Hello, my acquaintances. I wanted to present to you, BJ Blaze. (And before judging me, @Doomkid gets all the credit for the motivation to make this mod!) But back to the topic, I want to discuss.
As always, the credits will be in the archive and in the OP.
As of this moment, the series will go in a new direction after many failed jumpstart attempts. I'm sorry for this inconvenience, but this is necessary.
PWAD: bjblazv6.wad
IWAD & MAPS: Doom 2, Map 01-02 (So far)
PORTS: Chocolate, Crispy, DSDA, ZDoom Family (-complevel 2) let me know if there are any bugs!
Single and Co-op Play!
Vanilla Gameplay (No Freelook/Jumping/Crouching)
You are William “B.J.” Blaze, a SUSPENDED marine settling on Earth after his assignment on Venus failed, resulting in the deaths of the mission team and the destruction of an expensive space station, and it’s complicated...
In addition to being suspended from the marines, your loved ones have since died before you.
As you settle on Earth, you get called back into action to assess a problem with a satellite camp that the UAC lost contact with.
As you prepare to head out, you grab your pistol and pray to God that it isn’t another demonic invasion like last time. And you are also ordered not to cause it to self-destruct this time.
Flying at an average altitude to avoid crashing into the mountains, your transport is shot out of the sky as you barely escape with only a pistol and no other way to get past the area, now scared as hell, you begin your mission to find UAC Satellite Camp J52-Alpha.
Now the question is, will you live to tell the tale?
New Build Screenshots!
Level 1: Mountain Hill Crash Site
Level 2: Sewer Levels (COMING SOON!!)
And there are plans for more maps to be stored in the wad file.
Thank you, and happy battling the undead!