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Everything posted by MarsHappyNation

  1. MarsHappyNation

    ProjectBrutality or BrutalDoom?

    Using Brutal Doom and playing through different maps generated with Oblige is always a good time.
  2. MarsHappyNation

    What are you listening to?

    Everyone needs a little catholic psychedelic synth folk in their lives ✨
  3. MarsHappyNation

    Does anyone listen to DOOM music while viewing Doomworld???

    I almost always have music playing whenever I'm doing anything but I never listen to Doom music outside of the game.
  4. MarsHappyNation

    Share a random fact about yourself

    I hate dogs. I hate sports. I still have a bunch of my baby teeth. I can pull off a killer Miss Piggy impression.
  5. MarsHappyNation

    What are you listening to?

    I remember stumbling across Nicole Dollanganger when she only had a couple albums uploaded to her bandcamp. Really warms my heart to see how much she's grown as a musician since then.
  6. MarsHappyNation

    If a new Doom movie was made...

    Tom Hanks. Alternatively, every role in the movie played by Dwayne Johnson. Every last one.
  7. MarsHappyNation

    What would your ideal mapping partner be like?

    I really don't like collaborations when it comes to stuff like this. I always have a rough idea of how something I'm working on is going to turn out so anything anybody else adds is going to seem massively out of place to me. Also inevitable creative differences, only I'm too nice and too passive to speak up when someone adds something I really couldn't care less for so even bad ideas end up staying in. If I hypothetically were able to find someone I could actually work together with, I'd want someone who isn't afraid to try new things. Experiment, make use of bizarre concepts and outlandish ideas. ...Also texturing. Someone who can make that look at least passable because goddamn.
  8. MarsHappyNation

    The future of Doom

    The one that most definitely does not exist.
  9. MarsHappyNation

    The future of Doom

    Another Doom movie.
  10. How Can Doomworld Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?
  11. MarsHappyNation

    What are you listening to?

    They've since broken up but this band was criminally underrated when it was still around. Such a nice voice.
  12. MarsHappyNation

    So where does your username come from?

    Lyrics taken from a David Bowie song
  13. For sure. Half finished? Nonexistent? Simply an avant-garde design choice.
  14. MarsHappyNation

    Post your Doom video! [but don't quote video]

    [yt] followed by the link to the video works just fine for me. Not sure why it wouldn't be working.
  15. MarsHappyNation

    Favourite Doom Game Of All Time?

    1. Doom II 2. Ultimate Doom 3. Whatever else Haven't played the newest installment so I don't have an opinion on it either way but it looks like a whole lot of fun.
  16. MarsHappyNation

    Things you love and hate at the same time

    Archviles. I really love the idea behind them, one of the most interesting monsters for sure but goddamn do they get annoying.
  17. MarsHappyNation

    John Romero is auctioning the original DOOM 2 on ebay

    3k? ...Holy hell, now that's dedication.
  18. MarsHappyNation

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Yume Nikki is just wonderful. A lot of the fan games based off of it are really great too, I would definitely recommend looking into those as well if you haven't already.
  19. MarsHappyNation

    Your thoughts on Hexen?

    I love Hexen, with the hub system you mentioned being one of my favorite parts about it. I also really enjoyed all the neat little traps thrown in and they all worked very well for the most part. Feels a lot more adventure-ish (?) than Doom and I find it more fun to explore for that reason alone. My only real complaint would be how confusing it can be at times with switches activating things not in the immediate area. Lots of wandering back and forth.
  20. MarsHappyNation

    Leftist Doomers?

    That would be funny to see. I got a kick out of that one Trump mod with the sombrero wearing imps and Clinton as the final boss.
  21. MarsHappyNation

    Do you miss the reputation indicator?

    Nah, I'm still relatively new here and even I found it to be more of an eyesore than anything else.
  22. MarsHappyNation

    What was your first Doom experience (and in order)?

    My first exposure to Doom as a whole and the reason I found out about it was many years back, mentioned in some Columbine documentary or something. My first actual experience with the series was Freedoom, if that counts. Played through it one day when I had nothing better to do and messed around with mods. I'm a sucker for easily customizable games so from there, I decided to pick up the original a couple months down the road.
  23. MarsHappyNation

    Any Doom-related dreams?

    I've had plenty of bizarre dreams but not a single one was ever Doom related, which is kinda odd now that I think about it.
  24. MarsHappyNation

    What are you listening to?

    I've been listening to an awful lot of Sarah McLachlan lately. Found one of her albums at a thrift shop the other day and it got me back into her.
  25. MarsHappyNation

    Lets talk about demons on Doom 2 and 1.

    Archviles look like Larry David on a bad day.