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Everything posted by tobis87

  1. tobis87

    SIGIL v1.21 - New Romero megawad [released!]

    It's caused by the included dehacked patch which also breaks every ending of the other episodes. I modified it to only add the new par time. Additionally jump and crouch is allowed. https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1gVqLmegSpnBdYdV-RSGa_YQ5ik7LD7lH&export=download In my opinion the sky5 textures should be replace with more detailed once based on photos as in the other episodes.
  2. tobis87

    SIGIL v1.21 - New Romero megawad [released!]

    I noticed this bug in pre_v1.2, killing a lost soul leaves this textures permanent:
  3. tobis87

    Doom Neural Upscale 2X [v 1.0]

    Doom 1: WallTexture SW1BRN1, 64, 128 { Patch WALL02_2, 0, 56 Patch WALL02_2, 0, 0 Patch SW3S0, 16, 75 } Doom 2: WallTexture SW1BRN1, 128, 128 { Patch WALL62_1, 0, 0 Patch SW1S0, 48, 72 }
  4. tobis87

    Doom Neural Upscale 2X [v 1.0]

    That's my point the textures are different and not redundant: Have you noticed on the first two screenshots the sky is also different (you don't want to delete the doom2 sky textures): https://postimg.cc/gallery/2wtpnpiui/ Waifu2x is also an AI upscaler, but not as good as the Nvidia upscaler. Xbrz6x is just added for my taste (less pixelated).
  5. tobis87

    Doom Neural Upscale 2X [v 1.0]

    I don't think it is correct to delete them, as these are clearly different textures inside DOOM and DOOM.DOOM2. For my xbrz6x version I based it on the following structure - found here https://www.doomworld.com/forum/post/1999374: fiter ├── doom ├── doom.id.doom1 ├── doom.id.doom1.ultimate ├── doom.id.doom2 ├── doom.id.doom2.commercial ├── doom.id.doom2.plutonia └── doom.id.doom2.tnt My understanding is that everything inside doom is loaded, but when a textures with the same name is found in doom.id.doom2 it is used instead. I haven't seen this bug so far. @Squirb: in which map have you found it? The Upscaled Minor Spritefix is very nice work. I already have a xbrz6x version ready, but currently I still work on tnt textures (plutonia already upscaled with waifu2x + xbrz6x). A bug I had (maybe only because of my structure) is that iDKFA gives an invisible super shotgun in doom1. I had to move the SHT2xx sprites to doom.id.doom2.
  6. tobis87

    SIGIL v1.21 - New Romero megawad [released!] v1.1 -> v1.2 ============ Changes made by John Romero, dew, Flambeau, Keyboard_Doomer, Ubergewei, Xaser map1: - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - escape from lava in tight hallway on both sides - co-op ammo and lots of co-op monsters - final room has exit pulled out for easier movement - added co-op berserk in lava (thing 191) map2: - swapped actions on linedefs for a potentially faulty secret area eye switch: ld 1239 <-> ld 408, 409; also added action 24 to ld 1240 - added a trim sector to the secret area evil eye for proper texture alignment - changed RK door tracks ld 479, 914 from upper to lower unpegged - added tag 120 to ld 129, 145 so it's harder to not trigger the first elevator - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - added METAL as upper backside texture on linedefs 454, 455, 1061 and 1924 - realigned linedef 1348 - added co-op ammo and monsters map3: - swapped action linedefs for eye switches to avoid a softlock scenario where the eye closes but nothing in the map opens: eye 1: action 46 put on ld 1413, action 24 on ld 1415, 1502, 1503 eye 2: action 46 put on ld 1512, action 24 on ld 1352, 1353, 1511 eye 3: action 46 put on ld 1514, action 24 on ld 770, 771, 1514 - the outstanding cell charge without a cell weapon changed into three clips - added an extra MP-only radsuit to the blood hallway - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - added co-op ammo and monsters map4: - added backside lower texture (MARBLE3) to linedef 1926 - added a restart crusher action to linedef 2498 so the section is revisitable and players can search for missed secrets - placed action 24 with tag 46 on linedef 884 as backup for closing the eye switch in the eastern section - placed action 24 with tag 45 on ld 2072, 2073 as backup for closing the eye switch in the western section - changed linedefs 2021, 2030, 2042, 2049 to lower unpegged - distanced the lava island-raising lines by the YK door further apart to prevent a potential special hit (spechit) overflow that would trash demos - fixed lava island-raising not removing the damaging floor effect (torches added to islands to support this) - the outstanding cell charges in the final area without a matching cell weapon changed into two rockets on all skills each - added a MP-only chaingun to the center of the map - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - made ceilings higher in computer crusher maze - deactivated 3 crushers to make computer maze easier - moved spectre thing 85 to safe area - moved shotgunner thing 77 to safe area - made green crusher area easier by combining crushers and removing the separating midgrate - added shotgun thing 225 to make level start easier - changed hallway behind baron thing 37 to allow him to follow player into crusher area - changed floor textures on broken teleport pieces in blood pool to look different - changed height of all 3 skull key posts to stop speed runners from cheating - modified center path environment to look more interesting with metal beams - next to orange skull door added a secret cave with things 260-262 for ambushing player - behind orange skull door added stairs to prevent players from jumping up - added switch to outdoor lava area in a cave section to lower sector 535 - made bridge monster rooms bigger and added monster things 266-269 - removed computer map and added rad suit thing 239 - extended exit room and added several monsters - added a lift to lava room at end of green halls on the right; made easier to move around in lava - escape stairs out of lava next to raised bridge in green hall area on right - escape stairs out of lava close to soul sphere in green hall area on right - added co-op ammo and monsters map5: - added islands under the cybs to avoid lock-in damage when telefragging them - changed shells in the first secret into a shellbox - changed action on linedef 702 to walkover-repeatable to prevent a potential coop softlock in which the BK door would never get revealed - changed depth of hellcracks in the building to 24 so imps don't get stuck - put action 24 with tag 45 on ld 287, 2354 as backup for closing an eye switch - fixed ceiling of sector 266 to CEIL4_1 - changed linedef 1045 texture to METAL to fit its environment - added a MP-only chaingun into the cyber crossfire zone - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - changed lost soul hallway to have lifts, less lost souls - moved exit a little back from final fight - created lift to get out of wooden building lava - created a progression-blocking ceiling that lifts when you complete right-hand building - added co-op ammo and monsters - added shotgun thing 370 at start map6: - added action 38 with tag 10 to linedefs 3622, 3623, 2624 in the exit area in order to re-access the western section, so players can complete 100% secrets - removed the unpegged flag from linedefs 1227, 1243, 1257, 1263 - added a trim sector to the chainsaw room for proper door alignment - added a MP-only chaingun into the RK section - added an extra MP-only radsuit to the blood hallway - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - added co-op ammo and monsters map7: - moved the W1 floor raise action in the trap behind the RK door from l.1156 to l.5529 to prevent a softlock if the player's too fast and escapes the area - changed upper and lower sidedefs of linedef 3418 to METAL - changed linedefs 3414 and 3421 to METAL for door track alignment reasons - changed linedefs 3008, 3016, 3026, 3029, 3119, 3549 to lower unpegged - changed linedefs 5461, 5464, 5467, 5470 to upper unpegged - removed unpegged flags from linedef 3343 - the little pillars around the fort made consistently passable - the shotgunner cages in the fort walls made impassable - changed linedef 1585 to WR lift action - added a second cell charge by the exit room - added a super-secret SP chaingun - added a MP-only chaingun to start room - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - fixed alignment of linedef 54 texture - fixed missing lower unpegged on linedefs 3421, 3414 near the evil eye - added co-op ammo and monsters - added evil eye thing 398 to make opening the ruined wall easier - moved red torch thing 1 to make way for the evil eye - added baron of hell thing 389 to make the player pay for the BFG (hidden in alcove opened by linden 5540) - added UV cyb thing 390 that comes out when the barons do near the red skull key - final end building has 2nd set of stairs fixed so player cannot fall next to them map8: - swapped action linedefs for eye switches to avoid a softlock scenario where the eye closes but nothing in the map opens: eye 1: action 46 put on ld 2104, action 24 on ld 337, 338, 2106 eye 2: action 46 put on ld 229, action 24 on ld 14, 15, 230 - swapped actions on l. 337 and 2104 to ensure the start eye switch works right - swapped actions on l. 14 and 229 to ensure the start eye switch works right - reshaped linedefs that teleport lost souls into the start area to ensure they won't teleport the cyberdemon as well - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - moved stimpak t. 112 from 1904, -640 to 1874, -640 to prevent item floating - door opened by that same stimpak produces HOMs after activated, added FIRELAV2 to backsides of sidedefs: 1522, 1523, 1524 - added a horde of monsters after final cyb - added starting shotgun - added 2 imps and caco outside starting room - shortened the metal barrier in spider mastermind area - changed invulnerable to evil eye (baphomet's eye) - added 2nd baron thing 195 - added crushing ceiling trigger on linedef 605 - added several monsters for more difficulty - added lip to building to stop zero master - added co-op ammo and monsters map9: - added action 2 tag 18 to linedef 947 to force map progression trigger - switched action 22 tag 17 from l.2525 to l.2530, 2531 to better force a trigger - moved cell charges t. 228, 229 on the rampart to entice ammo-starved players - automap cleanup for consistent secret/hidden linedef flagging - aligned front lower textures of linedefs 588, 589 and 591 - added METAL as lower front texture on linedefs 2261, 2266, 2421 and 2426 - changed starting door to BIGDOOR7 on linedefs 28, 233, 234 - added shotgun shells at thing 239 to entice player to trigger linedef 2439 - changed several lost souls into imps in end room - added several more enemies in end room - added specters in the lava behind castle (things 248, 249) - added imps (things 250, 251) - added cacodemons (things 252, 253) and carved out a secret alcove for them that triggers on linedefs 588, 589, 591 - added shotgunner thing 254 - added imp thing 255 - added shotgun shells thing 256 - changed sector 210 tag from 14 to 35 - added teleport destinations to sectors tagged 14 (things 257, 258, 259) - added specters (things 260, 261, 262) - added shotgun shells thing 263 - added imp thing 264 - changed linedefs 747, 759, 799 to be lower unpegged - added secret tunnel to the left of thing 161 - added monsters (things 265, 266) - added stimpack thing 267 - added shotgunners things 268, 269 - added imp thing 270 General: - added UMAPINFO lump for any ports that support it (SIGIL.wad only)
  7. tobis87

    Doom Neural Upscale 2X [v 1.0]

    Fixed the issue with Plutonia texture and Arch-vile by including the original sized sprites (only 9) from hidfan.
  8. tobis87

    Doom Neural Upscale 2X [v 1.0]

    The Plutonia texture is bosfa0.png and can be found under /filter/doom.id.doom2.plutonia/hires/monsters/EndBossBox In the root folder the decorate.dec for the Arch-vile can be found: ACTOR ArchvileNUS : Archvile Replaces Archvile 64 { Scale 1 Health 700 Radius 20 Height 56 Mass 500 Speed 15 PainChance 10 Monster MaxTargetRange 896 +QUICKTORETALIATE +FLOORCLIP +NOTARGET SeeSound "vile/sight" PainSound "vile/pain" DeathSound "vile/death" ActiveSound "vile/active" MeleeSound "vile/stop" Obituary "$OB_VILE" States { Spawn: VILE AB 10 A_Look Loop See: VILE AABBCCDDEEFF 2 A_VileChase Loop Missile: VILE G 0 Bright A_VileStart VILE G 10 Bright A_FaceTarget VILE H 8 Bright A_VileTarget VILE IJKLMN 8 Bright A_FaceTarget VILE O 8 Bright A_VileAttack VILE P 20 Bright Goto See Heal: VILE [ 10 Bright VILL A 10 Bright VILE ] 10 Bright Goto See Pain: VILE Q 5 VILE Q 5 A_Pain Goto See Death: VILE Q 7 VILE R 7 A_Scream VILE S 7 A_NoBlocking VILE TUVWXY 7 VILE Z -1 Stop } }
  9. tobis87

    Doom Neural Upscale 2X [v 1.0]

    Two bugs which I noticed: - One Texture is not displayed with the correct size in Plutonia Experiment - One Sprite of the Arch-vile is not displayed with the correct size
  10. tobis87

    Doom Neural Upscale 2X [v 1.0]

    Because you would loose the work which hidfan already did:
  11. tobis87

    Doom Neural Upscale 2X [v 1.0]

    hidfan, thank you for this awesome work! I prefer to have a free of pixels version. Therefore I have batch-processed all textures with xBRZ 6x and run them through PngOptimizer (saving 200 mb uncompressed). This now includes all later patches: Removed some artifacts of a Doom texture and Doom 2 menu. Recalculated and reset the offsets. Fixed issue with Plutonia texture and Arch-vile https://drive.google.com/uc?id=14u_qQ6OmPV4MpSVnTURxXjXPnDWNP55Q&amp;export=download 890,1 mb compressed, sha256sum - 0fc04f001b2d1074d324f3f32938e7d33be966498feb2f8d4df0368c1f26c47f