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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Maximum Matt

    Obviously very true Doom facts thread

    And in the same movie, Al Pacino discovered the void glide.
  2. Maximum Matt

    I feel too old

    Yes, 'twas quite tasty
  3. Maximum Matt

    How many demons have you killed?

    Is there any application out there that can get a count of the number of enemies in a collection of wads? I'd love to know the exact number of enemies in Maximum Doom. Because I'm weird like that
  4. Whoa those clips are criiiiiinge
  5. Maximum Matt

    I feel too old

    I'm 40 and I just wrote a review of Fava Beans.
  6. Maximum Matt

    Fava Beans

    Very nice episode replacement, incredible lighting and architecture and general Romero worship - I especially loved the more blatant homages to Episode 1... sure, it's way too easy and could've benefitted with the occasional cyberdemon in an outside area, and the last level needed a few dozen more barons, but otherwise, very nice...
  7. Maximum Matt

    What would you get Doomguy for Christmas?

    Nah, they look to stringy. Mancubus way too fattening, revenant to bony. Aracnotron would be real rich tasting though, I bet
  8. Maximum Matt

    What would you get Doomguy for Christmas?

    Computer area map, so he can go and hunt down all the secret areas when Easter rolls around
  9. Maximum Matt

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Your 'momentum' is carried over between levels. I was playing the first level of Fava Beans, and the exit switch is at the bottom of a staircase, so when I barrelled down at full speed and pressed it, the start of the second level my head did a little 'bob'. Well, I found it interesting, at least.
  10. Maximum Matt

    Favorite Doom Ad?

    Ok, separate thread idea - how would the Doom arcade game work? Would you only get one life? Would there be a time limit implemented into each level? Would you be able to choose the episodes from the start, or always have to begin from KDITD? Would it be in Nightmare mode only, to encourage constant movement? I feel this is something that should have been part of my childhood
  11. Maximum Matt

    HMP shouldn't be scoffed at

  12. Maximum Matt

    Best IWAD maps combined into one episode?

    1. Hunted 2. Habitat 3. Gate To Limbo 4. Unruly Evil 5. Gauntlet 6. Fortress Of Mystery 7. Baron's Den 8. Nirvana 9. Hunted II
  13. Maximum Matt

    HMP shouldn't be scoffed at

    I'll say only this: E1M1 was definitely designed for HMP, as the shotgun is in a secret area, the first new weapon you find in the game. Only imps and former humans are in E1M1 on HMP. This of course is nullified on UV, where there's like five shotgunners to your immediate left as soon as you start, spoiling the surprise. Also, I like this:
  14. Maximum Matt

    What is the "nukage"?

    This is the best thread in a while, I love these ones. I like the one where someone said it's a by-product of all the machinery and stuff that makes the teleporters work, and that there's so much of it, they just started making catchment basins and canals around and inside the facilities to contain it (like at the start of E1M5). And someone else said that some of it could be flooding, as part of the damage from the demonic invasion, I like that one too. And whenever there's damaging water (like in E3M3), I believe that it's battery acid.
  15. Maximum Matt

    Cursed Doom Images

    Of course
  16. The first great level in Doom II.
  17. Maximum Matt


    Quality thread.
  18. Maximum Matt

    How many times did you get the all ghosts effects?

    Are there ports that can save and load with this effect? In Chocolate Doom it reverts back to normal on reloading, with any enemies out in the void now stuck out there forever
  19. Maximum Matt

    E1M1 - A different version?

    Doom wikia: "[Added in v1.666] Inside the eastern "tomb" [where the barons come out of], there is a secret compartment on the east wall. Opening it reveals a switch (H), which re-activates the elevator at the south end of the room, allowing the player to return to earlier sections of the level. This compartment is not needed for 100% secrets." EDIT: Also, at 3:40 of your original video, your game encountered a rare memory overflow known as the All-Ghosts Glitch, something I have hardly ever seen in all my years of Doomin', yet you captured an example of when making a video about an entirely different subject. Damn you.
  20. Maximum Matt

    E1M1 - A different version?

    Yep, Maximum Doom has literally dozens and dozens of E1M1 remakes with like hordes of enemies in that outside courtyard, and all kinds of hideous twistings and contortions, changing the shape of the level, adding in more rooms and corridors, and of course retexturing it in the most disgusting ways What about that extra switch in one of the baron rooms in E1M8? That was added after initial release too, right?
  21. Maximum Matt

    Things about Doom you just found out

    In The Citadel (map19), in the red brick building with that room with the five teleporters? In HNTR skill level, one of them doesn't work. WHY!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?!?1?!!?!?!!!?
  22. Maximum Matt

    “Dr. Sleep” and early level design?

    Has anyone seen the original version of E4M7, that apparently was initially designed for Doom II before the decision to make Episode 4? And also that final unfinished level, is there any evidence/screenshots of that one?
  23. Maximum Matt

    I gibbed a cacodemon.

    You can totally gib the Icon Of Sin by throwing a Keen in the brainhole
  24. Maximum Matt

    what is every Doom game from worst to best

    Icarus, tho