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Everything posted by dl_simc

  1. dl_simc

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Open prboom-plus.cfg from the PrBoom folder in a text editor and find the "Key bindings" section. Give the unneeded commands a value: 0x0 The next time the PrBoom's bindings page will display their bindings as "JUNK".
  2. dl_simc

    Best Alternative to Slade?

    With v.2 Slade it's enough to copy the required file MSVCP71.dll inside the Slade main folder.
  3. dl_simc

    Patch Problems ...

    You might have a wrong Doom version. What version is your starting point? Run Doom2.exe in Dosbox and see the version number briefly appear on the 1st screen. Then either: downgrade 1.9 to 1.666: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/utils/exe_edit/dm2dwngr update 1.666 to 1.7a: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/idstuff/doom2/doom2p16 update 1.7 to 1.7a: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/idstuff/doom2/doom2p17 update 1.8 to 1.9: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/idstuff/doom2/d2_18_19
  4. Only 4 hours. Started one hour late. But there should be no missing textures and such. title: Day in the office themes: city centre, cake, 10 tags midi, Memento Mori, MAP01 https://www.dropbox.com/s/qswppkze2xhzgti/eagle8_dl_simc_v2_%28new_nodes%29.zip?dl=1 (new nodes) Rebuilt nodes. + Added multiplayer starts, named the wad file properly, adjusted skill levels and texture alignments.
  5. I made a map too but I blew up the time limit. Fixing bugs and creating some game play took long.
  6. That's a cool wad - I like the traps and the detailing looks great! It's a good use of various lineactions. If some places are locking up could you rethink of continuing on other parts of the map or even on other level? Passing time might bring up new solutions to the problems and the project would stay fresh in the mind. Don't be so hard on yourself. Make levels YOU like!
  7. The exit of MAP11 is missing also. @NoisyVelvet It's -1.
  8. Thanks! I didn't thought of that... (It's difficult to foresee how the people will play the maps.) I made the darkest areas a bit more lighter (looks better indeed) and to give the chaingun more early I changed the useless chainsaw and one of the early shotgunners to a box of bullets and a chaingunner. Also build the map with Zennode. Initially used only an old ZDoom to playtest the map. Hope this isn't too late: new version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p4fuisldzcgkt55/dl_simc_pigeon2_v4b_(zennode).zip?dl=1
  9. uac base in where? (VERSION 4) 3.15 hrs + extra for music (+ more for fixes) music: Memento Mori, MAP09 46 monsters 4 textures + 1 door + 1 switch + 3 crates = 9 textures 6 flats (2 of them crates) only cc4 textures not too much crates, only some First time for me to use cc4 textures. Couldn't find matching textures fast enough. (Live and learn.) - - - ver 2, coop starts, missing textures ver 3, tex alignments, includes the used cc4 textures/patches and flats Updated ver 4, nodes rebuilt with Zennode (no glitches), some game balancing
  10. Hi, my map is *still* not finished. It's around 3/4-7/8 ready now. I have't posted here with no concrete alpha/betas to offer. Right: I've been busy elsewhere and not been able to spent as much time as earlier. I've wasted time with bumping compatibility issues. The map is -complevel 9 (Boom 2.02) but I realized that some ideas didn't work with the default PrBoom complevel of version 2.3.1 (2004) and after. That's probably a well known fact but I cried with it. For example try this one room test level in PrBoom+ without complevel selection (or with -complevel -1, 17, 16 or 15) and compare the result with PrBoom+ -complevel 9, ZDoom/GZDoom, Eternity, Risen3D, WinMBF or Doom Legacy 1.46.3. It's not a fault of any port but I decided to try make the map as compatible as possible. That's mostly done by now. I'm sorry to take so much of time. I want to get this map finished.
  11. I fear other maps in this project are unplayable with -complevel 2 too. (huh I got scared) ;-) Thanx, here's the a new fix:https://www.dropbox.com/s/3vkld0zpoknli7v/102c3.zip?dl=1 (MAP02 +D_STALKS)
  12. The exit of MAP03 does not work? - The W1 exit line is only 16 units apart from the impassable line behing the final lost souls.
  13. Awk, here's one more fix to MAP02. Missing textures and there was a one sided line marked as 2s. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hocvr2e8djrvh8n/102c2.zip?dl=1 (MAP02, no music) I don't know why but MAP01 loads in PrBoom only if the MAP04 GL nodes are deleted.
  14. Those themes were the guidelines but strict following them isn't mandatory. Thanks for @NaZa for organizing this event! - - - @Spie812 My goof up! Here's a fix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xjjfzn3vxu930z0/102c.zip?dl=1 @bzzrak The Spectrophotometer is one of the most unique levels I've ever seen. Real bad-AAS.
  15. Hi, here's one more. Ghostbusters here we come! 3 first themes only. I misread the bonus theme and used the plasmagun only. Build time 3:00 (+extra for music) Music is from MM2, MAP01 (by Mark Klem) EDIT: Updated the link. A minor fix.
  16. dl_simc

    90s WADS.

    Warhouse Deadbase Mntfire The Lost Mines (uploaded in 2003) Darkhell (later maps) H2H-Xmas, H2Hmud01 (UV for revenants) Stardoom (Star War-) compilations: Wadpak3, Wadpak2, Wadpak1, Wadpak4, Newdoom, Epi3best, Epi2best, Epi1best
  17. -host 1 (or -deathmatch) ? https://zdoom.org/wiki/command_line_parameters#Multiplayer_options In GZDoomBuilder go to the "Game Configurations" (F6) > Testing and create a 2nd test engine entry for your port (for example named as "zandronium (coop)" or such) Then in the "Customize parameters" section add -host 1 or -deathmatch to the commandline.
  18. Here's an other version of the Memfis' idea. sw.zip
  19. dl_simc

    question i already asked

    (On no) For the DEHACKED lump take a look at the answers in here: If you care to try MAPINFO here's a basic example. Check out in Slade. mapinfo_example.zip
  20. dl_simc

    custom message problem with scrolling

    MAPINFO is a good option. Or if you want to check out that DEHACKED lump there are two problems: A) The message for MAP07 text has been split on several lines. The whole message should be on one single line. B) The message lines are way too long. Doom engines can't do text wrapping for DEHACKED automaticly. The row changes in DEHACKED are marked as \n markers and normally Whacked 4 can place them automaticly. The message screen in Doom can show some 17-20 text rows and around 40-50 letters per row. (Depends of the sourceport. Wider letters such as W take more room than I.) To try fix this:
  21. dl_simc

    basic problem with whackED4

    In the string editing window delete the whole original text at first. Then type the new message. MAP07 entrytext is C1TEXT in the Boom format, entry 135 in the Doom 1.9 format. Try to avoid special charactes as they might even crash Whacked itself. If you're using Whacked 2 the "/n" character combos mark the end of each line and moving to the next line. WhackEd 4 don't show them in the editing window. Dehacked lump itself is a txt file. It can be created and edited with notepad.exe but using WhackEd is handy because it makes the syntax correct and all the needed prefix lines by default. If it's still wrong, post the dehacked file in here... But try fixing it by yourself first!
  22. dl_simc

    basic problem with whackED4

    Open the wad in Slade, choose Entry > Import (Ctrl+I), select your deh file. If needed rename it as DEHACKED in Slade. Save. Run the wad and see if the monsters will win after MAP06.
  23. dl_simc

    basic problem with whackED4

    WhackEd doesn't edit wad files directly but it creates a DEHACKED lump that'll change the Doom behavior. Dehacked lump works with almost every Doom port. To get the deh lump play you'll need to use Slade to import it into the wad. Or you can run the lump with the game engine the same way as a wad file: prboom.exe -file mywadfile.wad -deh DEHACKED.txt gzdoom.exe -file mywadfile.wad -deh myDEHACKED321.txt In comparison MAPINFO has more features but it works only with GZDoom/ZDoom/Zandronium ports. And with Doom Builder 2 MAPINFO still needs Slade to import it into the wad. To create a new deh patch in WhackEd4 create a new file. (Doom 1.9 or Boom format might be the best.) You need to give the Doom2.wad path. To change the MAP07 intermission text go into "Strings" section and search the list until you find the default text: "You have entered deeply into...". (It's near the end.) Edit the text and save this change with some name. If you use Slade to import it in the wad, the lump must be named as: "DEHACKED" in Slade.
  24. dl_simc

    Why does my WAD crash Doomsday?

    The txt file tells that it requires Boom and has been tested with GZDoom and PrBoom+. Doomsday has had zero support for Boom actions. In that sense the low review is bogus. I don't know if it is possible to remove. You could ask the site maintainers. (Or the original reviewer...?) The skybox is made with Boom lineaction 271: transfer sky texture. Doomsday just doesn't support it. Edge and 3DGE do have a Boom support except 271/272. Don't worry of the musics. After only downloading the needed dll files Eternity can play the musics. So that was my own goof up. Sorry! The new GZDooms trap the player in the start of MAP29. This seems to happen with builds after May 2017. I guess they've changed something in the door opening logic behavior. I'll try post an error report to ask this. If possible don't do anything for that yet.
  25. dl_simc

    Why does my WAD crash Doomsday?

    Doomsday 2.0.3 log gets: Uncaught exception: (in Wad::cacheLump) Failed on allocation of 0 bytes for cache copy of lump #33 That 33rd lump is a zero sized dehacked lump. The wad has two deh lumps in total. After deleting the empty one Deng can run all the maps. I don't know if the maps and Boom actions play right otherways. Doomsday runs but it isn't really playable on this computer. The maps look good though. Unfortunately some other ports get hurt by a couple of other things: