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Everything posted by Tycitron

  1. i agree! did actually find one with the EXACT name "Major Sprite Fixes" but it was discontinued years ago. all the fixes are outdated aside from the intermission screen blood splats being fixed so they arent so flat.
  2. Ngl, it would be cool if someone made a "Major Sprite Fixing Project" that use original art and edits of the original sprites to fix ALL missing sprite rotations / sprite inconsistencies. Sadly it wouldn't be "ID Accurate" but it would be cool regardless! I would do it myself, but i know nothing about making sprites :(
  3. Woah nice! I'll def use this for DTWID because it fits the theme of that wad haha. Also, do you have a Doom 1 version of your sprite fixes above? Cause it won't load when using sprfix.wad on Doom 1.
  4. I hope all of these are added, I want all the demons to have their full rotation sprites so bad! So that they can finally all be "complete".
  5. Yeah, I remember those options too. I hope they are brought back at some point! Also, is it just me or can I not the see The Blob enemy at all? like the lost souls just appear out of nowhere, and it's very clearly the blob enemy spawning them, but I don't see them on the walls at all anymore.
  6. Well, it would probably take a bit longer because making mods takes time lol. Can't just plop the ID Vault assets into the mod and call it a day. Something like that will probably be reserved for like v4.0.0 or something.
  7. Yes! thank you so much Scuba Steve! :D (and you too Devalaous!)
  8. Sorry that I'm not contributing here, but do Sigil 2 widescreen assets exist yet? I would take a hand in trying to do it myself but i have no idea where to start doing something like that. Also i swear they existed but i can't find them now!
  9. Tycitron

    Doom lost

    This is so sad... Doom is Temporary now :((( (ALSO OMG MADOTSUKI FROM YUME NIKKI???)
  10. I've wished this for so long, i know they want to be authentic to the OG game but i at this point i feel like id/nightdive should add in a toggleable sprite fix option cause i legit can't play doom without it. (same with blood colors for cacodemons, lost souls, barons, hellknights, etc.) but i know it's just a pipe dream lol.
  11. Excited for any new fixes that come from these newly shown sprites! All this cut content they showed is really cool, can't wait to see what modders do with the other Alpha stuff. (LIKE THE SPIDER MASTERMIND MAGIC ATTACKS FRAMES YES!!!!)
  12. WOAH this is awesome! the only problem i think is the fact the Icon of Sins' head is grafted onto the wall in an enclosed space, with no visible body in the battle. Even though the text screen mentions one... But i would still so love this as an unofficial alt of DevilMyEyes version of the intermission map.
  13. This is amazing like usual! i love t he slowly appearing icon of sin, feels fitting.
  14. Tycitron

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    So I accidentally deleted my doom folder and lost a mod that i can't seem to find, all it did was add the Doom PSX Doomguy head gibbing sprites to the game, so when you are gibbed it would play that special animation in the Hud. I know it exists but i don't remember what it is called, so if anybody has something like that please let me know!
  15. WOAH I LOVE the blood ocean idea that's awesome! (And makes sense with Map20's sunken skyscrapers.) also love the city in the smoke in the distance, very eerie.
  16. yeah ID didn't bother to put any mention of it inside the text screens or even visually. I just thought it would have been a cool visual lol. It was certainly not NEEDED or anything cause like u said even id didnt bother lol.
  17. Ah thats alright! I’ll just pretend it’s off screen lmao not a big deal. Excited to see how the city one looks next! :D
  18. Oh, wow i actually didn't know that! I stand corrected then; those are actually the official names of the episodes lol. Also DAMN the new update looks great! looks a lot rougher and more detailed compared to the first version. Now I'm excited for the fire forcefield wall thing to be added.
  19. Yes! i've been waiting for a Doom 2 intermission map that's actually accurate to the first games art style, i couldn't be happier! Appreciate the work you've been doing for these maps. I am certainly excited to see what the City levels and Hell looks like! Although, if i had anything to suggest, the manual story for Doom 2, it mentions a "Flame Barrier / force field" around the starport. Considering Episode 1 of Doom 2 takes place in the starport till Map12, i think it would be a cool visual to add in and make the background feel less empty. Of course you don't need to do that at all, i still love what you did for it and i'm going to use it every Doom 2 playthrough lol. Edit: Also maybe changing the episode 1 name from "The Space Station" to "The Starport" to be accurate to the story screens.
  20. Oh whoops, i meant both sequels referenced the final third of the ORIGINAL TNT being on the moon still, and not hell. Revilution had the demon-spitters blue light be distress call for more demon ships to invade IO where doomguy leaves the scene and takes a walk to a thermal substation of the moon where the wad begins. Devilution has the game start directly after the og TNT ended, where the skybox is still on the surface of IO and not hell. But you are right in Revilutions third act being in hell. Just saying these things cause a intermission map for TNT would be so cool with the moon getting more and more corrupted by hell as you go. (Also thats cool you did the story! it was pretty simple but pretty cool regardless!)
  21. What Gothic said, i like it being Doomguy in the games because he is a character rather than a just an avatar. Although i wouldn't mind a side game or side character that ISN'T Doomguy in another game that could be gender neutral that would be cool. Or maybe just use Crash from Quake 3 lol
  22. Oh, Final Doom would be an interesting one because you DON'T go to hell in either half of Final Doom, In Plutonia you are simply just going deeper and deeper into the UAC's jungle / temple base to the demon hive in the center of the base where the Gatekeeper is guarding the last portal to Hell. (Which is why the sky gets more and more red and corrupted as you go.) In TNT, it's harder to pinpoint but im pretty sure it's just IO (the moon of jupiter) getting more and more corrupted by Hell until you reach newly built / warped demon temples until you end up in the lair of Demonspitter. (Also both TNT sequels Revilution and Devilution have the final third of TNT be on the moon of jupiter, and not in hell.) No clue about No Rest for The Living though, I'm guessing the first 4 levels would be on some place on earth before you enter hell again to defeat the Cyberdemon ruler? Idk. Regardless im exciiiited.
  23. HELL YEAH! I am SO hyped for this you have no idea! Doom 2 will finally feel complete to me with a map.
  24. Once again you've done an amazing job! now all of Doom 1 has intermission maps! (including Sigil 1 and 2.) I love the city in the distance it's just SO PERFECT AHHH! So what are you going to do next? Doom 2? i feel like that one would take the longest because you would have to make 3 different maps for the games "Episodes" (Starport, Warped Starport, City, Hell.) But i will gladly wait as long as needed for a Doom 2 map screen by you! :D