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About TheGoldenKai

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    New Member

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  1. TheGoldenKai

    R. Lee Ermey Has Died At Age 74

    Why must 2018 have the worst deaths ever? Seriously, he was the best actor to come out of absurd comedy. R.I.P.
  2. TheGoldenKai

    Swedish musician Avicii has passed

    Aaaaaaagh, shit. He was my favorite EDM producer. R.I.P.
  3. TheGoldenKai

    What are you listening to?

    Furry Music. ...I dunno, I'm not a furry, but Renard's music is actually pretty neat.
  4. TheGoldenKai

    Random Image Thread

    From a random Etika video that I discovered and found the original source for this monstrosity. like seriously, what the fuck.
  5. TheGoldenKai

    What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

    Playing some TF2, s'really fun so far. this was an old screenshot, that's why I'm using the phlog instead of the backburner
  6. TheGoldenKai

    So, how old are you ?

  7. When I first started to use SLADE 3, I had no idea what to do in forms of map design. Should I make an outdoors level? Should I make a usual UAC lab of some sorts? How about five Barons of Hell while using your fists around a Colosseum that's poorly designed? Hence why I think before I create. I've seen so many DOOM maps up to this point of making some myself that would end up HORRIBLY put together. I don't know how to make doors open properly, I don't know how to make something in the lines of "Collect Weapons, RATA-BATA-BANG BANG Hidden Doors that Open once collected, then BAM, cYBERDEMONS--" ...actually, that Idea seems a bit sucky, imo. Anyways. Map making was just a pain up the wazoo, though making a basic room with adjustments to look pretty seems a bit time consuming, but cool. However, when I try to make details, it'll go in one in of two outcomes: 1. Everything goes perfect as usual. or 2. Some vertices get buggy and screwed up and I have to restart the whole thing unless I have a backup file of that said map I am making. That's all I have to say, either way, Doom Map Making has a huge learning curve that I have to follow in order to be part of the "Majority of DOOM Map Making". ...I'm going to guess that there are modern crap maps out there, don't wanna be part of them.