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Everything posted by Novaseer

  1. Novaseer

    Monster Infighting Cheating

    I dread to think of how slaughtermaps would play without infighting.
  2. Novaseer

    Monster Infighting Cheating

    poor doomkid's gonna have a heart attack
  3. Novaseer

    novaseer's MIDI Pack (17 free to use MIDIs)

    Updated with two new MIDIs today, since I didn't want to poke the thread for the relatively short Portal Jump. It and Xenoscape have been added to the download link.
  4. I've been putting off uploading something like this for a while because I've managed to convince myself that I've hardly made any MIDIs, then I realised I'd made 14 of the things and one of them is 29 minutes, so... here you go. This pack currently contains 17 MIDIs, mostly metal with some genre variations, that I've composed for various projects mostly during 2024. They're free to use for your own projects, with one very simple condition: when you post a map using my music, please notify me (a @Novaseer in the body of the post will suffice) so I can see the cool things you've used my music for! All MIDIs written in Guitar Pro 7 with the singular exception of Malice, which was written of all things in ACID Music Studio 10. Some MIDIs, like Machine Reaper, were later touched up in Sekaiju. In alphabetical order, these are: Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0o6ews7mpzacotyvlmiye/novaseer-midis-20241106.zip?rlkey=qawlfwvy71esef1rx30kh527q&st=959z7maf&dl=0 When I complete more MIDIs, or if I make videos for existing ones like I did Heart Against Feather and Nukespill, I'll update the OP and download link to include them, as well as bumping the thread to let y'all know.
  5. Novaseer

    Doom III (Doom II Mod) Release

    That's because the mods cleaned out several pages of bad faith comments and banned some of the individuals posting them, as stated here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/2861704
  6. Novaseer

    Pina Colada 2 RC2 | 27 MBF21 Maps

    myolden releases a banger megawad (also known as it's a day ending in y)
  7. ukiro has specifically asked people to not use Eviternity II's exclusive textures until OTEX2 is finalised.
  8. I think your self-imposed rules are hurting your first impressions a lot. Whilst Plutonia's maps are short relative to the other IWADs, no saves only really means its bushwhacks will be more frustrating, and Plutonia has a lot of those. Letting yourself have saves will help you savour your victories a lot more without making you think "oh god, I have to do that hard part all over again if I die later", sweetening the overall experience. Also, MAP32 is kinda meant to be harder than the rest. That's why it's optional. My advice is to BFG judiciously, you'll be much more ready to clear a path through a corridor of revenants if you're holding it than with the SSG - and often, at least from my observations, the difference between an okay and a good Doom player is shaking the reluctance to use the power weapons.
  9. Novaseer

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    goddamn thems some lighting gradients
  10. No worries, good luck in dealing with whatever those issues are. To anyone else following the thread, that's MAP12 open.
  11. Novaseer

    novaseer's MIDI Pack (17 free to use MIDIs)

    My apologies for bumping so quickly, but I managed to somehow pry myself away from Factorio for long enough to crank out another MIDI tonight. March of the Martians has been added to the download link.
  12. Report your own post under the "This comment is okay, but I want to tell a moderator about it" and explain that you want to move the subforum. They'll usually do it pretty quickly.
  13. I was so pleasantly surprised at seeing a release not by me have one of my MIDIs in it that I accidentally dropped my fork onto the floor, lmao congrats on the release!
  14. MAP08 on RC4: Multiple secret sectors for the same secret.
  15. As of today, MAP27 has freed up again.
  16. Novaseer

    Doom III (Doom II Mod) Release

    "Probably" gives me pause. It implies you haven't actually played, or even looked at with any kind of scrutiny, those hard mapsets to understand how they approach difficulty - which often leads to a conflation of 'difficult' and 'bullshit' where, instead of trying to puzzle and stimulate the player, 'difficulty' is instead springing more and more gotchas at them - which has a tendency to frustrate that player more than encourage improvement. Simply put, mapsets on high difficulty whose objective is not to be challenging, but instead cruel, rarely get the second runs required to master them, and such stonewalls often deter finishing even the first. Also, call me crazy for thinking this, but if you're advertising your WAD as a direct sequel to an IWAD it stands to reason you should emulate how that IWAD approaches difficulty. Maybe have a little more of it, sure, but you can pretty comfortably beat Doom II on UV without secrets even if you're not a Doomgod. That should be your template. For what it's worth, Sunder - one of the quintessential 'very hard mapsets' - has exactly one secret across its entire runtime, and it's MAP15's secret exit. The only resource it gives you is the radsuit required to reach it.
  17. I should probably have waited until after my play session to post that issue, because in MAP06 I also found some stubborn lines which were still on the automap:
  18. Indeed it is! That's all slots claimed if you're taking it.
  19. Sure thing! EDIT: For those not keeping up with the thread, this means that there are two slots open: MAP06 and MAP27.
  20. There we go, lol. Do you want the Discord invite?
  21. Ah, balls, I didn't realise that one wasn't updated either. roadworx claimed that one. Sorry again.
  22. JackDBS moved their slot to 11 and it wasn't properly reflected on the main thread, my apologies. The other open slots (and 02) are still available, though.