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Elio AF

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Everything posted by Elio AF

  1. Elio AF

    Doom -1: A Doomworld Experiment

    MAP23 is architecturally complete now. Also added a few textures. NEGATIVEONE_v0.92.zip
  2. Elio AF

    Doom -1: A Doomworld Experiment

    No problem, mate. I'm working on map 23 rn
  3. Elio AF

    Doom -1: A Doomworld Experiment

    Yooo just wanted to let you know I currently have the file
  4. Elio AF

    Doom -1: A Doomworld Experiment

    Who has the file right now? Please delete the player start behind the Mancubi on MAP23, I placed it there for testing purposes and forgot to delete it, thanks! Also, I'm claiming map23, until I finish the basis ofc. :D
  5. Elio AF

    Doom -1: A Doomworld Experiment

    Started map 23, uploaded an old map 22. (seriously, someone seriously should improve map 22) NEGATIVEONE_v0.79.zip
  6. Elio AF

    Doom -1: A Doomworld Experiment

    Can I- can I take it?
  7. Vanilla or limit removing. At most, boom, but I don't prefer that.
  8. TNT.wad is suggested as the IWAD. Just cuz the music is better, and I didn't bother changing it in the wad yet.
  9. Here's the current version. MAP01-05 are completed, MAP06 is incomplete (it's started but it's very abstract and incomplete for now), MAP07-08 are also completed, and so is MAP10. MAP09 isn't even started. You may want to use the -changemap console command on GZDoom (though the maps were designed for a pistol start, it puts you on the upper hand using all the weaponry you've collected so far)
  10. I don't mind linking it here, though. I just felt like discord would be more convenient. Whatever you like is just fine :)
  11. We all had those "this map doesn't belong here, right?" moment. I mean, it's hard to think about E4M3 as an E4M3 when they hit you hardcore with that E4M2. Or even E4M4. E3M8? E3M7? Not very hard maps, for sure. Bloodfalls surely wasn't a hard map either. Not after the weight loss "the chasm" was. But that's just my opinion. I want to hear everyone's opinions on the most anti-climactic, that doesn't belong in that map slot map in all of released doom.
  12. Let's say you have the all-ghosts effect enabled intentionally. Is there any way to revert back to a solid thing or exit the map? (The map I'm talking about has a W1 Exit linedef.)
  13. Of course, I've read that hundreds of times, but it seems it didn't happen on the video. Maybe I simply missed it, but I didn't see a hitscan attack crossing over 128 linedefs/things.
  14. Oh, and if you don't mind explaining, what caused the effect in said footage?
  15. Ah, that sucks. Thank you very much for your answer!
  16. Elio AF

    Unpopular Doom Opinions

    Ultimate Doom: Limbo is a decent map. Not hard to memorize. Unholy Cathedral is not hard to memorize. Episode 3 is the best of the bunch. Episode 1 is my least favorite. Unruly Evil is not that bad. "Demons on the Prey" is the best soundtrack, hands down. Doom II: Monster Condo is one of the best maps. Nirvana doesn't suck as much as most people say. Downtown is a great map, Suburbs absolutely sucks. Final Doom: Mount Pain and Metal are not that bad. (Maybe I'm biased bc of the music) Ballystix is my favorite map. Mill is the worst. All of Plutonia sucks. Go 2 it sucks. Speed is the best map. I'm not a fan of brutal doom. I don't like it at all.
  17. 3 maps, may not run properly with crispy doom or prboom+, but runs with GZDoom, ZDoom, Zandronum and Skulltag. WTSC.zip It's called "Welcome to Sin City" and it was finished in 4 hours. Replaces maps 1-3. No jumping/crouching allowed. Freelook isn't allowed either, but to a lesser extent. 3 challenging hell maps. Can you beat them? MAP01: MAP02: MAP03:
  18. Thank you so much for this video. Not only is it great content (I subbed), but it's also pretty constructive. I was able to fix a lot of things today thanks to this. I put a teleporter to return on map 1, also removed 2 of the annoying barons (even 4 of them are barely a challenge, just tedious), fixed that unfair lift in map 2, added a switch to make the final secret of map 2 accessible (you didn't find it, and tbh it included flipping a torch ((A FRICKING TORCH)) ). Also fixed a bug on itytd with the red key (which was in a different place, as intended, but blue) and right now, I'm refining that yellow key section on map 3, to not only make it less annoying, but free the stuck enemies. Also fixed the broken secret count on map 1 (technically has 1 secret, with the other being inaccessible, so you got all of them).
  19. Map 3 is bugged: 4 cacodemons that are supposed to only appear on medium also appear on hard, so they are stuck on 4 cacospectres. Also on Map 1 on ITYTD, the red key appears blue. I'll make sure to fix these bugs.
  20. Great job beating it! 100% secrets is unfortunately impossible, due to there being another secret in the dm area (which I forgot to remove).
  21. Already finished recording the walkthrough if anyone needs it! https://youtu.be/V_tHSsrO42A
  22. Elio AF


    I wanted feedback on my maps but it flopped. So I edited them today.
  23. Elio AF

