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Everything posted by Remster

  1. Remster

    Use Of Color - What Do These Pictures Have In Common?

    Yeah, #17 comes from my latest map "Iron Moor" created for the Vinesauce. I don't really remember how exactly i made it... I kinda spaced out while mapping, and next thing i remember is this exact screenshot on my screen...
  2. Remster

    Impromptu Minidido (Project Thread)

    SIGH... I just can't get to mapping... I've been staring into blank gzdb for 4 hours now, and i still don't have any idea. I'm afraid that i won't be able to contribute. Sorry
  3. Remster

    Impromptu Minidido (Project Thread)

    Well... why not - i'll try to map, 3100-3199
  4. Remster

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    I've learned the hard way, that it's due to textures being under "flat" category and vice versa
  5. Remster


    I also decided to take part in vinesauce. I had something looking half-decent,but i think i fucked it up in last hour left till the end of mapping
  6. Remster

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    The first screenie looks like lost soul from doom64
  7. Remster

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    If anyone asked me "What was the turning point in your mapping career?", I'd respond just with one sentence "Comp textures.". Seriously tho, i luv them
  8. Remster

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    I myself have only made +- 5 maps total, and yet i am making "good" maps... It's all about determination (lots of energy drinks and water, few sleepless nights, hundreds and lots hours of mapping and small pinch of general idea are welcome as well)
  9. Remster

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    Less than 72 hours?! Well... - red is a must (making/detailing rooms and fixing stacked portal aligment) - yellow is optional - if time permits, i'll add in corridors inside outter walls; - blue - i can get away with it as it stands, but it isnt done either Of course i still gotta make final fight and balancing and then compile this thing
  10. Remster

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    ^^^ Marine - "Oh hey, a field... Well.. I guess i'll see myself ou- WHAT THE FU-" Marine gets oneshot by the ruler of these fields, and king to all demons, the Marine slaughtered - Camanthar the III
  11. Remster

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    Ze UAC Infrastructure and Architecture departments has recently picked up on creating "How NOT to build your UAC base 101". Unfortunately someone bought cocaine and shared it with their co-workers...
  12. Remster

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    Moar time spent, moar work done and moar money spent on energy drinks...
  13. Remster

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    Well... I just felt like doing something bright for once
  14. Remster

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    Here, have some more screenshots
  15. Remster

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    Some more screenies of my new wip map
  16. Remster

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    I had plans for today. I thought "why not map for few minutes, i have this one small idea"... Spent few good hours mapping...
  17. Remster

    The DWIronman League dies to: Combat Shock 2

    Last Ironman isn't done yet - there are still some replays to watch before final scores will be in
  18. Remster

    The DWIronman League dies to: Combat Shock 2

    Does death exit count toward live count?
  19. Remster

    The DWIronman League dies to: Combat Shock 2

    Welp... Gonna do a prep run this time... So far i was able to crack map2
  20. Remster

    The DWIronman League dies to: Combat Shock 2

    Thanks! About the choppines - it was both my connection and family interrupting me most of time. I'm just concerned about showing settings when doing demos - it doesn't really show it on them... I just must make demos in gzdoom - it doesn't lag for me at all
  21. Remster

    The DWIronman League dies to: Combat Shock 2

    Now quick question - how do i prove, that i am using settings required, when making demo in gzdoom(neither of recommended ports work on my pc for whatever reason)?
  22. If e1m4 slot is free i could try making a map for it
  23. Just download the wad we are doing session on and record yourself play it(UV, boom-strict compatibility, no jumping/crouching/freelook). You can either record it or make a demo out of it
  24. Well, i've made it to e3m6. Here is the proof https://www.twitch.tv/kyle2959/videos/all. Run category: 2 [EDIT] I forgot to include times e1 - 40:20 e2 - 48:40 e3 (up to death) - 47:30 Now when i think about it, sticking to the walls near crushers doesn't seem like a good idea