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Status Updates posted by Endless

  1. Had some free time today so decided to publish a quick video review!



  2. Some WIP pics of my Thy Flesh Consumed inspired episode. Plan to make 9 maps in total. Was originally going to be vanilla but visplane overflow is a pain in the ass so I settled for limit-removing. Currently have 4 maps done. They are especially inspired by E4M1.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Remilia Scarlet
    3. WH-Wilou84


      Can't see them pics !

    4. Endless


      Damn Discord doesn't work as it used to for pic link grab.

  3. Kinda stuck on how to start E4M4 for my WIP project. While it has the overall E4 aesthethic, the mapset is supposed to be directly inspired by E4M1, thus, short, punchy maps with generally tight level design is the goal I have, but the more I make, the more I end up opening the maps more than I should. Any tips on how should I start E4M4?


    Was thinking perhaps:


    • Exterior area that leads to a small marble palace
    • Typical E4M1 starting area, open ceiling and nukage everywhere with shotgun snipers
    • Quiet starting area with no enemies, allowing the player to explore for a bit before all goes to hell.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Endless


      Yeah I'm tempted to go for that route. I also don't want to make every map feel like carbon copies of E4M1.

    3. Walter confetti

      Walter confetti

      3rd choice for me as well, but also 1st sounds cool

    4. Gaia74



  4. More pics from my WIP project. This is E4M3.






  5. Working on E4M3 of my Hell Beneath inspired mapset.



    1. taufan99


      Nice architecture. I love the thrones as well.

  6. New year, new me!



    1. Remilia Scarlet

      Remilia Scarlet

      Damn, you definitely did not skip leg day in 2023

    2. Endless


      Those hooves ain't taking growing on their own!

  7. The year is almost over, and the Wadazine has its 2023 survey ready! I'd love if you guys would take a minute of your time to respond the survey and share with us your thoughts and opinions about our work. It helps us a lot to improve and do better each year!



  8. RIP Doomworld about to be unintentionally DDoS by doomers. Also a bad time to publish anything else holy damn

    1. Zylinderkatze
    2. Zylinderkatze


      This is the chance to shadow drop a new map or episode xD

  9. Have a little time free now, so I went back to Doom for a bit and wrote some articles for the blog:

    The article was previously published on Wadaazine #21.


    So, Doom 30th anniversary is coming soon, and I had a lot of plans ahead to celebrate three glorious decades of demonic bonanza. Sadly, this year has been a little rough and quite difficult for me, particularly regarding time management, so I wasn't able to do much of it in time. I was (still am) creating a E4 inspired Doom episode to release by December, but I only got as far as E4M3. Also wanted to finish my Doom WAD history book by this point, but only got to 30% more or less. Still, such projects will be finished at some point, but probably later than sooner.


    On the other hand, I'm currently writing an article about the best 50 WADs from 1994, as a little celebration of the good ol' days of Doom early mapping. I should have this one ready for December 10th, if all goes well.

  10. Just finished uploading the first 4 WADs from Maximum Doom. Surprisingly, not that bad, and had a lot of fun as a matter of fact. Sorry for the shitty audio, still figuring out audio mixing.






    1. taufan99


      Oh hey, 1-on-1! Someone also made a PsyDoom conversion of it a while ago.


  11. So, here it is. My journey begins, today!



  12. Been thinking a lot about shovelware CDs lately. I think it is time I finally take the plunge and play all of Maximum Doom. Not a true doomer if I haven't swallowed all of it!


    And this might also be a nice opportunity to finally record some videos and archive/preserve playthroughs of these rare maps that will most likely make me go insane. And yet, I still have the itch to go through all of it. It is a kind of guilty-pleasure, I guess. I enjoy their rare and ominous quality. In a way, it feels like going back to 1995 and enjoying the simplicity sadism of golden years.


    Already worked a awesome thumbnail with the help of @4MaTC too!



    1. Andromeda


      Good luck soldier, you'll need it! :P

    2. Searcher


      Awesome thumbnail.  I hope you are up to the brain damage with those.  Some have no exit because of the editing tools of the day and editing inexperience.  Others are three cybers in a small room.

      Good luck.  Do what you can.For historical purposes. Very commendable.  Soldier on!

  13. Here's the latest posts at my blog. Some reviews and the last part of the 90s WADs articles. I wasn't really able to do much these last weeks, but here it is.

    1. Endless


      Happy to hear that! And thanks for sharing. I finished the Why Play 90s WADs? article a few weeks ago, but hadn't posted it here yet, so glad to see you like it.

  14. Hey people! Don't forget to check out our latest Wadazine issue, and, if you wish to contribute to the next one, I welcome you to our Discord where we manage and organize all our work :)


  15. Next Wadazine issue is almost done! Here's a look at the cover:



  16. Just finished a review here on my blog, here's what's new. Three fantastical WADs to quickly blast through and enjoy.



    Playing modern WADs isn't so bad after all, wink wink.

  17. Here's what's new on my blog, including an article on why I love playing 90s WADs:

    First part, next part, I'll be adding some commentary from fellow old-school appreciators :) Hope you guys enjoy the reads.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Endless


      Afraid to report that I couldn't find anything to fix it. It seems to be part of the pre-designed theme that I choose when I first created the blog with WordPress :s I'll try to find a fix in the future, if there is, or maybe switch theme.

    3. Daytime Waitress

      Daytime Waitress

      All good. I figured it was something as simple as having the siderbar on the left and getting loaded first, and something as dumb as it being baked in. Don't stress too much on it - you got a guaranteed reader here.

    4. Endless


      Thanks for sharing!

  18. So, I decided to re-ignite my old-school blog with some cool Doom stuff and I've been publishing a little material to give it some weight. So, all you Doomers here that like to follow my project and articles, can now go check it out to get your daily dose of Doom :)


    For now, here's what I published:


    Feel free to check it out, and I would love to read some comments or opinions. And thanks to everyone that has made my stay in the worlds of Doom, so much cooler and enjoyable.


    As for the future, you can expect more reviews, status updates, and essays about Doom. Some of the material might be old stuff that I only published on the Wadazine, so there's likely to be a few recycles here and there. I prefer it this way since now, with the glacial-pace that the Wadazine has taken, this is my little way to release all that Doom itch.

    1. Daytime Waitress

      Daytime Waitress

      As much as I love and appreciate the Wadazine and all the effort that goes into it, intricate and detailed pdf's are probably my least favourite thing to attempt to read on my phone, so bite-sized blogpost reviews and essays really tickle my taint.


      Best of luck on the book project, too. Roots is hands-down the most impressive thing I have ever read on the subject of videogames, so seeing how someone with your experience approaches similar themes and expands on others is bound to be a treat.

    2. Endless


      Oh I can understand that. We design them to be read on PCs in single-page mode (most of the time) so it can get quite tricky on phone.


      And thanks a lot! Tackling such an undertaking is quite the challenge, especially considering there's some bits of info and history that you wouldn't really know unless you were there, but I will do the best I can :)

    3. Zylinderkatze


      Required reading for my Sunday evening!

  19. Who here still reads blogs or follows some topic-related blogposter? I find it a little bit sad how the blog scene seems to be have dipped down in popularity and relevancy. I imagine the main reason behind this is probably the prevalence and accessibility of video vlogs, which seem to be more attractive to the modern user.


    I enjoy videos, but I seem to lack the attention span to properly finish them. Even a 10-long video becomes quite the annoyance after a while. Reading tends to capture my attention more, and it is one of my main sources of entertainment nowadays. Blogs like ONEMANDOOM are gems that I really wish were more common and active.


    I still have a semi-active blog myself, but it is mostly related to Warhammer 40k and Dungeons & Dragons stuff, but I been a little behind it lately because I haven't played none of those games for a while now due to lack of group/players, so I was thinking about resurrecting it with some personal Doom content. Maybe someone here would be interesting in what this endless man has to say? But then again, I fear it might just get dusted into the wind in quiet silence. I would love to have more interaction, but it seems videos are the ones that get the most and I don't really find myself enjoying video creation and editing.


    But who knows, might do something someday :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Endless


      Essays is something I've been thinking about lately. Mostly my ramblings and thoughts about the art of WAD making, and also general things I like and would like to see more in Doom, as well as going a little more deep into the insights of certain facets of the game. Most likely, the thing I would write the most is WAD reviews. It's been a while since I last did and I would love to return to it.


      And I was only aware of Goblin Punch, the rest are quite new to me. Thanks a lot, they look great.

    3. PhoxFyre007


      Honestly, your writing has inspired me in the past to start writing my own stuff. But I've not dedicated to anything in a long time. I honestly need to again.

    4. Endless


      Thanks a lot for the kind words! :)


      If you do ever feel like writing some Doom stuff, consider joining the Wadazine to have a little platform to share your write-ups.

  20. Just released a new single-level PWAD! Hell Under, an E4M1 tribute. Created this level after feeling inspired and also as a little practice for a future project I'd like to do.


    Go check it out ! :D




  21. Happy 25th anniversary to Unreal! One of my favorite games of all time, and my 2nd favorite FPS game (after Call of Dute, obviously) ever! Unreal is a precious gem that holds a dear value to me. As celebration, we'll be creating an special one-shot issue with the Wadazine team! If there's any Unreal fans here, feel free to join us.


    As such, I'm opening a contribution window to any Unreal fan out there that wishes to join us in this new celebration!


    • You can find our submission guidelines in our Discord, or here: https://wadazine.com/contact/
    • Anything that's Unreal related is welcome
    • Send me via DM the submissions once they are done @[WZ] 𝕰𝖓𝖉𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘 on Discord.
    • Deadline for submissions: June 5




  22. Ohhhh shiiiiit, it's happening! The MonsterVerse lives!



  23. It's been a while since you last visited. Hope you are doing well! Miss your work, one of the best vanilla mappers out there.

  24. @Arrowhead and I just released a 6-level DM WAD for those frag lovers out there. Pretty great for duel and 2-4 FF, go check it out:

