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Everything posted by Janderson

  1. Janderson

    The story behind your custom avatar

    After I had discovered my school's animation tools, I copied Job's Doomfish, tweeked it to look like a Corey Taylor mask, used another user's "J on a field of flame" avatar as my background and then made it dance. When I uploaded it my school's internet cut out at that very moment which made me believe my tiny animation was the cause. ha ha ha. Ah, to be young. I would later make nice money in IT comms while being utterly clueless about all forms of technology. The end.
  2. Janderson

    I like

    I like it when they struggle
  3. Janderson

    UK people - RATM for no.1

    He'd best remember to add this to future Christmas compilations, whoever this 'man' is.
  4. Janderson


    It did the job, it amused me and some bits (e.g penis dance) were actually hilarious. But shocking? Nah. I would recommend seeing this in the cinema, but don't miss Hangover for it.
  5. Janderson

    What do you do for a living?

    RSignals I have bought more pussy than any of you have earned... and earned more money than I could possibly have deserved :/.
  6. Janderson

    Monks Brawl

    We could use this as a means of determining the one true religion.
  7. The innocent person shouldn't have had so much evidence going against them. Having said that, I do so hate when the wrong people are punished.
  8. Janderson

    CoD4 kills teen

    I was addicted to WoW a while back. Wish I still was. RL is shit.
  9. Hmm, perhaps they should give it something other than a colour change to make it distinguishable from the HK. The fleshy colour and rotting body give it a weaker feel than the rock solid Knight anyway, IMHO. EDIT: How about some horns and a regal looking mane perhaps :? Maybe a hand held weapon, like a mace.
  10. Janderson

    Marine's drinks and food

    I once crossed a Cadbury's Cream Egg and pizza, believing I'd create a rainbow of flavours. I burned the chocolate and the cream filling polluted the cheese creating a sickly sweet and salty flavour that tasted absolutely toxic. It was so bad I occaisionally get flashbacks and sometimes wake up with that taste in my mouth.
  11. That's not how it should be! /resumes Superman pose
  12. Janderson

    Marine's drinks and food

    I don't eat on the job, when I find spilt crumbs, sauce and drink inside my keyboard, like under the keyboard... just grr! Grrrr!
  13. Haha, shaddappa-your-face! That wasn't the point of my post. I never said I'd have saved him. I merely find it disturbing that we as humans lack a sense of selfless commitment nowadays, is all.
  14. Janderson

    The Dark Knight

    To be confirmed, I believe.
  15. What I find more disturbing in tales such as this, where people are being killed, maimed or raped in public, is that nobody seems to have the courage to help. They pretend it's not happening or flee despite greatly outnumbering the offender.
  16. Janderson

    Ask Enjay about....

    I lack the talent to do something incredibly good for a custom title, and lack the imagination to do something incredibly stupid. Hmm, I was 'BOINGY BONG WIZARD' for a while because the honourable mods here thought that some dude on my school network was me. I wept.
  17. Janderson

    The Dark Knight

    Enjoyed the movie, loved the Joker. Batman's voice is not a problem, it only serves to hide his identity. Was pissed off that a group of eight year olds began humming tunelessly through the dialogue. Wish Two-face had his own movie. /end hmm, I didn't stay for a post credit sequence, anything happen?
  18. Janderson

    Hardest games ever?

    The best part is, after getting timed out countless times, realising you only have to press up and down :/.
  19. Janderson

    My balls are okay

    I hope his disability isn't his only gag.
  20. Janderson

    Your personal Nirvana

    To toil at the hands of others. I need to keep moving or I may die.
  21. I like Cadbury's Cream Eggs. I like Pizza, I combined the two and find that I now hate both of them.
  22. I gave 20 pounds to a busker and refused when he tried to give it back to me. I believed covering a mate's open car window with clingfilm would protect it from the recent storms we've been getting in Germany. but 1. the window was closed enough to not let much or any rain water in. and 2. The clingfilm formed a pocket which collected some water and collapsed inwards (at least, that's how I think it happened) and formed a nice smooth ramp to which all the rain water could cling (with the power of water physics) and slide easily into the car. I was challenged to some kind of out-gaying competition. I lost and fled the town.
  23. Janderson

    Sexual Themes in games

    Why do they put sexual themes in literature and movies?
  24. Went on a drunken killing spree at 0130 hours this morning with a graphite shaft (like a pool que thing). I managed to whip several moths and a 'daddy longlegs' in half with fairly good accuracy, and when I disturbed my bedding a pissed off Hornet/Bad-ass German Wasp emerged, I managed to smite my would-be assailant in one fell blow. Awaking at 0400 hours thanks to the singing birds and all the red bull I had consumed the previous night, I went on a stroll to the bank to see if my money had reappeared as it often does towards the end of the month. I was rather anxious to recieve this info, having blown the majority of this months wages on a drink fountain, digi camera, various outings, CHATTING to a prostitute and topping up my phone because Eng to Ger(sim card) calls cost a bomb out here and my social life is flourishing quite scarily.