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Couldn't not display Name

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About Couldn't not display Name

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  1. Couldn't not display Name

    Who said this?

    When i type his name, Doom: Repercusion appear. What the phuck is dat?
  2. Couldn't not display Name

    Who said this?

    "They are rage, brutal, without mercy. But you, you will be worse. Rip and tear, until its done." Night Sentinals? Or what?
  3. Couldn't not display Name

    DOOM easter eggs / references / injokes

    Thanks, but i found a better picture, here: your picture has the pentagrams seen clearily but not the 666. Mine can see both, but not too clear for the pentagrams. Anyways thanks for the resources :)
  4. Couldn't not display Name

    Code Blocks type usage

    Dude i copy-paste from Wikipedia It was intentional inifinte loop. The explaination to the code is: The form for (;;) for an infinite loop is traditional, appearing in the standard reference The C Programming Language, and is often punningly pronounced "forever". For the unintentional loop: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int a = 0; while (a < 10) { printf("%d\n", a); if (a = 5) printf("a equals 5!\n"); a++; } return 0; } The expected output is the numbers 0 through 9, with an interjected "a equals 5!" between 5 and 6. However, in the line "if (a = 5)" above, the programmer has confused the = (assignment) operator with the == (equality test) operator. Instead, this will assign the value of 5 to a at this point in the program. Thus, a will never be able to advance to 10, and this loop cannot terminate.
  5. Couldn't not display Name

    QZDOOM rendering glitch

    Oh, joy!
  6. Couldn't not display Name

    DOOM easter eggs / references / injokes

    Didnt you guys know that the soundtrack 'Cyberdemon', when converted to a spectrum, the '666' and pentagrams can be seen. Sorry i didnt not gave the picture
  7. Couldn't not display Name


    Im good at UV 100%
  8. Couldn't not display Name

    Code Blocks type usage

    Thank you! It was ASCII art! ,--, ,--.'| ,--, | : ,---.'| : ' | | : _' | : : |.' | | ' ' ; : ' | .'. | | | : | ' ' : | : ; | | ' ,/ ; : ;--' | ,/ '---' ,--, ,'_ /| .--. | | : ,'_ /| : . | | ' | | . . | | ' | | | : | | : ' ; | ; ' | | ' : | : ; ; | ' : `--' \ : , .-./ `--`----' ,-.----. \ / \ ; : \ | | .\ : . : |: | | | \ : | : . / ; | | \ | | ;\ \ : ' | \.' : : :-' | |.' `---' ,-.----. \ / \ ; : \ | | .\ : . : |: | | | \ : | : . / ; | | \ | | ;\ \ : ' | \.' : : :-' | |.' `---' ,---, ' .' \ / ; '. : : \ : | /\ \ | : ' ;. : | | ;/ \ \ ' : | \ \ ,' | | ' '--' | : : | | ,' `--'' ,---, /_ ./| ,---, | ' : /___/ \. : | . \ \ ,' ' \ ; ` ,' \ \ ' ' \ | \ ; ; : \ \ \ ' ; `--` ,---, ,`--.' | | : : ' ' ; | | | ' : ; | | ' ' : | ; | ; `---'. | `--..`; .--,_ | |`. `-- -`, ; '---`"
  9. Couldn't not display Name

    Code Blocks type usage

    Hey i think i have heard the word monospace.I couldnt remember what it is but it is a requirement for a special text word.What it is?
  10. Couldn't not display Name

    Code Blocks type usage

    #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int a = 0; while (a < 10) { printf("%d\n", a); if (a = 5) printf("a equals 5!\n"); a++; } return 0; } Infinite LOOP! So what is suitable code blocks for DooM sourcecode?
  11. Couldn't not display Name

    QZDOOM rendering glitch

    Hey the textures in the levels look like from Quake right?
  12. Couldn't not display Name

    Port with Doom Alpha/Beta support?

    MBF supports press-release mode, but not the exact one.
  13. Couldn't not display Name

    Jim Flynn

    Oh god, rest in peace Jim. These things are unavoidable in life.... I appreciate to @Lee Killough for telling us this😢.Or this will never heard. My Last Respect to Jim. R.I.P
  14. i think i found it here, though is not the one you really want: Delta Doom-ModDB You can find the exact one in DoomWiki and click main article of the version you want: List of Doom and Doom II Versions
  15. Couldn't not display Name

    We might be getting a new unreleased beta demo of Strife

    where to download and try it?