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Maximum Matt

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Everything posted by Maximum Matt

  1. Maximum Matt

    opinion on Doom + Doom II

    It's pretty oldschool, but I like it
  2. Maximum Matt

    Strangest bits of design in official DOOM packs?

    I always thought it's to slow the player down if they felt overwhelmed and tried to simply dash for the exit - so that they are still in danger of getting hit by a fireball.
  3. Maximum Matt

    Favourite Opening Map?

    Icarus has an awesome opening map.
  4. Maximum Matt

    Let's name Freedoom's levels!

    They're stooges
  5. I remember my kid mind thought that it would need tons more weapons and enemies - and thinking it would be not at all stupid to have a triple-barrel shotgun
  6. Maximum Matt

    How many frame rates is real life

  7. Maximum Matt

    John Anderson "Dr. Sleep" Lethe.Wad

    Is the original version of E4M7 available too? I read somewhere that it was originally a D2 map, but Sleepy retrofitted it for D1 when he got involved in the Thy Flesh Consumed project.
  8. Maximum Matt

    Doom Shareware Box Size

    I like this
  9. Maximum Matt

    Your weirdest "Doom running on..." videos?

    Now THIS one's awesome ^^
  10. Maximum Matt

    Drake O'Brien passed away.

    What did he say tho?
  11. Maximum Matt

    dark and griddy town

    Gettin griddy widdit
  12. ...but you should always tag your secrets, tho. That's just common sense.
  13. Maximum Matt

    A.I. Doom

    Looks promising
  14. Maximum Matt

    Worst official level?

    Maybe they're gonna lock this one too ;-)
  15. Maximum Matt

    Yo Doom is lit bros

    Nah, I agree. Keep Doom enemies Satanic, I say
  16. Maximum Matt

    1500 Ants or 1200 Flies?

  17. Maximum Matt

    Worst official level?

    As another enjoyer of '94 early works, I find both levels utterly hideous and their inclusion in that particular release of Doom being the equivalent of stapling your childhood finger painting to the Mona Lisa. The fact that these crap levels can be accessed in the first and second levels is the biggest insult - if you're gonna pull crap like that, put the secret level exit switch some random wall in the back of Gate To Limbo or something
  18. Maximum Matt

    Things about Doom you just found out

    Enemies have reduced accuracy when infighting specters, just like with Doomguy when he has the partial invisibility. Of course you will hardly ever notice it because naturally the specter will be close up to the enemy to bite it and trigger the infighting, but it does happen. All hail Decino and his mighty Doom vids - And how do I 'stop appearing in reports'? I don't get that one
  19. Maximum Matt

    Need help finding doom music

    This is the shit
  20. Maximum Matt

    (Semi) Blind Doom 1/2 Run and Thoughts

    Play Okuplok before you do Episode 3
  21. Maximum Matt

    Worst official level?

    Habitat is not that bad because you can literally finish it in twenty seconds without even needing to press the space bar, so even if that was embarrassingly unintentional, it still saves it from being the worst map in TNT. Baron's Den, however, forces you to fuck around in it for a goddamn hour with no shortcuts, and is Steve Buscemi ugly
  22. Maximum Matt

    Just because I just beat Go 2 It in UV

    Greatest map of all time. You are now officially a Doomlord.