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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Maximum Matt

    Obviously very true Doom facts thread

    The Doom II map "Suburbs" was based on the floor plans of Sandy Petersen's old house he was living in, and The Citadel is based on the castle he bought from all the money he made from the first Doom. And of course, Monster Condo is based on his mother-in-law's place
  2. Maximum Matt

    why pain elementals suck

    69. They don't leave a corpse, so you can't even admire your handiwork afterwards
  3. Maximum Matt

    Doom lost

    Carmageddon 2, tho
  4. Maximum Matt

    Doom lost

    Serious Sam, tho
  5. Maximum Matt

    I made a video essay about Doom 2

    Romero wearin' a Sabbath Vol 4 shirt hell yea
  6. Maximum Matt

    A way to Un-stuck monsters?

    *COUGHamericanmcgeeunderhallsCOUGH COUGH*
  7. Although I bet that if you asked him if he ever felt like punching out Sandy Petersen for fucking up Gate To Limbo, there'd probably be a pretty intriguing answer
  8. Maximum Matt

    Memento Mori 1 - Title Picture

    On topic, when's Memento Mori 4 coming out?
  9. Maximum Matt

    The Doom movie wasn't bad

    AW HELL NO, this movie sucked intensely. I always said they should've just released a playthrough of Doom 3 in cinemas instead
  10. Maximum Matt

    Worst official level?

    At least Unholy Cathedral is nice to look at in some places. Limbo is just red and green turd. And Factory definitely sucks, but Downtown is wicked. And Nirvana is the official worst level btw. And Hunted for Plutonia, and Baron's Den for TNT.
  11. Maximum Matt

    Classic doom 31 years later?

    Sigil 3 better be out by the 30th anniversary of Doom II, though, and it better be a full 32-map megawad.
  12. Maximum Matt

    Romero’s Doom II WAD: HELLION. Coming soon…ish?

    Is this supposed to be Sigil 3, or a Doom II megawad?
  13. Maximum Matt

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    But are they releasing Maximum Doom, tho?
  14. Now the mods can close this thread.
  15. The big hilly field just before the exit room is prone to this error, from certain angles. Habitat truly has it all.
  16. Maximum Matt

    Technically impressive vanilla wads

    But it IS in Maximum Doom. (albeit as a D2 conversion) And also happens to be an E3M1 edit. And is ALSO on Maximum goddamn Doom.
  17. Gotta be a gigantic 32-map slog, it's not the true Doom experience otherwise.
  18. Maximum Matt

    Classic Doom mugs

    Have to have been from E3M9 instead of E3M1, because of the BFG. Unless the bastard cheated.
  19. I know that in Neurosphere (Plutonia map 18) you can get the error in one specific area, although it's out of bounds and you have to noclip to get there. And of course, TNT's masterpiece Habitat has one as well.
  20. Maximum Matt

    Quake 1 remaster "id vault" possibility

    They should do a DZone/Maximum Doom-style shovelware compilation. I remember playing some freakin' AWESOME fanmade Quake levels back in the day
  21. Maximum Matt

    Do you "always run"?

    I mean let's face it, you only use non-run on The Chasm.
  22. Maximum Matt

    The All-Ghosts Glitch

    So there I was, minding my own business, working my way through map 16 of Icarus, when I somehow triggered the all-ghosts glitch today. Only the second time in all my years of playing Doom that this has ever happened to me. I messed around with it for a few minutes until I got unnerved by trying to navigate through the center of the level and having demons randomly appear through walls to chomp my ass and I had to shut it down. I didn't check to see if I could save and reload this phenomenon - I'm pretty sure I tried the first time it happened and it just reverted back to normal on reloading, albeit with monsters now stuck in the wall. I'm now fascinated by the idea that, if the circumstances are right, you can cause an overflow that makes the game throw up its hands and be like "okay, guys, do what you want" and have all the baddies ignore the laws of physics and start walking through the walls and each other. I understand it gets triggered by firing a hitscan weapon across more than 128 'things' (linedefs, items, enemy corpses) which can confuse the game engine, but I don't know why that if this is the case I haven't seen this more often. I mean, I've played a shitload of slaughtermaps over the years, I'd assume they'd be most prone to this bug. But whatever. I guess I need to know what are the exact circumstances needed to trigger this glitch, and a very basic explanation of what's going on engine-wise (I'm talking more basic than this - http://games.moria.org.uk/doom/research/ghosts), and of course I wanna hear stories from anyone who has also encountered this. Rip n tear Peace