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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Maximum Matt

    A Wolfestein inspired doom mod

    Call it WolfDoomEnstein
  2. Maximum Matt

    Things about Doom you just found out

    They bought an inferior design in bulk for a lower price, completely ignoring occupational health and safety standards in favor of saving money. The UAC are despicable.
  3. Maximum Matt

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Which of course is some serious bullshit.
  4. Maximum Matt

    Thoughts on the music

    Salsa music!! Sorry, got the names confused. Thanks for the vid, very interesting. This style of music is quite cool, but to me doesn't really give the right atmosphere when you're stalking through the waters of the underhalls.
  5. Maximum Matt

    So Doomworld what is your favorite NIN track?

    Quake soundtrack or GTFO
  6. Maximum Matt

    Funniest Thing You've Seen in Doom

    Heh butt-munch heh h-heh
  7. Maximum Matt

    Things about Doom you just found out

    So does that mean there's a similar thing in E1M5 and anywhere else there's this lighting effect? I don't wanna go down that particular rabbit hole...
  8. Maximum Matt

    Funniest Thing You've Seen in Doom

    When you die on an uneven floor and your vision bounces up and down forever. I like that.
  9. Maximum Matt

    Things about Doom you just found out

    In E1M2, there's a small area opposite the shootable wall to the chainsaw secret which is like a small alcove or something (you can see it on automap, and the wall texture is clearly unaligned). What the hell was it? Originally a recess for a button? Another secret? Someone tell me, I need to know!!!!!
  10. Maximum Matt


    If you're gonna play just one level from the Maximum Doom collection, it's got to be this one. Massive, varied, unique, incredible
  11. Maximum Matt

    What keys do you use for sr40 and sr50?

    Reminds me of the time I tried showing my older brother how to play Doom back in the day - I remember telling him to avoid pressing the key between the shoot and strafe keys, and him saying "what a great place to put that one"
  12. Maximum Matt

    E1M1 in 7 seconds?

    How fast can you type IDSPISPOPD and straferun directly to the exit button? Somebody start up some noclip speedruns
  13. Maximum Matt

    Funniest Thing You've Seen in Doom

    Whenever you see a Romero head instead of an exit switch/teleporter.
  14. Maximum Matt

    What is the zombieman's gun

    Let's not get into why there are chainsaws lying around in space stations, then.
  15. I see your Falco, and I will raise you Bloodhound Gang:
  16. Maximum Matt

    Random facts thread

    John Carmack once went to juvie for stealing a Mac.
  17. Nah man, Go 2 It is the ultimate.
  18. Maximum Matt

    Introducing my Girlfriend to Doom

    I bet she'll find the secret exit in E1M3 on her first try. If she does, it was meant to be.
  19. Hugging corners but not touching them, frame-perfect opening, backing up and ducking under doors, the monsters perfectly out of the way, and shooting you from behind to give some extra boost. Beautiful
  20. Maximum Matt

    Intentional Hall of Mirrors

    Seen it a few times in Maximum Doom, usually in the 'bathrooms' of 'house' levels. Most recently saw it in map 2 of REOLWOLF.WAD, where there are four 'prison cells' with this effect in it.
  21. Maximum Matt

    What is the zombieman's gun

    If Doomguy has to have a little pea shooter, he ain't gonna be using both hands to fire it.
  22. Maximum Matt

    Random facts thread

    Also, that game kicked ass.
  23. Maximum Matt

    Share a random fact about yourself

    I'm old enough to have played Wolfenstein 3D before Doom came out.
  24. Maximum Matt

    Obviously very true Doom facts thread

    John Romero's uncle George would constantly tell him, "You'll never create anything as cool or scary as I have, ya little douche, now go cut your damn hair". John Carmack is Egyptian. American McGee is Nepalese. Tim Willits once starred in the sitcom Diff'rent Strokes. Sandy Peterson was a villain in Spiderman 3. (Venom) Tom Hall invented the concept of hallways in Doom. (Before that, every level took place in a single room) Adrian Carmack was cloned from a piece of John Carmack's ass. Kevin Cloud is not a cloud, because that would just be stupid. Dave D. Taylor has the blues.