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Maximum Matt

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Posts posted by Maximum Matt

  1. I believe the lore at the time implied that the cybernetic enemies (cyberdemon, spider, aracnotrons, mancubi, revenants) were the results of secret UAC experiments - the realisation being that the company have been 'working' with the aliens/demons for some time before the invasion.  That there was a Betruger character in charge of betraying humanity and was working with the enemy, before they used our own technology against us (including teleportation tech).  Makes them extra evil when you think of them that way.  

    One of the few good ideas in the Doom novel was the idea that the enemy force created its' soldiers in accordance with Earth's Christian view of hell and demons - meaning they 'designed' the Baron Of Hell to look like the stereotypical image of the Devil (and like, cloned them or whatever).  That can also work with the caco (that Lovecraftian picture they were based on IRL) and the imp (brown pointy monster, boogieman or something).  Don't know what the demons could be based on but c'mon, it's an awesome design for a creature.  

    And I've said this before, but the zombies are UAC workers/soldiers that have been 'zombiefied' by the Arch-Viles, I think - it fits with their attack (they can lock eyes with you and send you insane within seconds, unless they consider you too dangerous and light you on fire and blow you up Scanners-style instead) and can fit with the fact that there's none in Doom I - a whole bunch of them moved through the Phobos and Deimos bases, brainwashing all the staff as they went on their way....to EARTH...

    So yeah, that's the way it went down.

  2. On 4/7/2024 at 3:57 PM, Napeyear said:

    Fortress of Mystery comes to my mind. Literally just three rooms, one with barons, the other full of cacodemons, and the third featuring a bizarre door opening (puzzle?) sequence where the keys are right next to the colored door that they unlock.

    I always thought this was to stop or slow down players who were trying to peace out of the level without taking on all the monsters - like, if they were gonna be chickens and leave, they'd have to still be dodging fireballs while they mess around with all the key doors.  

    And yeah, this level sucks, the worst in Doom 1. 

    Baron's Den, tho

  3. Romero secrets A.K.A. the window to outside/another area that you can't find a normal door to.

    Secret chains (different to secrets-within-secrets): secrets that have switches in them as well as goodies, that telegraphs something else has happened in the environment and encourages further exploring/backtracking. 

    Also, nobody puts decorations in secrets. Put decorations in secrets.  Like in that one room in that TNT map, Nukage Processing I think it is
