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About CortexReaver

  • Rank
    Green Marine

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  1. this wad is cyberpunk as fuck
  2. CortexReaver

    MAYhem: 2020 Edition - On Idgames!

    Cool megawad. Here's some gameplay footage on YT:
  3. CortexReaver

    HEAD TRAUMA - (Now on IDgames)

    Same. Have you figured how to "complete" it?
  4. CortexReaver

    HEAD TRAUMA - (Now on IDgames)

    Tough but fun shit: Sorry for me being a complete r-word and not be able to kill a Cybi with a two BFG shots... I am not as cool as TimeOfDeath :( By the way, is there a way to complete map06?
  5. There is another wad by this creator, but I can't find its page anywhere
  6. Here's complete playthrough in two parts: These "whisples" was so annoying and hard to hit as well. These levels will be fun to play with angelic aviary monster pack.
  7. CortexReaver

    The Secret Energy (Boom level, /idgames)

    Complete playthrough, UV + fastmonsters, from beginning to 00:42:00 :
  8. CortexReaver

    The Secret Energy

    This map is not for beginners, this is a map for the guys, who have an experience and maybe knows how the game works. It took me around 40 minutes to complete (counting all save-loads), but the best time is something like "30 sec". Well keep in mind that I have to save a lot combined with blind walking. If you are playing this level for the second time then maybe you can complete it faster, but I am not a pro and don't even want to be there. Visually speaking this is your another typical-standard-tech-base map, so nothing to comment on here. I've seen thousands of those, this not to be meant as an architectural masterpiece but rather a playground to test your skills. So, if you want to stress your nervous system (whatever that means), have a 10+ years experience in boomer-shooters and plenty of free time on your hands - then go for it. Otherwise no, better spend your time on something more meaningful, like collecting Honey Select cards. Complete playthrough, UV + fastmonsters, from beginning to 00:42:00 :
  9. CortexReaver

    The Incident - My very first map

    Was a short and fun map, really enjoyed it. From 0:42:35 to 1:14:46:
  10. CortexReaver

    Station-12 [ NOW ON IDGAMES ]

    I like the level design deviation from your typical Doom-bases to more half-life-ish (quake-ish) corridors and rooms.
  11. CortexReaver

    Traumatism [Doom 2 Episode Replacement]

    So far so good. First map reminds me of System shock and the style of other maps reminded me of Blake stone for some reason. I like when people create places that are used by men and not just some generic corridors. Some call it "Doom cute", I call it a "good design". UV + fastmonsters playthrough:
  12. CortexReaver

    Yuegong - Moon Palace (abandoned map)

    Is this map still in development? Can I download it at least in a form of walking sim? Looks absolutely fantastic. Also looks like Elend has experience in the gamedev industry :) I wish I was as good at concept art as Elend at mapping.
  13. Traveling to the moon (first map) and man on the moon (second map), both completed on UV + fastmonsters:
  14. CortexReaver

    Combat Shock now on /idgames

    Here's some video footage. I know that this is a pretty old WAD, but it still plays good today nonetheless.
  15. CortexReaver

    Crusader [DSDHACKED+MBF21]

    Also I'll just leave this here: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=1244717