhile playing experience. I did this on UV in continuous format, and found the difficulty level challenging but perfectly manageable, the maps were an ideal size with mostly 100-250 monsters, and the environments were always interesting. The only gripes would be concerning MAP30, which seemed a bit one dimensional (but at least it wasn't an IoS) and had no final statistics screen (just a 'Thanks for playing' message), and MAP32 - I completed this on the two easiest difficulty levels, but felt that it became unreasonably tough in HMP. That's a setting which should be manageable for an averagely good Doomer, but I found the early part of it impossible, even if it was theoretically doable. It seemed to assume that the 'averagely good Doomer' can routinely accomplish 'two shot' kills on Cyberdemons, which would be necessary to survive at that stage, but I found this a hopeless task, despite the fact that I've completed more than 40 Doom 2 megawads on HMP or UV. Couldn't escape the feeling that this map was trolling the player, especially when the 11 'secrets' were revealed in the final room! EDIT: (21 March 2023) Lol I'm feeling a bit foolish now. I returned to this a few minutes ago, loaded up the wad on HMP setting and IDCLEVed to MAP32. Blew away all three Cybers with the BFG on the first attempt, two-shotting the first one and possibly the second as well, then finished the map, though I died a couple of times in the Heresiarch room. I might become a minor Doom God yet....
  18. Not bad - thanks for these maps! The 'Dead Simple' type map was really tough, most particularly the Mancubus room. How many of those damn things were there? Must have been at least a dozen, and no matter how many of them I disposed of, there always seemed to be two or three of them blocking my way or roasting me in their crossfire. Also found the lack of armour in the early stages a real handicap, especially with so many hitscanners around! The Arachnotron room by comparison was not that big a deal at all, by the way. I actually managed to complete the 'Refuelling Base' map without dying, though I did save two or three times. Was expecting to encounter a Cyberdemon towards the end, for obvious reasons, but none showed up.
  19. Thanks for that, have now downloaded a working version! Some scary warnings from Drive that the zip folder might have 'dangerous' contents though, lol.
  20. I used to use GLBoom-plus as my first choice of sourceport, as I was impressed by the sharpness and clarity of its graphics. I eventually became disillusioned with it owing to things like 'infinitely tall' monsters, the lack of an autosave at the beginning of a new map and complevel issues. I now prefer ZDoom for its no-nonsense reliability and ability to play most wads straight off the bat. Yes, I know that it's a bit murky compared with GLBoom-plus, and am aware that it's no longer maintained, so that it can't handle some more recent releases, but it's fine for around 90% of the stuff I play. I'd like to give DSDA a go, but can't see any way of making it work. Can't see any clickable 'executable' anywhere in the folder, and assume that one needs to compile it or something of the sort?
  21. Summer Deep

    Bloodspeed MAP25

    Thanks for the reply, which at least means I'll waste no more time looking around. Thanks also for the tip about where to post!
  22. Summer Deep

    Bloodspeed MAP25

    Just a quick query about this level which someone who is familiar with the megawad may be able to help with. I've been playing this for almost two hours, and am completely stumped as to the whereabouts of the blue key, which along with the red key is required to unlock the exit. I've also been watching a YouTuber play the map, and they were unable to find it as well. I've read the comments in the DWMegawad club from the very few members who played it, but no clues there also. The place highlighted in the picture below looks quite a likely candidate for the location of a key, but there's none to be found. Even idclipping around this area yields no results. One possibility is a bug - does anyone know of one in this map?
  23. Summer Deep

    What WAD are you playing now?

    Playing Episode 2 of the original Doom, using Brutal Doom Black Edition (v3.36). This mod is impressive in some ways, but enjoyment is being severely curtailed by the unbalanced and overpowered melee attacks. The monsters can move ridiculously quickly and it's often impossible to recover from a mauling. Just try entering the crusher room in Halls Of The Damned for instance. I'd say that the difficulty level I'm playing on (only the third of eleven) is probably at least three times harder than Ultra Violence in the regular game. How on earth is one supposed to survive at level 11 (or even level 7), I wonder?
  24. Summer Deep

    What WAD are you playing now?

    A map called 'Remains.wad' from the Instant Doom mid-1990s compilation (it's probably on other similar compilations too). Typically uninspiring visuals, but it's a decent challenge even on HMP. Strafe jumping to the soulsphere was a particularly tricky bit.
  25. Summer Deep


    I was beginning to think that this might be the best Doom II megawad I'd played, certainly in the top five. Straightforward, but always challenging and hugely enjoyable. Then I got to MAP28, which features an IoS type finale that is almost incomprehensible and largely unplayable. No idea why mappers have to resort to such gimmickry, but on a scale of 1-10 this section had an enjoyment factor of zero. Defeat snatched from the jaws of victory, yet again. (Sigh).