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G Wikky

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About G Wikky

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  1. G Wikky

    Where is Dr. Sleep?

    Dr. Sleep's son Josh is my best friend, was the best man in my wedding, and was my roommate for a while, my boss for awhile and my employee for awhile after I opened my bakery. Recently we started talking about his father over drinks. I honestly didn't even know Dr. Sleep was his father until then, literally this week. The ironic part is that I loved playing his mods years, actually decades before we ever even met, and I've known Josh for 12 years now. But judging from Josh's personality and how great of a guy he is, I can tell that Dr. Sleep was a great man as well. I only wish I had the opportunity to meet a legend before his passing. It's also nice seeing some of his family posting about him on here. I hope to meet you all someday as well.