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Everything posted by siealex

  1. siealex

    Brutal Doom - General Thread and v22 Development news

    TNT MAP24 and MAP29 (possibly other maps as well). The enhancement system replaces nukage with insta-kill lava, making several secrets impossible to obtain without cheats.
  2. siealex

    Brutal Doom - General Thread and v22 Development news

    BD22 beta 3, GZDOOM 4.11.3, ultra-violence. DOOM II MAP06 (The Crusher): the spider demon dies 4..5 second after pressing the crusher switch. Is it OK? MAP08: demons in the secret rhombus shaped room do not react to sound unless I am in the same exact sector. This happens on other maps as well. * TNT MAP03 (Wormhole): several monsters (e. g. hellknights) don't react even to SSG shots unless they see me directly. MAP10: the cyberdemon dies from one point-blank BFG blast. Even in vanilla it requires at least two, typically three. PSMAP29 (Twilight Descends): both exits lead to MAP14. MAP15: one of the large yellow doors is displayed with two different textures separated by a vertical line. A small additional map after MAP20 (Hell Gate): the exit leads to a non-existing map and the game crashes. A bug with weapons: I often cannot select anything in slots 6 or 7 unless I pick up the same weapon again. TNT MAP10 (Redemption): monsters do not teleport into the yellow key room. * The same situation on MAP11 (Storage Facility). Friendly plasma gun marines often stand still and continuously fire to the same point until I finish the level.
  3. siealex

    Blasphemer discussion

    E2M6: this lift does not go down when entered from above.
  4. siealex

    Blasphemer discussion

    E2M6: a lot of sectors near the starting point (176, 173, 169, 9, 172, 174, 171) are marked "secret", but are unreachable (unlike sector 175) without the Wings. Even more, sector 9 is extremely difficult to register even with the Wings.
  5. siealex

    Blasphemer discussion

    E2M5. I reached the northwesternmost part of the map (near the blue door) and jumped down. But I can't get to the upper portion in this part. Should I use the Wings of Wrath? PS, the Wings are actually in three square pits near the map center :-O
  6. siealex

    Blasphemer discussion

    A couple of suggestions on monsters. 1. Make ordinary gargouilles and fire gargouilles visually different. Also make their fireballs clearly visible, green poison droplets cannot be seen in dark places. 2. The same for golems and nitrogolems: make them visually different, e. g. use differently colored sprites. 3. Increase the amount of ammo for weapon 4 on all maps, it is way less than in Heretic.
  7. siealex

    Blasphemer discussion

    E2M5 is a whole teleporter mess :-D
  8. siealex

    Blasphemer discussion

    E2M4: no secret exit?
  9. siealex

    Blasphemer discussion

    I have completed the whole episode 1 uv-max, but still haven't found weapon 7. Is it normal?
  10. siealex

    Blasphemer discussion

    Does E1M6 have a "normal" exit? The only exit I can find is "secret" and leads to E1M9.
  11. siealex

    Blasphemer discussion

    And what about the items? Some of them have no names as well.
  12. siealex

    Blasphemer discussion

    E1M6 The Cathedral: "silent" teleporters on the helical staircase actually emit sound.
  13. siealex

    Blasphemer discussion

    E1M4 Guard Tower: one monster is placed outside.
  14. siealex

    Blasphemer discussion

    Several types of items are displayed as "NONAME" in GZDOOM. Is it a GZDOOM bug? GZDOOM 4.11.1 x64. PS, E1M1 and E1M2 are also "NONAME", but E1M3 is displayed correctly as "Forgotten Stronghold".
  15. Watching this on YouTube made me cry... especially in E1M7. It really looks like the last memory (or the last word) before death... recalled EXACTLY like in childhood...
  16. siealex

    Weirdest damaging floors

    Yes, these blue lights (they are in Containment Area, not Spawning Vats) are the most strange floors in DOOM, I don't remember this flat anywhere else.
  17. Ultimate DOOM: definitely E4M2. Also E4M1 with 100% secrets, but usually I do NOT get the NIN secret to save ammo and health. DOOM 2: none :-D. TNT and Plutonia: MAP32 (especially Plutonia MAP32 with its cyberdemons). Just for fun, Heretic: E4M1 and E5M1.
  18. siealex

    Weirdest damaging floors

    One of the maps in Episode 2 of Ultimate DOOM (maybe Spawning Vats, I don't remember), the blue floor with white circles on it. It looks like normal floor, but it's 10% damaging.
  19. siealex

    Doom 1 or 2?

    For me DOOM is always DOOM 2 unless explicitly stated otherwise *ROFL*. There is one thing in DOOM 1 that I never like. EPISODES...
  20. Always... IDDQD, IDKFA, IDSPISPOPD (IDCLIP), IDDT. PS, I often use IDDT (sometimes IDCLIP) even nowadays, but not IDDQD ans IDKFA.
  21. siealex

    Weird Control Habits

    WS for movement, QE for strafing, but no AD, only mouse turns, three fingers are always on QWE. Always run, but no Caps Lock at all. Right mouse button for jumping (especially in mods and in Hexen), Alt for crouch, middle mouse button for alt fire.
  22. Chainsaw vs Cacodemons! They simply turn their a**es towards your chainsaw... Also chainsaw vs a single Pain Elemental. But only in vanilla, not in Brutal Doom, in BD pain elementals cause severe damage when exploding. Rockets vs hordes of zombiemen. Especially on Refueling Base. SSG vs a Cyberdemon. Sometimes it really helps to save rockets and plasmacells. Also Spiderdemon vs Cyberdemon (everyone knows where), it's amazing to watch... And just for fun. Rockets vs hanging Commander Keens in MAP32.
  23. 1999, DOOM shareware, most probably v1.2, on an old 486DX4-100 typewriter, later DOOM 2 v1.666, Ultimate DOOM, Heretic, Hexen, TNT. I couldn't survive even E1M2, so I explored all maps with IDDQD/IDKFA and only after that I started "normal" playthroughs... It was rather difficult even on HMP and almost impossible for me on UV. But it was first time, in two or three months I managed to complete DOOM 2 on UV with less than 10 deaths.
  24. siealex

    Specific Things in Doom that annoy you

    "Caribbean" map in TNT? It has one part where brown slime is NOT damaging.