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Retro Dino

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Everything posted by Retro Dino

  1. Retro Dino

    Most recent movie you saw

    Spider-Man: Homecoming. I don't like avengers stuff but this one was good. I'd give it a 7/10. I liked the idea but I feel like if the avengers stuff was taken out I would have liked it just a bit more. Also everything is so weird and I hate those PC jokes in films these days. "I don't wanna go in something that was built by slaves" stfu. What I mean by everything in so weird is that I'm custom to the original films. Peter parker and all of the other characters looked really strange and unfamiliar. I understand it's a new generation, but it's definitely not my generation.
  2. Retro Dino

    The story behind your custom avatar

    I was supposed to use this logo for a some indie films I wanted to make. I unfortunately don't have the funds, but plenty of scripts. I just use it for profile pics and stuff since my online "alias" is Retro Dino. I also think it's pretty cool. it's a dinosaur playing a "retro" arcade cabinet shooting a mf rainbow.
  3. Retro Dino

    Someone made Doom in roblox.

    Oh yeah its definitely worth a look!
  4. I can't make this up. I was so bored I got on Roblox, and i decided to search Doom. Then this came up. It's pretty good and it runs smooth. Wow, just wow. It's even somehow put in Brutal Doom. https://web.roblox.com/games/273735085/RooM-V2-03-9-Alpha
  5. I mean really. Is there any lore behind this? There's a random grenade launcher, that just happens to fit on the slayers shoulder mount, in the middle of a random subway. That's some damn luck right there. I understand it's a game and that it's just a "powerup", but there's gotta be a story behind it. The super shotgun for example, it was made out to be a big thing. Your shoulder mounted grenade launcher though? Nah. Just picked it up on a subway.
  6. Retro Dino

    Something needs to be done with the BFG in DM.

    Thanks for the tips
  7. This is honestly just a little rant. I hate the BFG sometimes. DM can often feel like a game of spawn trap. I hate it, it takes no skill. I want a DM server that doesn't have the BFG. I hate spawning and going up against someone with a BFG, there's nothing you can do expect die. it also feels like some people can shoot the BFG really fast and skip the loading time, idk what's up with that. I just get so sick of it, it takes away the fun IMO. This is probably a controversial topic also. i get it, it's fun to use but everyone hates dying from it.
  8. Retro Dino

    Female Slayer

    If it was an alternate universe thing or if it has its own story that'd be fine, I'm just saying you can't just up and throw in a female slayer in the actual story just to have a female slayer. Like I said, a skin would be fine. If they went on to franchise a female slayer with her own story that would be fine also. Imagine if they added a DLC and somewhere in it a female doom slayer came outta nowhere. It just wouldn't make sense imo.
  9. Retro Dino

    The "actually good mod idea" thread

    I just want more Dinosaurs in Doom. I was looking for a WAD that has some and I only came across one. I want something that's like Jurassic Park, Turok, or Dino Crisis. That'd be awesome.
  10. Retro Dino

    Female Slayer

    This is just my opinion so please don't lynch me. I personally don't like the idea of a female slayer. If it's a skin for Eternal, that's fine. Adding a whole new character with different abilities just for the sake of her being female is ridiculous to me. What's the point? To just have more diversity? I'd usually say make a whole new character that's female but for Dooms sake, I don't believe it belongs anywhere. The slayer himself is special. There's a reason he's there. There's a whole backstory for him to be there. Sure you could implement a female and give her a back story, but in Dooms case the slayer is special. It's his fight, and his fight alone. It's like the Matrix 4 and the color codes. I know the movie isn't out yet but there's rumors of them changing the matrix code to a rainbow color to support the LGBT community. If you want to support them that's cool, whatever. Changing somethings lore and cannon to draw in a new diverse crowd upsets me honestly. We can't fit everything into everyone's ideal version of what they want for whatever it may be. (Also yes I do realize The Matrix has rainbow code in it, but there's a reason for it in the certain scenes. They want to change all of the code to support the LGBT community.) I also just want to make a note before someone quotes me and chews my head off; I don't care if a character is female or male. I care about what's already been set in stone for whatever story it may be. If there's an option to play as a male or female character that's cool, but cannon wise the character should always remain male, in Dooms case. I'm not trying to be like "No FeMAleS aLLoWeD", I'm just saying that if a story is set in stone, leave it be.
  11. Retro Dino

    Female Slayer

    Oops, didn't realize there was already a form about this.
  12. Retro Dino

    Female Slayer

    This has been circulating recently, so I wanted to bring it up here. Everyone has a different opinion on this topic, so let's discuss it! What is your opinion on a Female Slayer being introduced into the Doom universe? I'm not sure if or how they would implement it. As a skin in Eternal? As a new character in the game or the next game? IDK. So you decide that on your own accord while writing your opinion. Anyways, please be civil about this. I've seen a ton of arguments because of differing opinions. This is just a discussion topic! :)
  13. Once you have completed it, show us! :) (I'm not sure if there is a way to not spoil the answers, so if you have yet to play it, don't go in the comments until you complete it!) Here's the KEY: archville baronofhell berserk bfg boomstick cacodemon chainsaw community cyberdemon demons doom doomguy doomworld firstpersonshooter frags gibs hell hellknight imp keycards lostsoul mancubus mars mods painelemental pinky plasmarifle revenant secrets skullkeys soulsphere supershotgun uac wads
  14. Retro Dino

    I made a DOOM word search puzzle, try it out!

    Damn :o Thanks for trying it! :)
  15. Retro Dino

    3D floor transparent

    I have a 3D floor that's transparent? I don't have a clue how to fix it. It's the roof for a small outdoor building.
  16. Retro Dino

    3D floor transparent

    I'll upload it when I'm ready to have someone test it. Like I said I just started it and I'm just gonna scrap the idea. The building looked off anyways. . .
  17. Retro Dino

    I made a DOOM word search puzzle, try it out!

    Good luck! Don't cheat off of @ReX lol!
  18. Retro Dino

    3D floor transparent

    I might just scrap the outdoor building idea and stick with my original idea. . .
  19. Retro Dino

    3D floor transparent

    I just started the WAD it looks like poop right now. I'm really struggling with it tbh. Idk what textures to make the walls and stuff.
  20. Retro Dino

    3D floor transparent

    That didn't fix it at all, in fact it made it a lot worst lol
  21. Retro Dino

    3D floor transparent

    When I go to 3D floor mode I don't have an option for opacity
  22. Retro Dino

    I made a DOOM word search puzzle, try it out!

    6 words is a lot! :o Thanks for trying it out though lol! :)
  23. Retro Dino

    Any Doomers in Wisconsin or the Midwest?

    is what I was referring
  24. Retro Dino

    Any Doomers in Wisconsin or the Midwest?

    Funny you said that. I was going to comment "If you get that refrence we can be best friends" but you didn't sooo hahaha! :P I love POTA (Planet of the apes) both old and new. I'm one of the admins of a pretty big POTA community. I say pretty big even though it's only a few thousand, but the POTA community is tiny so imo it's pretty big.