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Everything posted by Mortrixs19

  1. Mortrixs19

    Classic Doom level inconsistencies

    This also happens in map 06 of plutonia. The fountain with the berserk in the room full of demons
  2. Mortrixs19

    Is Final Doom Canon???

    I always thought they were canon at some point. Plutonia seems to take place after Doom II, the manual says that the UAC was now working with weapons or prototypes to defend earth from another demonic invasion. I'm not sure about TNT, so I believe it takes place after plutonia and before Doom 64. Just my opinion
  3. Mortrixs19

    Ambient noises mod

    This is a very nice dark ambient music pack https://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/addons/alternate-dark-ambient-music-pack
  4. Mortrixs19

    Were these commercial PWADs ever released for free?

    It's a shitty total conversion of Knee deep in the dead with new textures and sprites. You can get it from here: https://archive.org/details/lbdoom (Thanks to Owlman for the link) It's garbage, not good garbage like nuts.wad. This sucks and you are wasting your time if you want to play this.
  5. Mortrixs19

    [WIP] Mark`s Inferno (3 maps demo)

    I remember asking you if you could make some vanilla compatible wads and you said no lol. I want to see the other maps when they are done
  6. Odyssey of noises from plutonia hellwalker from urania the mortal coil from D2TWID
  7. i'm a dumbass and i'm ok with that

