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Era Di Cate

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About Era Di Cate

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  1. Era Di Cate

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    nicely drawn and animated :333
  2. Okay but... Doom sit-com but it gets progressively ridiculous like "Family Matters". At first it's just lowkey family sit-com thingy, but its working in UAC. Whoever gets to replicate Urkel makes weird experiments and brings in more and more mess into the UAC that in the end Doom happens and Hell invades, show is over. But due to popularity with viewers the writers write up a new season with what happens after Hell invades, and it's even more cheesier than ever.
  3. Era Di Cate

    What game should be FPSed?

    I know the original "Space Hulk" (DOS, 1993) is a sort of a FPS, it has a first-person element, but it would be ballin' to make it a actual Doom-like FPS, perhaps way slower than Doom, but definitely more control and handling on the "personal" side of it.
  4. Era Di Cate

    What Is Your Opinion On Free Speech?

    I guess, free speech doesn't necessarily mean "without consequences", but could there hypothetically be a situation, a space, a concept where free speech would be "without consequences" 100% of the time, while also being relevant and heard-able? Like a platform of sorts? The second part of my question exists because if it didn't, it would be hecka easy to just say "yeah, just put a box over your head first".
  5. Era Di Cate

    Quarantine [Finished]

    Great stuff, chief! Anyone know where can you find more of these?
  6. Era Di Cate

    bad doom engine games

    Strife is actually kinda fun, I certainly imagined it to be a cheesy comic-book-sorta game. I don't vibe with Hacx though, for some reason, it weirds me out all-around.
  7. Era Di Cate

    Share a random fact about yourself

    Sounds like something a xeno would say hmmmm.
  8. Ahh, geeze, it's been a while! I haven't Doom-ed in so long, lol.

    What's new with me? Ahh, nothing really. Rather, you guys tell me what's up, how yall doin'? :3

    1. Xyzzу


      Doin' fine, only wish I had more time to map!

    2. KVELLER


      So, did you play Echoes already?

    3. Era Di Cate

      Era Di Cate

      Surprisingly, yes, but haven't finished it yet. I keep putting Echoes off for no reason, really ´:D

  9. Hi everyone!

    What did I miss?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Era Di Cate

      Era Di Cate

      Oh snap, got any assumptions on why?


      Well, to be honest, most of my notifs these days involved your postings, might be something about that ;)

    3. Catpho


      Pretty bizarre. I don't think anyone else got that without it being obvious. Your posts were pretty innocent when i last viewed them. Bad luck i guess :/

    4. Starkiller


      Yeah. I'm not exactly the type of guy who would shitpost offensive and edgey topics, but enjoy chatting and having thought-provoking threads. 


  10. Era Di Cate

    What MIDIs can I use?

    Thanks for your input everybody, but I still have a question: (self quoting feels so pretentious)
  11. Era Di Cate

    What MIDIs can I use?

    I know, I know, obvious question, asked 400 times already, but I guess this question could use a refresh here and there. I was wondering about the "legal technicalities" with using MIDIs. Just what kind of MIDIs are allowed? And I am not asking about the aesthetics, the style or any musical stuff. Say, are those: 1. Well done MIDIs from those midi-downloading sites, 2. MIDI covers of pop songs (or from movie/game soundtracks), 3. Edited versions of certain MIDI songs, allowed to be used with wads, and then posted on /idgames or whatever without any repercussions? I have a feeling that even if these are allowed, I am supposed to credit the artist, right? But what if I can't credit him? Thank you for your time.
  12. Era Di Cate

    I'm new to Doomworld. Any helpful advice?

    Well, my forte is Half-Life, any of it in the franchise, official, non-official, mods, literally, Goldsource/Source, I know that stuff in and out. So adding onto it, literally every other shooter you had mentioned in your comment. Although, Deus Ex didn't really look much like a shooter to me, but eh. My "soft spot" would be wRPGs: "The Elder Scrolls" mainly (all the games except the weird spinoffs and the mobile games), but also Fallout, Arcanum, Planescape: Torment, isometrics like that, and my guilty pleasures mainly lie in crack mods, such as the good ole Crack-Life for hl1. You might be asking what am I doing here then? Well, I myself still have no answer to this question.
  13. Era Di Cate

    I'm new to Doomworld. Any helpful advice?

    I'm also a newbie (although a one whom forgets Doomworld quite often), what kind of shooters do you play, Starkiller? Do you have a favorite shooter?
  14. Now what was it what I wanted to tell? Ah yeah, school slowed down for a bit finally. Really, really, looking forward to working on my map again, I might be able to just do it tomorrow >:3


    I think it's kinda proper to continue since I had exercised so many ideas onto paper already.


    And to make your click worth it, here, have this chill beat I found whilst journeying across the ever-vast and dangerous expanses of the world wide web.


    *headbangs in skooma*

  15. Era Di Cate

    Share a random fact about yourself

    At more than once I wondered: "Is this what people around me listen to? How can they tolerate me like this?!". What is worse, however, is recording your own singing voice. Those who had done it, know it. Those who haven't done it, are blessed and innocent.