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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Maximum Matt

    Favorite Album Cover?

    Yes always had the coolest covers -
  2. Maximum Matt

    Learning a new Language

    I've tried learning Japanese and Korean but I didn't get very far because I'm easily distracted and epically lazy
  3. Maximum Matt

    St. Anger isn't bad

    Epically shite album
  4. I heard it's all really slow and stripped down and acoustic, and he's put in a bunch of distracting spoken-word bits in place of the iconic solo parts, so, uh... hell no. I've been going on a pretty hard Pink Floyd spree lately, getting into all the albums/songs I don't or barely know like Atom Heart Mother, Momentary Lapse Of Reason, The Division Bell and The Final Cut (jeeez, that one's a slog). I not going to bother with the Redux AT LEAST until I've gone through ALL of PF's other stuff because 1. I know Dark Side like the roof of my mouth, and 2. it's a Roger solo album anyway, technically it ain't even Floyd.
  5. Maximum Matt

    Doom: The Dark Ages has been announced (DOOM 6)

    Or Doom: Final
  6. Maximum Matt

    Illusions Of Home

    At least E3M3 was a cool outside one. Other than that, pure turdery.
  7. As long as Bruce Campbell is starring. And Kevin Bacon is Carmack
  8. Maximum Matt

    A Review of Doom!

    Go through the door, turn around and press 'use' (spacebar or whatever) on the air where the door was, and it will close again. Then re-open it, go back into the red room and wait for it to close again. Congratulations, you've just been locked in forever. I love these little quirks about the old-school Doom levels.
  9. Maximum Matt

    Which map has the most linedefs and sectors?

    Aw hell no
  10. Maximum Matt

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Also E1M6... while checking out Echidna guy's ^^ claim (which isn't true BTW, it's a thirty-second timed door), I realised that in this area, the shotgunners from down in that outside secret area with the soulsphere can work that lift platform and secret door and come in that way and ambush you if you aren't expecting them (like they did to me). (I guess I've played this level for so long "the right way" (i.e. get all the secrets as you move through the level) that I didn't think this was possible, that the soul sphere could be accessed in this way. Of course it's only possible in UV, when all those gunners are down there, where they can trigger the door from that side. And of course Lord Romero leaves a clue, you can see the soul sphere through another window, because he's a goddamn boss like that.)
  11. Maximum Matt

    A Review of Doom!

    Nah, I checked, it's a thirty-second timed door - it will close via a linedef right as you enter the room. You can trigger the linedef and jump back out before the door closes, but you just have to wait for it to reopen - also if you come back through the reopened door later on, it will reclose, but again, you just have to wait. I'm fairly certain there's no locking issues with this door. That one after the red room in E2M4, though...
  12. Maximum Matt

    A Review of Doom!

    Pretty sure that door is either a thirty-second locking door (like the others in that area) or it gets opened by a linedef in the ambush room It was actually inspired by Behind The Crooked Cross, by Slayer - P.S. - cool review
  13. Maximum Matt

    Your Level Start Designs

    The ones where you start with a cyberdemon right in front of you
  14. Maximum Matt

    Why doomwik.org than fandom doom?

    Is it okay to admit that I wrote a few walkthroughs for some Plutonia levels on the site back in the day?
  15. Maximum Matt

    Liminal spaces in doom, what even is it ?

    No, entirely accurate. The feeling you get when you walk around a level after you've killed all the enemies - or THINK you have - is exactly what these 'liminal' games are claiming is a new thing.
  16. Maximum Matt

    should i play thy flesh consumed?

    YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED IT YET!?!!?!?!??!!?!!!!!n!?!!!!? Sit yo ass down and don't get up 'till you've finished it, son
  17. Maximum Matt

    Liminal spaces in doom, what even is it ?

    Man I was into liminal shit back in '92 when Wolfenstein came out
  18. Maximum Matt

    Why are recent Doomworld threads stupid?

    I'm not upset at all - I laugh at this petty crap.
  19. Maximum Matt

    Why are recent Doomworld threads stupid?

    Well, go and post some 'quality' threads then, if you're so upset about it.
  20. Maximum Matt

    The Demon's Dead from doom 2 guitar and bass cover

  21. Maximum Matt

    Liminal spaces in doom, what even is it ?

    Poolroom Doom. Get on that
  22. Turn it into a 2-D platformer. This 3-D stuff is a fad, you did it with Wolfenstein, pat yourself on the back, now just reskin Commander Keen with those demons Adrian is drawing, and don't get Tom upset
  23. Maximum Matt

    Worst map in The Plutonia Experiment

    Always thought Genesis was a bit of an average map.... I always seem to forget how it goes whenever I reminisce about Plutonia... Oh, and Bunker kicks ass. The post above me is incorrect.
  24. Maximum Matt

    DooM II Thought Experiment

    I like how they kept the tradition of having un-equal episode lengths in Quake