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About Lord_Greyscale

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  1. Lord_Greyscale

    Antrywey (small vanilla level)

    Hmm, I can only think of a few reasons to do this. (aside from Linguica's obvious and blatant "I'll show them all!!") Mostly they involve making some of the less than impressive Doom II levels, if not visually more impressive, then at least more difficult. EX: that one room in map 8, with all the Barons and the lone Cyberdemon? Yeah, try Revenants and an Archvile instead. (or two) Sure, Rockets kill the Revenants easier than they would the Barons, but you can't trick the Archvile into wiping out half of them for you the way you "could" with the Cyberdemon. (and they're all faster than Barons and Cyberdemon) And, conversely, making some of the extremely difficult parts less-so. (I can't recall any at this moment, yet I know that's why I avoided several levels for years. Finally, learning/experimenting with thing placement on a level and/or experimenting with progression.