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Everything posted by Mortrixs19

  1. Mortrixs19

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    ''I don't have a flashlight... I guess I'll have to use spells, cuz I can't see SHIT!''
  2. Mortrixs19

    Do you care about Doom Eternal spoilers?

    I will just avoid spoilers of things that I find important or interesting like the Identity of DS, the origin of the Marauder etc. If I need a bit more of context I'll just watch some random Doomtuber who spends 30 hours searching for every bit of lore
  3. Don't forget about the pinkies and the spectres, playing UD on nightmare actually makes me miss the SSG.
  4. Mortrixs19

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    7 year old me when mom gifts me a nerf
  5. In my opinion I did dislike both the pill and the Nazi censorship. Why? The pill looks damn ugly I'm glad they changed it back to a cross but green, which looks better imo. Now the Nazis, the reason why I disliked that they were removed is because it takes out the ''joke'' of the level. The secret levels without the Nazi symbols and the SS officers has no charm, It's dull and it looks bad, just a bunch of stone and wooden walls with a bunch of zombies in it. The fact that they took the music and replaced it with ''Doom'' is out of place, and they had the balls to play the track twice both in Map31 and Map32. So basically, if you take the Nazis out of the secret levels you take the thing that made them special and you end up having a large amount corridors filled with zombies, nothing interesting.
  6. Maybe the fact that the game could be done walking only was by accident or maybe because a lot of people didn't have a Mouse back then so ID could've taken this into consideration, and the vanilla keyboard controls for doom are kinda bad so it makes the gameplay a bit slower. My first play-through of doom was with keyboard only (vanilla keys) and I can say that it was a bit complicated but doable, I barely had to keep running to progress
  7. I think it's more similar to the quake 2 intro, where all the news channels are giving information about the invasion of the stroggs
  8. Mortrixs19

    unpopular retro opinions

    Wow, this thread suddenly came back to life. I guess I'll now post my unpopular opinions: Opposing force is the best half-life game. The sound effects in Mega man 2 (GB) are not as bad as some people say, I actually give them credits for the original soundtrack they composed. The ''non-linear'' levels in doom 1 are way more confusing than the ones in doom 2. Quake 2 is way better than quake 1 (Although a lot of people already said this) The controller of the N64 was ok. Pokemon Gold and Silver are not that good.
  9. He has the same shape of the head of the OG baron of hell/hell knight :0
  10. Doom slayer with black hair? Damn He was the Doom 3 marine all this time, lol Looks amazing btw.
  11. Mortrixs19

    Least favorite classic Doom or Doom 2 map?

    E2M5,E2M7,E2M9,E3M7,E4M1,E4M9 MAP12,MAP17,MAP21,MAP31 AND 32
  12. Mortrixs19

    Share a random fact about yourself

    That was like 4 years ago I don't even go to that school anymore, unless the teacher tracks me and dares to come where I live, it's very unlikely lmao.
  13. Mortrixs19

    Most Extreme Genre Of Music?

    Ultra Metal imo This band was one of the main inspirations for mayhem
  14. Mortrixs19

    Share a random fact about yourself

    I stole my laptop from school
  15. Mortrixs19

    Favorite Midis?

    Can I say all the hell revealed 2 soundtrack and legend of the black sun
  16. Mortrixs19

    React To The Profile Pic Above You

    Vietnamese dopefish?
  17. Mortrixs19

    dating the demons

    Imagine joining DW for the first time and this is the first post you see
  18. Mortrixs19

    What did you get for christmas in 2019?

    Chimera by Mayhem and MoRT by Blut Aus Nord. Never heard of Blut Aus Nord I'm enjoying them a lot.
  19. Mortrixs19

    What did you get for christmas in 2019?

    Clothes, money and some black metal albums.
  20. I usually do continuous play without saving during game in most megawads. I do pistol start when I want to improve the SkILLz or when I replay a wad.
  21. Mortrixs19

    C3M6 is WAY too hard

    Except that the original doom isn't that hard. Back in the 90s? Sure, dark lighting caused by old monitors, lack of mouse and there wasn't a WASD key combination yet. If you replay doom with dosbox, original controls and no mouse. the game becomes a bit more difficult. Today you can beat The original 3 episodes in UV if you wanted, let's face that people wasn't really skilled back then and the jump from wolf3d to doom was something. I say that we don't need a super hardcore WAD that tries to simulate the difficulty of a modern megawad, but we can't go for the original difficulty curve since it's just medium-easy.
  22. Mortrixs19

    Your favorite maps

    Plutonia - Map12, Map15, Map32, Map29 Alien Vendetta's - Map08, Map10, Map20, Map26 Plutonia 2 - Map10, Map15, Map17, Map25 Hell Revealed 2 - Map07, Map13, Map14, Map15, Map31, Map32, Map20, Map25, Map29 Memento Mori 2 - Map27 Eviternity - Map10, Map15, Map32, Map25 There are a lot of wads I played but these are the ones I enjoyed the most.