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About finnks13

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    Revenant Enjoyer

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  1. I think this might be a GZDoom bug? The walls are marked as "block player", and they seem to function correctly in Woof. Doesn't matter though, I'm glad you had fun with the set :)
  2. Thanks! You're right, one of the main ways I got "around" my self imposed rules were trying to think of ways to make the situation get worse if the player decides to run away from a fight :P In m27's ssg fight, for example, leaving is a bad idea because it's very likely the lift going back up to it will crush the corpses that get on it, which can get very out of hand if the archviles are still alive due to the complete lack of the rocket launcher!
  3. Hello! Tetrad is a four map vanilla "minisode" inspired by Malcolm Sailor's Chord series. These maps' primary focuses are ammo starvation, punching guys and ROCKRED1. I also set myself the completely arbitrary restriction of disallowing the use of "lock-in fights" almost entirely, since I think I rely on them too much. Additional Pictures: Other Info: IWAD: DOOM2.wad Maps: 24, 25, 26 & 27 (umapinfo should take you there automagically in ports that support it, otherwise you'll have to warp) Compatibility: Vanilla (-cl 2) Difficulties: Yes, no monster changes. UV assumes you can two-shot cyberdemons. Do not play on UV if you can't do this :P My sincere thanks to @Christophine Place, @Ludi & @taviow for giving me early feedback on these maps. Download: tetrad_b1.zip I hope you have fun!
  4. Plutonic Visions is now on idgames! Changes from RC3 are mostly for increased co-op support (thanks TNS!) and some very minor alterations to Map11. https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/plutonic Thank you to everyone who played one of the RC versions, and to the guest mappers & playtesters! I really appreciate all of you :)
  5. I like making 1hr speedmaps :) Map Name: A Spoooookier Cave Author: finnks13 Music: Kraid's Lair from Metroid, sequenced by MarsJenkar Comments: It's a cave. Features revenants. Screenshots: downlow: spooky.zip
  6. I hope you all had fun with the wad, I'm a bit sad I wasn't around to join in myself. Hopefully nothing was too broken! Map11 is a bit of a difficulty spike (by design, mind you), so if you're struggling a lot with it then it might be worth going down a difficulty level for the second episode. Assuming you're playing on UV, the way I do the yellow key area is to focus on rocketing the hell knight & baron horde over all else, if you stand next to the camo revenant block that's further away from the switch then you're in a fairly good place to dodge the archvile's attack if it does that, though tanking a hit from it should be fine. You should have about enough rockets to kill enough of the hell nobles to run past them to the much larger stash of rockets they guard in the lava pit and from there you can either kill the other stuff that hasn't died yet, or take the teleporter and leave. Using the BFG, or focusing on the archvile initially can work, but I don't find either of those things very consistent.
  7. finnks13

    DARKZONE RC1 | [Boom, Software Renderer]

    Sorry about the softlock in m12, no idea how I managed to add a switch texture but forget to add the action itself :P I've made a fix, so hopefully it should be included in the next update. I hope you enjoyed the map outside of that :)
  8. Thanks for the feedback everyone, here's RC3. I believe I've fixed everything I've seen reported with my maps, and taviow has updated 09 & 16 too. This will probably be the final version before I whack this on idgames. Download it here (RC3)
  9. Thanks for all the kind words everyone, it really means a lot :) In other news, I've updated the wad in order to make the GZDoom playing experience better with a ZMAPINFO lump that should hopefully have all the compatibility stuff setup correctly (though if I'm honest I'm not very good at ZMAPINFO so if there's any weirdness then please let me know!), there's also been a very minor change to MAP01 which also fixes a wall next to the start being inexplicably non-solid in GZDoom! Download RC2 by pressing this ----------> arrow (it's to the left) ~~~ I'll be honest, I didn't fancy making a full megawad - the two episodes feel about right for me. I think it's best to stop at a point where I'm very happy with what I've got, and not force myself to make another 10 maps, that'll likely turn out worse, for the sake of it :P I'm really happy to hear this in particular! zan-zan-zawa-veia's music is superb, and part of the impetus I had to finish the wad was the hope that more people would find out about it from here :P Thanks for recording a playthrough, it's always very fun to watch people play my stuff! (Good luck with UV-Maxing the later maps!)
  10. as is tradition I was not aware of this! I will add support for this in the next version, provided it can be enabled via MAPINFO.
  11. Hello! Plutonic Visions is a 22 map wad for The Plutonia Experiment. I wanted to make maps that felt to play, like my memories of my first playthrough of Plutonia - the goal was to get the general feel correct over the specific details of the Casali's mapping style, so don't expect everything to be in multiples of 10 :P Features mostly very short, action packed maps inspired by Plutonia's first two episodes, with some longer ones inspired by the final third sprinkled in for good measure. There are also five guest maps by @Arsinikk, @taviow & @Yumheart who gave their own interpretations of the goal. I would strongly recommend playing on HMP if you generally play stuff on UV! Note on Difficulties: HNTR is roughly equivalent to Plutonia on UV (it does get a bit more challenging at the end, but not too much), so if you want something that feels similar to Plutonia, play on that skill! HMP is what I would recommend first playthroughs take place on, as I feel it smooths out a lot of the meanest edges of the maps! UV is very unforgiving, and I will laugh at you if you complain to me about getting your arse kicked. Play Info: IWAD: PLUTONIA.wad Maps: 01-21 & 31, 32 Compatibility: Final Doom (-complevel 4) Misc: - GZDoom (as far as I'm aware) doesn't have a setting to emulate Final Doom's teleporter behaviour, so some fights will play differently than intended in this port. - Going out of bounds in some maps (particularly 06, 09, 16, 19 & 20) may cause a VPO in vanilla. There shouldn't be any if you don't clip around though! Download: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/plutonic (idgames) Full Credits: I hope you enjoy!
  12. Hello again, I wanted to let everyone know that @SharkyChip has just finished editing the soundtrack video (which is on @LPad's channel), so if you're wanting to listen to the nearly 4(!!) hour long soundtrack that was created for Hardfest 2 without having to rip the midis yourself, then now is a fantastic time to do that!
  13. finnks13

    Interception III [MBF21 Community Project]

    I really enjoyed Interception II, so I'd love to be a part of the third one! Out of interest, what sort of thing are you expecting out of the third episode since the idea seems very interesting, but I'm not sure exactly how distant in the past you want them to be set :P Are you expecting something like an ancient egyptian-themed (or some other ancient civilisation) map, or something further back with far fewer man-made structures?
  14. @spottydog10 Hi, This map required a ZScript patch to function correctly in GZDoom, so if you open the console when loading Map 25 for the first time and it says "Patch for m25 applied.", then try squeezing through the passage on the right again - it might take a bit of wiggling to get through because it's just wide enough. If this message does not display, then your version of GZDoom doesn't support the patch that fixes the map, and you'll have to skip it. I'm glad you're enjoying the wad :)
  15. Thanks so much for playing! I'll definitely take a look at those demos :) I'm really glad you liked it so much :D