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Everything posted by HeyItsDuke

  1. HeyItsDuke

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    That looks awesome! I'm definitely checking this out. That looks really cool! I love the style of the maps, it gives me sort of a retro sci-fi feeling.
  2. HeyItsDuke

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    I don't have much to share yet, but here are two options that are in the options menu of my latest project. You can enable and disable them at any time. Option 1: Toggle Blake Stone style textured ceilings and floors. Option 2: Toggle whether Bullets that hit walls, floors, and ceilings can appear to ricochet. EDIT: Yes, it's a Wolfenstein project in the Doom engine.
  3. HeyItsDuke

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    I replay knee-deep in the dead almost every day.
  4. I was thinking about doing some new weapon sprites for freedoom. What ones honestly need replaced?
  5. HeyItsDuke

    Hey Guys! I'm new to DoomWorld!

    Welcome my fellow Doomer! I hope you find Doomworld to be an awesome place to connect with other Doomer's. If you haven't already, definitely check out the /idgames database: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/ You will find some awesome maps and mods in there.
  6. HeyItsDuke


    I honestly try not to get involved in politics. Mostly because if I put my opinion out there my fellow doomers that don't agree with me could turn against me, and I would rather just get along with everyone. I don't care who you voted for, I don't care if you are republican or democrat or independent, I don't care if you have the same opinion as me. I honestly don't care. Now I have a question I must ask, why is it necessary to flame each other for having a different opinion? Can't we just treat each other nice even though we don't agree?
  7. HeyItsDuke

    Do You Like Doom 3?

    I like Doom 3, the originals will always be my favorite. Though I might have liked it better if it hadn't used the monster closet so much.
  8. HeyItsDuke

    Who else isn't an adult here besides me?

    I have no physical age, puny mortals. As for my mental age... well... I'm sure an embryo has a more mature sense of humor than me. I 100% agree with you. If I have kids, and they say Doom is lame just because it's "old" they are grounded for life.
  9. HeyItsDuke

    Wolfenstein 3D SNES Sound Effects

    I'd have to compare them.
  10. HeyItsDuke

    Single player dlc is coming to doom eternal

    Not yet, But ZeniMax owns them now. And that sounds like something ZeniMax and Bethesda would do. So We'll see. (I don't hate ZeniMax and Bethesda though, I love The Elder Scrolls and Fallout.)
  11. Toilet Break 3: The McDonalds Fiasco. Toilet Break 4: The Precarious Plumbing Predicament. Samsara 2: Yes, I freaking added Caleb. Sheesh.
  12. HeyItsDuke

    What does your Doom folder contain???

    My Doom folder on my old laptop would have made peoples jaws drop, just because I had so much crap in there. But here is my current one. I had to censor some folders though, I don't want to reveal my latest project yet...
  13. HeyItsDuke

    Wolfenstein 3D SNES Sound Effects

    I'll take that as a no.
  14. HeyItsDuke

    Share Your Sprites!

    Those are pretty cool!
  15. HeyItsDuke

    Share Your Sprites!

  16. Hmm... Maybe somewhere in-between? not fast, but not slow.
  17. Arch Vile looks awesome! Heavy Weapons Dude looks awesome! I agree the calves need to be more bulky, the larger ammo pouches are a good idea. Revenant looks awesome! except I agree the proportions need evened out a bit. Spider mastermind looks awesome! Female Arch Vile looks awesome! Cyberdemon 2.0 looks awesome! EDIT: Also, what program are you using to make these? I'm curious.
  18. I've been looking and looking. And I can't find anything. :( Still can't find it. :(
  19. Do you remember what year you played it in?
  20. Kinda sounds like MIDI Maze. But that might not be it. But it doesn't really look 3D so...
  21. Majik Monkee's Image World will NOT load for me at all http://mmimageworld.dugtrio17.com/ It's a site for free to use Wolfenstein sprites and I need some sprites from there. Any else have this problem?
  22. HeyItsDuke

    Majik Monkee's Image World will NOT load

    I'm not using them for Freedoom. But thanks for letting me know! :)
  23. Was it a FPS, 3rd person, or Top Down? Was it FPS, 3rd person, or Top Down?
  24. I'm so stumped right now. Do you have any clue on what the developers name might have been?
  25. No problem. Those were the only ones I could find. :D