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Mystic 256

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About Mystic 256

  • Rank
    Mystical purple fruit raccoon :3

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1980 profile views
  1. Mystic 256

    What method do you use to launch your pwads?

    I usually either drag and drop or use Doom Launcher
  2. Mystic 256

    Internet Archive is in trouble?

    a lot of old wad sites like Wad Archive have had their contents backed up on IA I'm worried about the possibility of lost wads if other media on IA get taken down
  3. Mystic 256

    What would you NOT want to see in dark ages?

    No Events things like Eternal had, I want to be able to earn every cosmetic item through gameplay at any time and not only on certain events which only last so long
  4. i would love to join some multiplayer doom sessions sometime
  5. Doomworld : Mystic256 Bethesda : MajaMystic256 User Page: https://mods.bethesda.net/en/doom_doomii/all?author_displayname=majamystic256 Thanks and Squeaks @Redneckerz I have been trying to upload a map still figuring it out
  6. I don't understand this uploading stuff? why it marked as unpublished?
  7. I tried uploading one of my older maps but couldn't figure out how to get it to work It seems like it uploaded but it doesn't show up on browse for me
  8. im confused why its in a kbf file instead of a wad file like the other resources
  9. Mystic 256

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    I guess I just have to wait until they get it processed, maybe it takes a day or two or something hopefully it shows up
  10. Mystic 256

    Doom Eternal Mod Support Added

    I wish I had a enough space and a better computer to try out the editor
  11. Mystic 256

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    I was just curious, because I tried to upload an old level I made called Watchpoint Station to test the wad uploading but it hasn't shown up in browse yet
  12. Mystic 256

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    how long does uploading wads usually take?
  13. it feels kinda sad that the internet has gotten smaller and more centralized over the years I miss all the various fun personalized sites people would make
  14. Some In progress screen shots of @Plerb and Me's map