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Barry Burton

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About Barry Burton

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  1. Barry Burton

    Any Warcraft II fans here?

    I played War2BNE a lot back in the day. I still have maps from those days: free castles, mageball and waterknights.
  2. Barry Burton

    Help wanted!

    When he asked to share my mod, I didn't think it was a help wanted ad he wanted to do lol. Technically it is released on ModDB, but it's still very much a WIP project. My GitHub is more current, the ModDB page hasn't been updated in a long time. I definitely could use a hand or two but I also have pretty limited time these days. But yeah, I just thought he was going to share stuff, not ask for help lol. Sorry about that!
  3. Barry Burton

    What's your Doomfolio?

    My fork of Metroid Dreadnought: https://github.com/OrdinaryVanity/mdh
  4. Barry Burton

    What is your favorite rapper/Hip Hop artist

    Right now? Earl Sweatshirt, specifically Some Rap Songs. Of all time? Man, I don't know, too many to name.
  5. Barry Burton


    Move over unloved.wad, this is my new favorite. Amazing, incredible and overall such a fantastic and frightening experience.
  6. Barry Burton

    Best GZDoom wads/megawads

    Gonna shamelessly plug my own: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=61918
  7. Barry Burton

    Biggest Doom WAD Turnoffs

    Mandatory secrets to finish or progress in a level.
  8. Barry Burton

    Normal and specular maps.

    There's Normalmap Generator: https://github.com/Theverat/NormalmapGenerator It works okay, but you'll get much better results making them by hand usually.
  9. Barry Burton

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    Added a new CVar to change missile behaviors. Thanks to Agent Ash and Boondorl for the help.
  10. Barry Burton

    ability help

    Off the top of my head, you can just make a powerup with an infinite duration and give and take away as necessary.
  11. Barry Burton

    Was there a Quake 1 killer?

    Remember Killzone? The Halo killer? Lol so much for that.
  12. Barry Burton

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    An hour or two just for that. It needs the whole interior done, the cellar, the outside... lots of stuff left to do.