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About Dwaze

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    I'd buy that for a dollar!

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  1. Episode 1 UV-Speed in 5:36 (with e1m8 time) ep1-536.zip Video: https://youtu.be/_EXQgP6bJ4Q
  2. Episode 1 UV-Speed in 4:49 ep1-639.zip 6:39 with e1m8. Extremely shaky hands almost ruined it hehe. Video: https://youtu.be/UT0n9U8w4FM
  3. Ultimate Doom E2M1 NM Speed in 0:38 (was 0:39 by Adam Hegyi) e2m1n038.zip Video: https://youtu.be/6OJmTtfIIy0
  4. Ultimate Doom E4M1 UV-Speed in 0:23 (was 0:25 by Vincent Catalaa) e4m1-023.zip Video: https://youtu.be/eGpuAgiWFpU
  5. Dwaze

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Plutonia Map20 UV Pacifist in 0:41 pl20p041.zip Video: https://youtu.be/gAJMHRcMggM
  6. Dwaze

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Plutonia Map22 UV Speed in 1:06 pl22-106.zip Video: https://youtu.be/uSmhQpYi9kk
  7. E1M2 NM-Speed in 0:22 e1m2n022.zip Video: https://youtu.be/Pu4E2ZyJizw
  8. Dwaze

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Plutonia Map02 NM Speed in 0:58 pl02n058.zip Video: https://youtu.be/m655EkawCmc
  9. Dwaze

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Plutonia Map02 Pacifist in 0:49 pl02p049.zip Video: https://youtu.be/3Vjezj-iWDU
  10. Dwaze

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Plutonia Map03 NM Speed in 1:01 pl03n101.zip Video: https://youtu.be/jpAL1nSCUSs
  11. Dwaze

    Nomonster speedrunning

    Plutonia map03 in 49.00 pl03o049.zip I did not know you had to include -skill 4 command and realized later that some items spawn on different skill levels which could give an advantage. I couldn't find an advantage on this map but please don't upload or remove this demo if you find any advantage. Apologies, it won't happen again.
  12. Dwaze

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    Plutonia map03 UV-Speed in 0:57 pl03-057.zip Video: https://youtu.be/R0lJdrycXD4
  13. E1M6 UV-Speed in 0:55 (0:55.17) e1m6-055.zip Video: https://youtu.be/XyQGN7H6pzw
  14. Dwaze

    The Next Iteration of DSDA

    nice work, looks really nice and love the added stats! Small error in the table view for doom 1, it shows my name on e1m4 but I believe that should be Adam Hegyi. Mine was a tie recorded later. But only under uv-speed.
  15. Wow thank you ZeroMaster! I must say that I learned a couple of strats from your run :). Yeah that e1m7, I was way too nervous and a lot went wrong. My best was a 1:15 once I think, but I usually get a 1:18/17 if things go well. That 1:12 is really crazy! Imagine what time you can get with a less unlucky e1m5. I'm gonna take some break and play some other games now, not sure if i'm gonna try to improve my time. Maybe someday with a fresh mind and some more practice hehe. But first some level runs probably.