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Status Replies posted by JacenXYZ

  1. So, after Reelvonic joined my Discord server, I learnt things about him

    and they were no good.

  2. Burnout from spriting, resting for now

    1. JacenXYZ


      Real life first, Tommy.

  3. I used to be a mod of the Multiplayer section only, but now it’s global, so that’s cool 😎 


    (this won’t be noticeable at all really, just popping it in this status update for transparency)

  4. 2 new listings for the DOOM Comic on eBay. one is from the United Kingdom. compared to the last few that I saw, they are somewhat cheap (or at least cheaper). 




  5. Hello friends, I’ve been out of town the last few days and will be home this coming Wednesday. I’ve only had really spotty internet access and I saw I’ve got quite a few PMs, I’m not ignoring anyone though, I will absolutely read them all once I’m back home!

  6. Ruth Bader Ginsburg died today. Rest in peace.

  7. Sorry for that EXTREMELY long hiatus. I had some issues come up. Mainly with forgetting my info, and various other internet stuff angering me.

  8. I think you need more followers, but that's my opinion.

  9. I'm new here. And for those wondering. I had an account here, but I can't find out what the name is anymore. It's because I quit that account, and if someone could be nice enough to delete that account, I would be happy.
