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Everything posted by TootsyBowl

  1. TootsyBowl

    ProjectBrutality or BrutalDoom?

    Maybe we should have a Brutal Doom sub-forum.
  2. TootsyBowl

    Problems with Doom Builder

    I found the source of the problem. The missing geometry was tagged to lower for some reason.
  3. TootsyBowl

    Problems with Doom Builder

    Using ZDoom: Doom in Hexen format. In the builder the map I'm making looks fine, but when I play it a floor is at the wrong elevation, and some geometry is outright missing. Why?
  4. TootsyBowl

    Is there anything in Doom you find truly archaic?

    Hey, MIDIs do have a certain charm to them.
  5. TootsyBowl

    Doom 2016 Free Weekend on Steam!

    If you're too poor to buy it and want it, give it a shot now. Also 50% off when you actually buy it.
  6. TootsyBowl

    Problems with Doom Builder

    I'm using the map test function.
  7. Aw, only one guy has jumped onto the bandwagon. Well, anyways... Chaingun The UAC's answer to their troops' repeated complaints of their automatic weapons rapidly overheating in the thin atmospheres of Mars' moons. Much of the Chaingun is built from titanium and various plastics, making it much lighter than its bulk suggests. Multiple barrels allow the weapon to fire for long periods without overheating; rumors exist that once a single Chaingun managed to fire for twenty minutes straight without problems. The weapon fires a single 2-round burst before rotating to the next barrel, allowing good accuracy with short pulls of the trigger. Continuous fire, however, generally results in the spinning of the barrels and the weapon's recoil causing accuracy to suffer. Chainguns are chambered in 9mm Parabellum ammunition, a relic from when the UAC supplied their troops with MP5 submachine guns as standard issue. Thousands of UAC troops across the Solar System swear by this reliable workhorse of the UAC armory, although concerns about its effectiveness against beefy targets have risen in the war against the demons. Zombieman (aka Former Trooper) An unfortunate member of the UAC low-level security forces whose body has been possessed by hellish spirits and now fights for the demons. Low-level security in UAC outposts are issued with semi-automatic 9mm carbines, which, while much less effective compared to most UAC firearms, are still decent self-defense weapons. Most demonic spirits are fortunately not very good shots and will usually not be able to hit the broad side of a barn if it was punching them in the face. Zombiemen also don't have much in the way of armor and can be put out of action with a few handgun rounds. Magazines of 9mm rounds can often be acquired from their cadavers. Picking up and using the carbine they have is not recommended, since they, in the words of a senior UAC officer, are frankly total crap.
  8. TootsyBowl

    Is there anything in Doom you find truly archaic?

    Serious Sam threw tons of generic projectile monsters at you and yet the combat always felt interesting. Wonder whar the special ingredient was.
  9. Steam profile. Feel free to invite me to a game of TF2/L4D2/Serious Sam Fusion HD or something. Just don't be surprised if it lags because my Wifi is utter shite.
  10. TootsyBowl

    Laughter Is The Best Medicine

    Jerma985's Grab that Auto 5. One of the few things that truly made me collapse into fits of laughter. Most of the time when I see something funny I just shoot air out of my nose or chuckle.
  11. TootsyBowl

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    Oh, and I never beat any of the Doom iwads vanilla only. Beat the original 3 episodes of Doom with Brutal Doom, never touched Episode 4, and only beat Doom 2 about a month ago with Lithium because previously I kept getting lost on Map 15
  12. TootsyBowl

    *** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

    Actor Trite 16038 { HitObituary "%o was nipped by a Trite" Health 30 Radius 20 Height 25 Mass 100 Speed 6 Scale 0.55 PainChance 192 BloodColor DarkGreen PainSound "Trite/Pain" SeeSound "Trite/Sight" DeathSound "Trite/Death" ActiveSound "Trite/Active" MeleeSound "Trite/MeleeHit" MeleeDamage 2 MeleeThreshold 64 MaxTargetRange 160 MinMissileChance 10 Damage 2 Monster +FloorClip +DontHurtSpecies +NoTarget States { Spawn: TRIT A 1 A_Look Loop See: TRIT A 2 A_Chase("", "", 0) TRIT A 2 A_Chase TRIT A 0 A_PlaySoundEx("Trite/Step", "SoundSlot7", 0) TRIT BB 2 A_Chase("Melee", "Missile", 2) TRIT B 0 A_PlaySoundEx("Trite/Step", "SoundSlot7", 0) TRIT CC 2 A_Chase TRIT C 0 A_PlaySoundEx("Trite/Step", "SoundSlot7", 0) TRIT DD 2 A_Chase("Melee", "Missile", 2) TRIT D 0 A_PlaySoundEx("Trite/Step", "SoundSlot7", 0) Loop Melee: TRIT A 6 A_FaceTarget TRIT A 0 A_Jump(192, 2) TRIT A 0 A_PlaySound("Trite/Attack") TRIT E 6 A_MeleeAttack Goto See Missile: TRIT A 0 A_Jump(128, "See") TRIT AAA 3 A_FaceTarget TRIT F 0 A_PlaySound("Trite/Attack") TRIT F 0 A_SkullAttack TRIT F 10 ThrustThingZ(0, 6, 0, 1) TRIT E 8 A_Stop Goto See Web: TRIT F 0 TRIT F 0 A_ChangeFlag("LowGravity", 1) TRIT F 0 A_ChangeFlag("NoDamage", 1) TRIT F 0 A_ChangeFlag("NoPain", 1) TRIT F 0 A_PlaySound("Trite/WebStart") TRIT F 1 A_CheckFloor(1) Goto Web+5 TRIT A 0 A_ChangeFlag("NoDamage", 0) TRIT A 0 A_ChangeFlag("NoPain", 0) TRIT A 0 A_ChangeFlag("LowGravity", 0) TRIT A 12 A_PlaySound("Trite/WebEnd") Goto Spawn Pain: TRIT E 3 TRIT E 3 A_Pain Goto See Death: TRIT G 5 A_Scream TRIT H 0 A_PlaySoundEx("Trite/Splat", "SoundSlot7", 0) TRIT H 5 A_NoBlocking TRIT IJK 5 Stop } } Is there anything wrong with the Decorate above? GzDoom has problems with an actor property in line 4.
  13. TootsyBowl

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    -I find D_RUNNIN to be decently catchy. -I frequently cheese platforming sections with jumping/noclip if I kept falling off at one part. -I wholeheartedly enjoy Brutal Doom. -I think sector-based decorations are cool. -I hate Revenants and Archviles. -I like Hell Nobles. -I hate the damage RNG. -I hate it when a mapset suddenly becomes a slaughtermap.
  14. TootsyBowl

    2 problems with Decorate

    1. I have downloaded some stuff from Realm 667, put them into a WAD, gave everything editor numbers, I boot up Doom Builder, and... I should note that there are multiple Decorate files, and this is coming from someone with zero Decorate skills. 2. With the help of the kind people at the ZDoom forums I've slapped together some Decorate making a modified plasma gun. Here is the result of running the Decorate in GzDoom.
  15. TootsyBowl

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Making a mapset using more ZDoom features than usual, like 3D bridges, portals, and custom actors. I have nothing to show for it since there's a pissload of Decorate errors I'm trying to find.
  16. TootsyBowl

    ProjectBrutality or BrutalDoom?

    Brutal Doom is about as boring as regular Doom if you start binging. I doubt anyone here could play nothing but vanilla Doom for a month straight and not get bored.
  17. TootsyBowl

    "Ultra-Violence is the real way to play Doom"

    Instead of UV being the full experience and HMP being a dumbed down version, we could alternatively think of HMP as being the full experience, with the lower difficulties being dumbed down and UV being the full experience with extra shit slapped on.
  18. TootsyBowl

    "Ultra-Violence is the real way to play Doom"

    Ah, thanks for clearing things up.
  19. TootsyBowl

    "Ultra-Violence is the real way to play Doom"

    I know. That's the whole point.
  20. TootsyBowl

    "Ultra-Violence is the real way to play Doom"

    Nope. Just the barons on all difficulties.
  21. TootsyBowl

    "Ultra-Violence is the real way to play Doom"

    So if I made a map and it had the same amount of enemies on all difficulties, that's lazy even though individual enemies are tougher?
  22. TootsyBowl

    I'm reminded of Doomworld whenever...

    Boy, I wonder if anyone would have taken him seriously as an admin if he chose that name.
  23. TootsyBowl

    I'm reminded of Doomworld whenever...

    I don't think it's that big a deal. In another thread he himself admitted that he heard the word somewhere, thought it was funny, and used it as his username.
  24. TootsyBowl

    The future of Doom

    Title. Think into the future. Maybe the 22nd century and beyond. Post what you think will happen to Doom.
  25. TootsyBowl

    I'm reminded of Doomworld whenever...

    Where is Ling from, anyways?