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Everything posted by SilverMiner

  1. SilverMiner

    How'd you get into Doom, anyway?

    Doom95 without sound and music on dad's PDA (I dunno why not on PC). As far as I can guess, it was around December 2004, Doom 1 shareware crashed a lot, didn't get past the first room then. I even remember that on my birthday in 2005 dad said I would be able to play it again for 15 minutes. Doom 2 was more stable, crashed on map02 somewhere near the first met switch but I found out were I shouldn't step to avoid crash, and got to the brown brick building, couldn't get in. I asked dad if I could jump there, he said like yes, later you'll find out how to. Didn't play Doom until 2009 (except Doom 3), rediscovered it asking dad to get a game with level editor
  2. SilverMiner

    How Do You Design Fights?

    How do I setup linear fights(chaotic ones are harder to describe, so I won't do that): Softlock Give player some equipment Release roaming monsters, open sight for turrets Make beefy monsters guard the exit Upon exiting activate some walkable lines needed for your level progression
  3. SilverMiner

    Favorite shooter after 2000?

    Stalker SOC with mods those restore cut maps and plot
  4. SilverMiner

    Most confusing map ever?

    TNT Map18: Mill Despite I made it thru Eternal Doom III in choco
  5. You had to shoot a barrel in this room and then a lift in the eastern side of that room would've lowered. EDIT: I might make it more obvious
  6. So, e4m7 Authors: Chainie, SilverMiner, DukeofDoom Name: Sad Retaken Voyager Music: Organic Gods by Mark Klem https://www.dropbox.com/s/sejz8jkyx0p2tr9/ds4-e4m7_new.wad?dl=1
  7. SilverMiner

    Give me a challenge

    Make a hard Doom 2 map with 90 or less monsters with playtime ~4 or more mins
  8. DukeofDoom said like e4m7 is gonna be finished by the end of this week
  9. I've made an ENDOOM (for your consideration) https://www.dropbox.com/s/h5glf215vf4mb5g/ENDOOMpand.bin?dl=1
  10. Congrats on release! maybe change that 0 on the right into a 1 so that the link makes download start immediately instead of redirecting to dropbox? Just a suggestion
  11. SilverMiner

    Animation Of The Evil Eye

    The Evil Eye blinks the same time the player does
  12. SilverMiner

    Any good dawn/sunrise skys?

    512x200(for a heretic or zdoom wad). I also made a 256x128 one (you may take it from 96KB or early Doom-2) ingame
  13. SilverMiner

    Can Doom be considered a horror game?

  14. SilverMiner

    Accidental Plagiarism

    Great minds think alike
  15. SilverMiner

    Cursed Doom Images

    I've never encountered such a problem
  16. I gave e4m7 to Duke in somewhat December to edit and I've been waiting for it since. Also I'm waiting for his e4m4. Seems like stagnation. I have some thoughts on what I would like Deadly Standards to be. * means "allowing mappers to add custom textures and stuff that doesn't feel out of place. And not to force the mappers do hard parodies of the styles associated with the theme taken" 1. A Heretic episode/megawad in 3 sessions * 2. A megawad like Herian * 3. A Memento Mori 2 themed megawad * 4. A wad like Nihility 5. 2 and 3 mix + Requiem vibes* Also I could take care of compiling the texturepack
  17. SilverMiner

    Cursed Doom Images

    d1gfxd2.wad is blessed, not cursed
  18. I think it's something wrong with gfx conversion in Slade. In it doesn't happen but from on some newer version it started to make skies have golden seam in vanilla heretic. I think you're experiencing a similar thing, but in crispy