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Everything posted by NeilK

  1. Thank you! That was my intention and great job with the run.
  2. Map 14 Pacifist in 6:42 lostciv14p642.zip
  3. Map 16 UV-Max in 2:15 rc2516-215.zip
  4. Map 13 UV-Max in 6:29 rc2513-629.zip
  5. NeilK

    Glaive series demos [-complevel 2]

    Glaive(2018) Map 08 UV-Max in 2:15 I table filled these back in September 2020, but never submitted the demo's. Map 8 is the only one that is still faster, so I figured I'd share the route which is just rush BFG to win. Date recorded: 09/05/2020 PRBOOM K (Demo is not for DSDA) glaive08m215.zip
  6. NeilK

    DBP Demo Thread

    DBP37 Map 03 UV-Max in 3:43 Map 09 UV-Max in 2:39 Map 10 UV-Max in 6:11 dbp3703m343.zip dbp3709m239.zip dbp3710m611.zip
  7. NeilK

    DBP Demo Thread

    DBP37: AUGER;ZENITH Map 19 UV-Max in 4:09 dbp3719m409.zip
  8. NeilK

    DBP Demo Thread

    DBP37: AUGER;ZENITH Map 09 UV-Max in 2:47 Map 19 UV-Max in 4:17 dbp3709m247.zip dbp3719m417.zip
  9. NeilK

    TNT: Revilution demos [-complevel 4]

    Thank you! I did a practice run of 6:35 which gave me the confidence to go ahead and run it again. So still lots of improvement. Anyway, good luck on the rest of the maps and I look forward to seeing the D2ALL of one my favorite map sets ever.
  10. NeilK

    TNT: Revilution demos [-complevel 4]

    Map 14 UV-Max in 6:57 tntr14m657.zip
  11. NeilK

    DBP Demo Thread

    DBP37: AUGER;ZENITH Map 11 UV-Max in 3:19 Map 19 UV-Max in 4:40 dbp3711m319.zip dbp3719m440.zip
  12. NeilK

    Final DOOM demos [-complevel 4]

    TNT Map 15 UV-Max in 2:28 Map 15 UV-Max in 3:10 100% Kills ev15m228.zip ev15m310100.zip
  13. NeilK

    Doom 404 demos [-complevel 2]

    Thank you! It was based on my route in the 2:36 demo. In 2019 I would have never dreamed getting sub 2 on this map. I think a solid time is 1:4x. I might try again but idk. By the way nice job on map 2 max, cool to see it taken below 1 minute.
  14. NeilK

    Doom 404 demos [-complevel 2]

    Map 16 UV-Max in 1:57 Map 25 UV-Max in 2:09 d40416m157.zip d40425m209.zip
  15. NeilK

    DBP Demo Thread

    DBP37: Aug Zen Map 05 UV-Max in 3:56 Map 07 UV-Max in 4:45 Map 09 UV-Max in 2:58 dbp3705m356.zip dbp3707m445.zip dbp3709m258.zip
  16. NeilK

    DBP Demo Thread

    DBP: 37 Augur Zenith Map 01 UV-Max in 3:51 Map 02 UV-Max in 2:13 Map 03 UV-Max in 4:16 Map 04 UV-Max in 1:18 dbp3701m351.zip dbp3702m213.zip dbp3703m416.zip dbp3704m118.zip
  17. NeilK

    TNT: Revilution demos [-complevel 4]

    TNTR Map 15 UV-Max in 7:48 tntr15m748.zip
  18. I hate fighting a bunch of meat with underpowered weapons. Like for example NEIS E4M7, there is a section were your forced to plasma 40+ Barons of Hell. There is nothing difficult about this it's just tedious. (Gee I wonder why there is no demos for it any category.) The biggest offender imo is timed secrets. D2TWID map 15 has this and really limits the routing for the map and 2002ADO E1M9 has a 5 minute timed secret which turns the run basically into a UV-speed, where the last 6 seconds are all that matter, which is a shame because it is a really fun max.
  19. NeilK

    Beat .00/:00 Demos Month

    Bloodstain Map 14 UV-Max in 5:58 bstain14m558.zip
  20. NeilK

    Beat .00/:00 Demos Month

    Community Chest 4 Map 23 UV-Max in 7:03 c423m703.zip
  21. NeilK

    Beat .00/:00 Demos Month

    Doom404 Map 17 UV-Max in 2:57 d40417m257.zip
  22. NeilK

    Beat .00/:00 Demos Month

    2048vr Clean Edition Map 08 UV-Max in 2:48 Map 10 UV-Max in 1:58 2048vr08m248.zip 2048vr10m158.zip
  23. NeilK

    Beat .00/:00 Demos Month

    buzzy4 Map 08 UV-Max in 4:49 bz408m449.zip
  24. NeilK

    Beat .00/:00 Demos Month

    Bludbath E1M3 UV-Max in 1:55 blud1m3-155.zip
  25. NeilK

    Beat .00/:00 Demos Month

    Buzzy4 Map 10 UV-Max in 4:06 bz410m406.zip