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About TommyOliverMorgan

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    New Member

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  1. TommyOliverMorgan

    Medkit Sprite Request

    Actually I'm not profiting on my mod. I just feel like recording footage and I wanted to be better safe than sorry.
  2. TommyOliverMorgan

    Medkit Sprite Request

    If it's okay with you xcwerigox, I'm going to share the complete E-Pak wad with everyone. Hope someone could use this in case of fears of invoking the ire of the Red Cross. Edit: I have modified the wad so it can load with the help of some graphic replacement dehacked files.
  3. TommyOliverMorgan

    Medkit Sprite Request

    It's so I could replace the Red Crosses to avoid their wrath. Also to reference the E-Tanks from Mega Man since they both recover health.
  4. TommyOliverMorgan

    Medkit Sprite Request

    Hey there everybody. I am wondering if I could replace the Medkits' Crosses with a Red E? I am hoping someone could make it possible. I will credit when used.
  5. Greetings. Is there a way to marathon both the regular and lost levels all at once in one sitting without resetting weapons ammo and stats? (Given the choice?)