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  1. Who plays in HNTR, anyways?

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    2. KVELLER


      @Albertoni Then you could just play something like Russian Overkill in UV :P

      @Jayextee Heh. In those cases I usually just ragequit.

    3. Nine Inch Heels

      Nine Inch Heels

      HNTR doesn't exist for me, which I think is actually a problem at times. If I want a more relaxing kind of slaughter gameplay to mindlessly vent some steam, I might go HMP on a select few maps which makes them pretty easy but still satisfying to plow through. But usually I am the "UV or bust" kind of person, because I want to get better, instead of the game getting easier.


      Speaking of the problem however, I have a hard time figuring out what I'd need to do to accommodate people who usually run doom on that setting. It's like I can't really tell how they'd want the map I'm currently working on to be tweaked, so they can have fun with it. It's as if I only have a rough idea as to what the "problems" for players of this skill level are, and whatever change I make to monster-placement etc is based on guessing entirely. "Fun" from my point of view meaning that it's not frustrating, while still delivering a sense of having accomplished something once the map's been "beaten". I can't actually imagine how to implement this difficulty if I were to create a megawad, which I probably never will. I'd have no idea as to how to really create a difficulty curve on a difficulty setting like that, which spans across several maps, let alone 32.

    4. Albertoni


      Not the same thing, really.

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