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About ZacheryTheHedgehog

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    New Member

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  1. ZacheryTheHedgehog

    got a problem (not with text)

    the port is ZDooM Mod is Visor helmet HUD testing when i make maps from Doom Builder 2
  2. ZacheryTheHedgehog

    got a problem (not with text)

    i know what im doing in terms of maps and stuff but when i put in a visor hud mod my computer starts crashing. but only while im testing the maps. is there a way to fix this?
  3. ZacheryTheHedgehog

    Got a bit of a text problem

    It Worked Thanks for the Help
  4. ZacheryTheHedgehog

    Got a bit of a text problem

    Here's what my MAPINFO looks like: map MAP01 "The Sewers" levelnum 1 next MAP02 sky1 "RSKY1" music "D_RUNNIN" cluster 9 clusterdef 9 music "D_READ_M" flat COMP03_1 exittext ' After finding out about the dissapearence of your brothers you decide to go and look for them. But as you enter New York, You find the sky to be an unexpected blood-red. Something was going down in New York City. map MAP02 "New York Bloodlust" levelnum 2 next MAP03 sky1 "RSKY3" music "D_STALKS" cluster 1
  5. ZacheryTheHedgehog

    Got a bit of a text problem

    Actually Im using ZDooM but I am using SLADE to edit it (Oh and also you play as Leonardo in the Game)
  6. ZacheryTheHedgehog

    Got a bit of a text problem

    hi guys im new to the site BUT NOT to doom. In fact im currently making the VERY FIRST TMNT DooM Wad. I've got everything down. but i have a problem when it comes to the text i get this error (TMND btw is short for Teenage Mutant Ninja DooM)(also this is for the intermission text after MAP01) Script error, "TMND.wad:MAPINFO" line 14: After: Unknown top level keyword