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Thiago Kadooka

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About Thiago Kadooka

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  1. Thiago Kadooka

    keep weapons after death

    alright them, thanks man!
  2. Thiago Kadooka

    keep weapons after death

    sorry if this is already being answered elsewhere, i honestly couldn't find any information about this. so, im playing zandronum with a friend, and we love to play a coop(in this case survive mode) to beat some demons and stuff. But the thing is, when we play, we choose 3 lives because we want the thrill of the challenge and death, but when we die all lives and have to restart the level, we dont have any weapon we picked and no ammo, just the start kit stuff. is there a way to restart with weapons and ammo? because later in the game some levels become almost unbearable without some ammo and weapons. i dont mind trying to change to zdoom (or gzdoom i actually dont know too much about the difference) or something else, as long as i can play a coop with one or two friends along to beat some campaings together without infinite lives.