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About dot.jpeg

  • Rank
    Played a video game once

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  1. Hey, it's been a while! Used to be known as A Cacodemon. Looking back at one of the first times I had any sort of online presence is both fun and a cringefest! But hey, some things have changed, some things have stayed the same. I still get obsessed about stupid nerd shit like Doom... and Mega Man. And MM8BDM.

  2. dot.jpeg

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    I have not played all the way through any Doom game, ever. If you count pwads and pk3s, I've only beaten Shadow Of The Wool Ball once. Edit: More confessions: I always play with freelook, jump, and crouch. ALWAYS. I always play on HMP.
  3. dot.jpeg

    Post your Gamer Throne®

    I have a really cheap mesh task chair that was so cheap, the back support thing broke... two or three years ago. It’s also impossible to clean if you get crumbs or dust in it. I’m planning to get an IKEA Markus chair soon.
  4. dot.jpeg

    Which DOOM did you play first?

    Surprisingly enough, my first Doom was Doom 3. Not when it was released, but just a year or two ago. I played a little bit of it, but that was it. I do wish I could play some more of Doom 3 though. I've heard it's pretty good, but I've also heard that it deviates a lot from the normal Doom gameplay, what with more suspense and horror.
  5. dot.jpeg

    So where does your username come from?

    Your icon is absolutely fucking horrifying.
  6. dot.jpeg

    So where does your username come from?

    Maybe Eris was falling because you thought about Pluto?
  7. dot.jpeg

    So where does your username come from?

    I also like TF2, too.
  8. dot.jpeg

    So where does your username come from?

    Both of them are pretty clever. Good job!
  9. dot.jpeg

    So where does your username come from?

    Again, it would be cool if Xaser appeared here.
  10. dot.jpeg

    So where does your username come from?

    You have a half-decent acrostic.
  11. dot.jpeg

    So where does your username come from?

    I like me some birbs.
  12. dot.jpeg

    So where does your username come from?

    I'm extremely sorry.
  13. dot.jpeg

    So where does your username come from?

    Darn. I should've named myself Kratos Kronus. That way I can tell everyone that I eat children.
  14. dot.jpeg

    So where does your username come from?

    Why am I even clapping this much?