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Elio AF

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Everything posted by Elio AF

  1. Elio AF

    The Gentleman's Doom recording.

    Thank you for the feedback, but I must say, I am not intending to change the maps' monster placement. For a newcomer they might be slightly hard, but their intention is being hard. Sad to see you couldn't beat it :( maybe I should make a walkthrough of it EDIT::: Already did:
  2. Elio AF

    The Gentleman's Doom recording.

    Fairly difficult speedmaps. May have incompatabilities with vanilla-based source ports, but runs with GZDoom or Zandronum. Uses vanilla format, occupies slots map1-3. WTSC.zip
  3. Elio AF

    Any speedmapping sessions soon?

    I actually think of speedmapping as my own "game". I tend to run out of ideas if I stretch a map over the span of more than a few hours.
  4. Elio AF

    Any speedmapping sessions soon?

    Bruh I'm already full of 30-minute maps. I kinda want to make a community project? I just don't think there would be a lot of anticipation.
  5. Elio AF


    Hello?? :(
  6. Elio AF

    My first doom maps! Enjoy!

    @Morpheus666 ahaha sorry I was actually talking to John on that other line. So it's either him or me who should fix it. Map is actually kinda beautiful.
  7. Elio AF

    My first doom maps! Enjoy!

    Map 1 has a spiderdemon, 6 arch-viles, countless revenants, mancubi, hell knights that will teleport in, chaingunners, plasmagunners that raiseis from the ground, and you think it was easier?
  8. Elio AF

    My first doom maps! Enjoy!

    I couldn't agree more. If you (or I) fix the monster placement to make it even a bit fair, I can even put it as E4M7. What were you even thinking putting that thing as map 1 and caves as the harder one?
  9. Elio AF

    My first doom maps! Enjoy!

    Well since I'm here, I might as well give you some feedback. The first map was significantly harder than the second map, even though it was more beautifully designed. The start was absolutely tedious, thank god I check the maps out on GZDoom Builder first. Now you think 4 archviles is bad enough? They give you 8 revenants and chaingunner. Clearly, Plutonia inspired you for this one. The rest is trivial. The end is tedious. No one would know about the rocket launcher, that part is unfair, I died since I didn't grab the invulnerability. Please review this map otherwise I will not include it. The second map lacked details, was a bit confusing as well, but it had much better balance. I haven't played it in days, so let me replay it for a better taste.
  10. Elio AF

    My first doom maps! Enjoy!

    Indeed I screwed up the quote. If I decide to put in the wad, I'll make sure to fix it
  11. Elio AF

    My first doom maps! Enjoy!

    Also I'm assuming these maps are for me? I've played caves before, but the spider one seems new
  12. Elio AF

    My first doom maps! Enjoy!

    Yeah he's my cousin lol. Not very surprised to see you here
  13. Elio AF

    My first doom maps! Enjoy!

    Actually, the map is intended to grab a plasmagun and a megasphere before proceeding with the switch room. Try going to the other door, where the arrow was pointing. Please give it another shot after also acquiring the super shotgun. I think I'll fix that, by placing a mandatory switch in the plasmagun room to unlock the archvile door
  14. E2M9 of Doom (Honorable mentions include E1M5, E3M1, E4M6) Map 21 for Doom 2 (Honorable mentions include map 9, 12, 16 and 24) Map 18 for TNT (Honorable mentions include map 20, 21, 22) Map 32 for Plutonia (don't @ me, I just don't like slaughter maps, imo carelessly placing enemies to make it "challenging" is bad map design) Though I am biased since I mostly dislike Plutonia's maps.
  15. Elio AF

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    One full speedmap megawad Mostly speedmaps but also a 2-3 "more than 2 days" maps (most maps were done within 2-3 hours or so) Originally had a mapinfo, but I'm keeping it vanilla. Currently I have 18 maps, so if I want to, I can release it with the addition of just two maps I guess?
  16. Elio AF


  17. Elio AF


    Hello everyone, I took a shortmapping session a few days/months ago and I am sharing the maps here. There are 6 maps in total, and they took around 10-11 hours to complete (throughout 4 months ofc). 1 of the maps is not a shortmap, I must say, otherwise, most of the maps took around 1-2 hours to complete. These will appear in the doom 2 megawad, The New Horizons 2, so feedback is very welcome! Here you can download it: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pv6xazw3i80s8hv/TNH2E3.zip/file Or even this zip: It will be on doomworld in a few days hopefully. The maps are pretty short, but can be difficult. Jumping is not allowed, but I'll allow looking up/down. Only tested with Zandronum, GZDoom, ZDoom and Skulltag. Known to not work on vanilla/chocolate as far as I know, as well as GLBoom and PRBoom Also note that these are the maps I made for episode 3, ranging from E3M1-E3M7 (E3M6 is missing). Again, I am looking forward to feedback! Oh! And I guess some screenshots too:
  18. Elio AF


    Thanks for the support!
  19. Elio AF


    Yo, dude, there's no need to be rude. I'm still trying to fix the sky texture. And I admit that 2-3 outdoor areas were kinda badly laid out but there's just no need to trash on them.
  20. Elio AF


    No, it didn't. You said so yourself, the spiderdemon and the arch-viles were tedious, or not?
  21. Elio AF


    You just said that didn't matter, as long as you kill monsters.
  22. Elio AF


    Why not just make this map a huge slaughtermap with hordes of monsters everyone and with wide-open areas and with hundreds of megaspheres, people seem to like those. Why even detail the map when you just want to "rip and tear"?
  23. Elio AF


    I didn't say I can't improve the map itself, but I just want to make it clear that I like the map in its current state, I wanted to say that I disagree on some points you brought up.
  24. Elio AF


    Then why do people even bother to make designs? I think you missed the point of map 6...
  25. Elio AF


    Wdym? I think map 6 is a representation of my perspective on doom. I like doom maps that are long, non-linear to an extent (though this map wasn't non-linear) and confusing, also posing a significant threat to the player. I don't think it's an awful map at all