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About CPLJigsoreQuandary

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  1. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    Help with Deselect-mid-fire State

    Thanks, that fixed it!
  2. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    Help with Deselect-mid-fire State

    I followed this tutorial which uses sound loops for the shooting sound and when the weapon is deselected mid-fire it's supposed to play the shot echo sound, but any time I deselect the weapon it plays the echo sound, not just when shooting. It's only supposed to play the echo if the player does not have "IsFiring". So I don't understand what's causing it to do this because "IsFiring" is only taken away at the beginning of the fire state but is given back in the ready state. states { Select: RRLD FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1 A_Raise RRLD FGGHHI 1 loop Deselect: //RRLD IHHGG 1 //RRLD FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1 A_Lower ASLT A 1 A_JumpIfInventory("IsFiring", 0, "DeselectMidFire") Goto DeselectEnd DeselectMidFire: ASLT A 0 A_StopSound(CHAN_WEAPON) ASLT A 0 A_PlaySound("weapons/rifle/echo") ASLT A 1 A_TakeInventory("IsFiring", 1) Goto DeselectEnd DeselectEnd: ASLT A 0 A_StopSound RRLD IHHGG 1 RRLD FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1 A_Lower Loop Ready: ASLT A 0 A_GiveInventory("IsFiring", 1) ASLT A 1 A_WeaponReady(WRF_ALLOWRELOAD) Loop Fire: ASLT A 0 A_TakeInventory("IsFiring", 1) ASLT A 0 A_JumpIfNoAmmo("Reload") TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("weapons/rifle/fireloop", CHAN_WEAPON, 1.0, 1) TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("ARBullet", random(-2, 4), 1, 0, 10, 0, random(-3, 5)) TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("32mmCasingSpawner", 0, 0, 0, -45) TNT1 A 0 A_WeaponReady(WRF_NoFire|WRF_NoSwitch) ASLT A 1 A_ZoomFactor(0.98) ASLT A 0 A_ZoomFactor(1.0) TNT1 A 0 A_WeaponReady(WRF_NoFire|WRF_NoSwitch) ASLT B 1 A_Light2 TNT1 A 0 A_WeaponReady(WRF_NoFire|WRF_NoSwitch) ASLT C 1 A_Light0 //TNT1 A 0 A_WeaponReady(WRF_NoFire|WRF_NoSwitch) //ASLT C 1 TNT1 A 0 A_WeaponReady(WRF_NoFire|WRF_NoSwitch) ASLT A 0 A_Refire ASLT A 0 A_GiveInventory("IsFiring", 1) ASLT A 0 A_StopSound(CHAN_WEAPON) ASLT A 0 A_PlaySound("weapons/rifle/echo", CHAN_UI) TNT1 A 0 A_WeaponReady(WRF_NoFire|WRF_NoSwitch) ASLT C 1 TNT1 A 0 A_WeaponReady(WRF_NoFire|WRF_NoSwitch) ASLT D 1 Goto Ready Reload: ASLT A 0 A_GiveInventory("IsFiring", 1) //TNT1 A 0 A_StopSound(CHAN_WEAPON) TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ARAmmo", 52, "Ready") TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ARAmmo", 52, 2) // If the gun's full, jump 2 states. TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ARmag", 1, "ReloadWork") // If there's extra ammo, reload. Goto Ready ReloadWork: TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("ARAmmo", 52) ReloadLoop: // Here's where the magic happens! TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("ARmag", 1) TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("ARAmmo", 1) // Only give ONE bullet at a time) TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ARAmmo", 52, "ReloadFinish") // If it's full, finish up. TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("ARmag", 1, "ReloadLoop") // If it's NOT full, keep it rolling. Goto ReloadFinish // And if it's not full but there's no reserve ammo, finish up anyway. ReloadFinish: ASLT A 0 A_PlaySound("weapons/rifle/reload", CHAN_WEAPON) RRLD ABCD 2 RRLD E 5 RRLD EEFGHI 3 Goto Ready Spawn: SHOT A -1 stop } } Actor IsFiring : Inventory { Inventory.MaxAmount 1 }
  3. I'm requesting some help making sprites to fill in the weapon animations for my "Brutal" Marathon 2 project. Specifically what I need are more reloading sprites for all weapons (with the exception of the SPNKR unless you really want to). Or I'll even settle for just the SMG and the assault rifle. Preferably edits of the HD Marathon 2 sprites but I know that's probably a ton of work so I'd be happy with edits of the classic sprites as I don't like asking favors and don't want to ask too much. I have tried to do this myself for a while now but I am absolutely awful when it comes to drawing or pixel art. I was really hoping I could use Aseprite or something to make animations like the ones in Smooth Doom by just kind of rotating things, stretching things, and compressing things but it hasn't been going very well. I am definitely not artistically talented, that's for sure. It would be a big help if someone was able to do this for me. Here's a link to a video I made about it last year, and a screen shot of what it looks like as of right now.
  4. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    Help getting models from Halo 2

    Can somebody help me get some of the models from Halo 2? I've been trying to follow a bunch of tutorials for over a month now and I keep running into problems, whether it be that I need a program my computer can't run or an error in Blender that I do not understand at all. I've tried everything I can think of and I really need help now. I need the fp_arms model with the BR in-hand and it would be really cool if someone could import the animations to it and send me the file. Thanks in advance to whoever can help me.
  5. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    How do you decompile an ACS script?

  6. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    How do you decompile an ACS script?

    I have. And those results talk about BEHAVIOR lumps and that's not what I'm talking about.
  7. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    How do you decompile an ACS script?

    I have a universal footstep.pk3 and I'd like to see how it works but I don't know how to open it. I do have DeepSea which I've read that it can decompile ACS files back into readable scripts using deepacc but all that happens when I open deepacc is a command prompt opens for a split second then disappears. Is there a way to open ACS files and view the script?
  8. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    Limiting the player's view?

    How can I limit the player's view so that they can look up and down but only so far up or down? Like if you were using a stationary gun.
  9. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    Changing the Main Menu?

    How can I edit where the menu options are on-screen so that they're not in the typical list format? EDIT: Like in the picture. It's not a block-type list it's more of a rounded kind of list.
  10. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    Changing the Main Menu?

    I want to make the main menu look like this. Basically I just need to know how to change the layout of the menu and I think I can figure out the rest. I haven't been able to find a tutorial on it, but can someone point me toward one or some wads that have different menu layouts do I can understand how it works?
  11. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    Doom color palettes

    Here's a video: If anyone is wondering, I used samsara's security officer for obvious reasons.
  12. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    Doom color palettes

    Of course, as soon as I get a break I'll go home and post it.
  13. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    Doom color palettes

    Thank you, that fixed it.
  14. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    Doom color palettes

    Forgive me, I'm a little slow so if I misunderstood you I'm sorry: I did not know about the color map, how do I replace it? I think I understand what you mean. The textures I'm using are from someone on the zdoom forums, I don't remember who right now. They did not include any lumps though, only the textures. I use Shape Fusion to extract the Marathon 2 resources from the game and there is no color palette for the entire game, only palettes for specific parts like the interface, individual walls and swotches and so on. I was told the interface color table would work best so i copied all the colors from that palette over to my PLAYPAL lump and got the picture you see in my first post. Now that you mentioned the color map I'm curious if that might be what I need to make it work, so I'll try that tonight.
  15. CPLJigsoreQuandary

    Doom color palettes

    Without the PLAYPAL lump it's definitely closer, but I still have no cigar. And this is what it's supposed to look like